SE 31: Climate Change

《Speak Up & Engage》Podcast

Greta Thunberg has been prolific on Social Media and traditional media spreading a message of Climate Change.

Which side of the fence are YOU sitting on? Do you agree or disagree? There is an argument for both sides and today, our hosts Toby, Laura and Bridget dive deep into what Climate Change is, how we do our part and why it’s a problem.

Our Toby isn’t so convinced and recommends that we all do our own research on the subject so that we can make up our own minds as to the actions we take.

One thing all three agree on though is that this world and environment DOES need our attention and if we keep chasing money over longevity, we will ALL pay a very heavy price!

Tune in to Speak Up and Engage and enjoy the exploration into a subject that has everyone thinking twice…Or even three times, thanks to the courage of a 16 year old girl!

The post SE 31: Climate Change appeared first on The Wellness Couch.








