Visionary Lifestyle Podcast

Magdalena Freedom Rod
《Visionary Lifestyle Podcast》Podcast

The Visionary Lifestyle Podcast is a seasonal weekly Variety Show Featuring: Interviews, Topic Based Episodes, and Q & A shows. I’m your host, Magda Freedom Rod: Health and lifestyle guide, mother, yoga instructor, environmentalist, conscious eating expert, content creator and world traveling digital nomad. On the show you’ll hear interviews with: Inspiring soulutionaries, change makers, thought leaders, social entrepreneurs, activists, conscious media makers, authors, yogis, conscious musicians and more. Topics include: yoga, conscious eating, meditation, Ayurveda, sustainability, alternative health, healing, spirituality, activism, non-toxic living and many more. “My mission is to inspire, educate and empower in order to activate the highest potential of individuals and our collective world in such a way that we create a healthy, thriving humanity and a sustainable planet.” It’s my hope that this podcast will serve as a clarion call to gather the tribe that is interested in being the change we wish to see in the world. I believe that as we become activated into our own highest potential through the use of tools including yoga, conscious eating and meditation, we become empowered to deliver our gifts to the world. The Visionary Lifestyle is about raising consciousness on the planet. We believe in self love, animal love and planet love. Join us. Visit to learn more, read show notes and submit comments and questions. There is an out of pocket expense for each episode and your support is appreciated. Donations gratefully received at Namaste

  1. VLP S8 8 Amisha Ghadiali:The Future is Beautiful


    VLP S8 8 Amisha Ghadiali:The Future is Beautiful

    Greeting Rainbow Warriors How's everybody doing?? I know it’s been a while since I’ve published an episode and I am so grateful for your patience. I am coming to you today from the south of France where I’m currently just north of the magical and powerful Pyrenees and just about wrapping this round of my pilgrimage to Mary Magdalene. As I’ve dived into her teachings I’m learning that I have been teaching many of the same things, and it’s blowing my mind. I feel a strong resonance with her story and her energy. I hope you’re following my instagram account where I’ve been sharing lots on my feed and my daily stories about the journey and all the sacred sites I’ve visited. Check that out at @visionary_lifestyle_guide.  Guys this pilgrimage to the Divine Feminine has been life-changing. I’m finally understanding why I’ve been called to Paris and the south of France for over 3 decades. I’ve discovered that Mary Magdalene spent a significant part of her life here in France, and that Paris is actually named for the Goddess Isis, and that Mary Magdalene was trained as a priestess in the temple of Isis. It’s said that beneath Notre Dame, in the very heart and center of Paris, is a temple of Isis. Check the name guys:Paris-par isis. This is why it’s so significant that Notre Dame burned recently. This event can be interpreted as a literal blowing off the roof of the patriarchy that has been dominating most religions and the world for the last 2000 years. The time of the Divine Feminine is upon us. Women are rising up like never before to claim their place in the world and deliver their gifts in service to Mother Earth and all her creatures. THIS is the shakti force that is turning the tides here on planet earth right now.  I am writing about this a lot so you will be the first to know when my two books are ready. And stay tuned for my upcoming season on Shakti Power, with interviews with some of the most intriguing female leaders and activists of our time.  The Dalai Lama has said that the western woman will save the world, and I’m bringing you some stellar examples of these women who are living their lives in service to the greater good. And this my beloveds, is what brings me to today's guest, as she, is one of these women. Amisha Ghadiali, is an award-winning social entrepreneur whose career has included demanding roles in the political, sustainability and tech start-up worlds. She has combined managing a high pressure lifestyle with her deep knowledge of sustainable living, mindfulness and yoga. Her knowledge and experience in different industries makes it easy for her to connect to your daily world and bring that extra illumination which makes it all flow. Her own “burn out” whilst “trying to save the world” led her into training as a yoga and meditation teacher, which in turn opened a giant rabbit hole deeper into the mystical realms. In addition to over 1000 hours of teacher training in Yoga & Meditation, she has trained as a priestess, reiki master and intuitive energy healer. She brings all this depth and her fascination with the relationship of our inner and outer worlds, to her work. Amisha is a writer and speaker on all aspects of conscious and green living. She edited the collaborative book, The Future Is Beautiful – A Collection from Think Act Vote,  coining the term Creative Activism and bringing together ideas and artwork from over two hundred contributors to inspire a brighter future.  She’s recently launched a membership portal called the Presence Collective and also has a podcast titled:The Future Is Beautiful . I see Amisha as an Eco Warrior and Visionary Activist. Amisha is like a rainbow, like me, with loads of interests and projects happening all at once.  I met her at Bali Spirit Festival a couple of years ago now, and continue to watch her from afar as she makes valuable contributions to the collective. In this conversation we discuss: Mystical healing

