The Power of Identification to Build Employee and Customer Connection | Aaron Painter

CX Conversations

Today we talk about the power of identification to build employee and customer connection, so we brought on Aaron Painter who is the CEO at Nametag. He explains what makes good customer experience and that comes down to how employees are treated and how they treat customers. Companies need to help employees feel and understand that their opinions matter, which will help create connection with the company and even create culture as these employees interact with the customer.

  • Aaron’s background 1:00
  • What makes good customer experience? 4:40
  • Building culture of happy employees 8:13
  • Why is customer support such a hard job in today’s world? 11:44
  • Benefitting both employee and customer and why he build Nametag 15:54
“It’s crazy that in today’s world so much can happen from your mobile phone except actually proving who you really are, so it led me down this path of something I’ve been on a lot, which was cyber security and privacy and this intersection with identity and just understanding who customers are because we all know in our field of marketing more broadly, the better we know our customers, the better we can tailor the overall customer experience.” 2:06








