Smart Women Talk

Smart Women Talk
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Your energy, beliefs, and support systems will often affect your ability to attract vibrant wealth, health, and happiness into your life. Host, Katana Abbott, CFP® CSA, CSSCS, Retirement Income Coach, founder of The Midlife Millionaire® Solution and the Smart Women Companies is here to address cutting-edge topics and bring you bestselling authors and thought-leaders, so you can live with more purpose, passion, and prosperity! Follow Smart Women Talk on your favorite podcast platform! You can also WATCH Smart Women Talk on Smart Women TV @ Website: Facebook: Twitter: @SmartWomEmpower

  1. 5 ВЕР.

    What Women Need to Know about Social Security with Colleen Kilpatrick and Katana Abbott, CFP®

    Join Colleen and Katana as they discuss:  Why it's important to understand how planning for retirement has changed.Unique challenges women face in retirement planning.Ways to optimize your Social Security strategy for more income with less taxes.  Katana Abbott, CFP®, is a Midlife Millionaires® Coach and Certified Social Security Claiming Specialist, founder of the Midlife Millionaire® Solution, and the host of Smart Women Talk. For over 35 years, Katana has helped baby boomers plan for retirement, including how to create lifetime income, how to optimize their Social Security benefits, launch an encore career and prepare for long-term care. She has written several books, created a financial literacy course, and is a popular speaker. Katana has been honored by NAWBO as one of Detroit’s Top 10 Businesswomen, receiving the Breakthrough Award.   To download Katana's new retirement guide, Three Smart Strategies to Maximize Your Retirement Income, visit   Colleen Kilpatrick is a multi-talented business owner, creative collaborator and author of the transformational book, Eliminate What You Tolerate: A simple, proven way to regain focus, increase productivity, and liberate your energy for the more important things in life.   Colleen is the creator of Business Brainstorming Sessions and Toleration Elimination Virtual Parties as well as a range of other business and personal development programs. She is celebrated for her exceptional ability to break down complex concepts into practical, step-by-step solutions that can be understood and implemented with ease. With her extensive experience in marketing, business innovation, personal development and spiritual teachings, Colleen brings a unique perspective to her work with entrepreneurs inspiring them to unlock their full potential and courageously share their best gifts with the world. To learn more about Colleen, visit

    40 хв
  2. 25 СЕРП.

    How to Dig Yourself Out of Debt and Repair Your Credit Score with Howard Dvorkin, CPA

    How to Dig Yourself Out of Debt and Repair Your Credit Score with Howard Dvorkin, CPA Join Howard and Katana as they discuss: Simple steps to take charge of your credit card debt now.Smart tips to improve your credit score.When filing bankruptcy may be your best option.Howard S. Dvorkin, CPA, MBA, is one of the most highly regarded debt and credit experts in the United States. His success in the financial industry has allowed him to be interviewed by countless media outlets over the years, including The New York Times, Fortune, Entrepreneur, The American Banker, and Investor’s Business Daily. He has also appeared as a finance expert on programs, including CBS Nightly News, ABC World News Tonight, The Early Show, Fox News, and CNN. Howard has played an instrumental role in drafting both state and federal legislation, served as a former consultant to the Board of Directors for the Association of Credit Counseling Professionals, and was president of the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies. Howard’s latest book, Power Up: Taking Charge of Your Financial Destiny, provides consumers with the detailed tools they need to live debt-free and regain their financial freedom. It delivers practical prescriptions for dealing with the stresses of daily financial challenges and shows how to lay a solid financial foundation to build a secure, worry-free future. Howard’s first book, Credit Hell – How to Dig Out of Debt, detailed how to rise from the debt inferno, the basics of good credit, consumer rights, and the warning signs leading to credit problems. His passion for entrepreneurial enterprise is only matched by his dedication to giving back to the community. Howard graduated from the University of Miami with a master’s degree in business administration and received his Bachelor of Science in Accounting from American University. To learn more about Howard, visit or

    32 хв


Your energy, beliefs, and support systems will often affect your ability to attract vibrant wealth, health, and happiness into your life. Host, Katana Abbott, CFP® CSA, CSSCS, Retirement Income Coach, founder of The Midlife Millionaire® Solution and the Smart Women Companies is here to address cutting-edge topics and bring you bestselling authors and thought-leaders, so you can live with more purpose, passion, and prosperity! Follow Smart Women Talk on your favorite podcast platform! You can also WATCH Smart Women Talk on Smart Women TV @ Website: Facebook: Twitter: @SmartWomEmpower

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