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  2. VLP S8 6 Phil Dickenson Yoga For Nature


    VLP S8 6 Phil Dickenson Yoga For Nature

    Greeting beloved rainbow warriors, earth lovers and sacred activists.I’m coming to you today from beautiful Bali. I thought this interview would be the perfect compliment to earth day week. And can we just talk about earth day for a minute? That’s EVERY DAY, right guys? But officially this is the 10th anniversary of Mother earth day, according to the UN. The Resolution was introduced in 2009 by Bolivia and endorsed by over 50 member states. The term Mother Earth is used because it "reflects the interdependence that exists among human beings, other living species and the planet we all inhabit" Can I get an amen!? So in celebration of so much of the world paying attention to this life or death reality, I thought it good to focus on Yoga for the earth today. If you’ve been listening to the show for any amount of time, you know that I’m passionate about the environment and yoga, so what do you expect haha. ‘Now before I get to todays guest, I want to share a recent itunes review with you. Gina says”Magda is fabulous. Her podcast is so comprehensive of all things yogi, visionary activism etc. She interviews some INCREDIBLE people from all over the world and I am lucky to have found her work and learn from her.If you’re looking to learn something new or enhance what you already know, definitely listen. It’s my transportation listening go-to. Thank you Gina, I’m thrilled you’re getting so much value here. And to the rest of you, please write tour itunes review so I can share that on the show, and let’s get all people listening and awakening to the power of the yogic path to create positive change here on our beloved Mother Earth. And one more thing my nature-loving peeps, I’m offering a yoga retreat in the south of France this August 2-9 where we’ll be doing yoga on the earth daily, among chateaus and sunflowers guys. No joke. This is the retreat of my dreams and it’s going to be a small group so if this calls you find all the info on my facebook page Visionary LIfestyle and Podcast or search the word sunflowers on my website at Ok! On to todays show and my favorite topic… for nature! Philip Dickenson is an award winning producer/director who walked away from the TV industry to be an active humanitarian and environmentalist. In 2015 he created Yoga For Nature a non profit with the intention to inspire the global Yoga community to establish a new era of peace and love in the world. Phil is also the founder of newly launched Forest Smoothie, the world’s first Café Conservation Project. You’ll hear in the interview how I came across Phil's work at Bali Spirit Festival. In this interview, Phil shares his personal journey to becoming a true yogi, or “a yogi all the time” as he puts it. This is a heartwarming story of one man’s journey of aligning his life with his values.  He’s on a mission to raise awareness about the need for social change in regards to environmental, animal and human rights. One avenue for this is Yoga for Natures attempt to turn yoga studios into hubs for social change. Phil has created an Invitation to the global yoga community to take their practice off the mat. Some of his merchandise includes slogans like My asana is vegan and Yoga can change the world. So this is an opportunity for you to get involved by suggesting the studio you practice at to dedicate a class to Yoga for Nature. Or, if you’re s studio owner, you have the power to help your clientele get more engaged in true yoga by raising awareness about these issues and taking action . His latest project is the forest smoothie, which plants a tree for every superfood smoothie sold. If you’re in the restaurant biz or frequenting conscious restaurants, this is an invitation for you to spread the word, make a difference and earn a bunch of good karma points while you’re at it.. I hope this interview sparks your activist heart and inspires you to take some action on

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The Visionary Lifestyle Podcast is a seasonal weekly Variety Show Featuring: Interviews, Topic Based Episodes, and Q & A shows. I’m your host, Magda Freedom Rod: Health and lifestyle guide, mother, yoga instructor, environmentalist, conscious eating expert, content creator and world traveling digital nomad. On the show you’ll hear interviews with: Inspiring soulutionaries, change makers, thought leaders, social entrepreneurs, activists, conscious media makers, authors, yogis, conscious musicians and more. Topics include: yoga, conscious eating, meditation, Ayurveda, sustainability, alternative health, healing, spirituality, activism, non-toxic living and many more. “My mission is to inspire, educate and empower in order to activate the highest potential of individuals and our collective world in such a way that we create a healthy, thriving humanity and a sustainable planet.” It’s my hope that this podcast will serve as a clarion call to gather the tribe that is interested in being the change we wish to see in the world. I believe that as we become activated into our own highest potential through the use of tools including yoga, conscious eating and meditation, we become empowered to deliver our gifts to the world. The Visionary Lifestyle is about raising consciousness on the planet. We believe in self love, animal love and planet love. Join us. Visit to learn more, read show notes and submit comments and questions. There is an out of pocket expense for each episode and your support is appreciated. Donations gratefully received at Namaste








