It started with Bruno From Sunny South Africa talking about an album that was a "bottom three" album or "top five" or whatever. Arbitrary rankings without context is hard. So, Kousin Tim called on all the "Asylum Inmates" to submit their own KISS Album Rankings. Unbeknownst to any of them, Kousin Tim didn't really have a plan for the rankings, not unlike a dog chasing a car - what to do once you catch it? So, the Kousins decided to do a comparison and cumulative ranking based on the submissions by Jim From Irwin, Jem From Alabama, Nick Provenzano, Steve from Podder Than Hell/I Remember Now, Bruno, and Eugene B Sims. Kousin Marvin, Kousin Gary, and Kousin Ray didn't know what any of the others had submitted. So, after the Inmates' subs were tallied, Kousin Tim brought back the 2021 rankings from the Kousins and factored them in, as well. That gave a cumulative score of a total of 10 KISS fans. Out of 100, that's 10%, so it's a pretty good representation. The albums ranked were: All studio albums from KISS (debut) through Monster, all four solo albums, all four "Alive" (Alive!, Alive II, Alive III, Alive IV - Symphony), Double Platinum, Killers, Smashes Thrashes & Hits, and Unplugged. Calls by Jem From Alabama and Bruno From Sunny South Africa. "Now Listenings" and "Let Me Know." How would you rank the 32 albums that the whole Asylum Family's standings? Let us know by calling the TLDNetwork (KUZZ Army) hotline and leaving a message for the Kousins at 336-422-NUMB (6862). We have Instagram and Twitter. We can't ask for those "enjoy" things and for you to keep getting updates because Facebook doesn't like that. Pfft... This podcast was recorded in the Omniverus Studios at Liberty Plaza and connected via Zoom, sponsored by Top Leaf Cigar Lounge.