Brainstoryum: Short Stories and Writing Prompts

Anna Tizard
Brainstoryum: Short Stories and Writing Prompts

Brainstorm stories using the surrealist word game of Exquisite Corpse - a creative writing challenge you'll never forget! Hosted by award-winning dreampunk & fantasy author Anna Tizard. The game produces strange, often hilarious sentences, but after a bit of head-scratching (and tea drinking!), they inspire weird & unexpected stories. This show has evolved: Shows 37 & later focus more on storytelling, and the story brainstorms are deeper & richer. Shows 28-33 are Alice in Wonderland specials. Earlier shows include profound discussions on writing before game play. Dive in and don't look back!

  1. 15 FEB

    #74. Creature Feature: Learning How to Approach Monster Stories

    Whether you like horror or not, fantasy is all about confrontation with the strange and the impossible. Join award-winning fantasy and dreampunk author, Anna Tizard, in an exploration of creature themes, with tips, tricks and tools you can use to develop your writing in new, exciting ways. Naturally, there’s plenty of experimentation with ideas, as Anna uses the surrealist word game of Exquisite Corpse to generate short story ideas while applying new-found learning around the topic of writing monsters. A fascinating exploration of writing craft. Ignite yourimagination with these short story ideas for the ultimate writing prompt challenge. Your weekend is not weird enough (or creative enough) without Brainstoryum! Subscribe for free to Anna Tizard’s private email list andreceive an e-book to begin your journey into The Book of Exquisite Corpse (includesexclusive material not published anywhere else). Go to Hello imaginative people! I’m Anna Tizard and this is episode 74 of Brainstoryum. Now, in my last collection of short stories, the theme of Portals and Immortals (which became the title), seemed to emerge of its own accord, intuitively, as I began to recognise these ideas cropping up in my otherwise very different stories. And so it was almost in retrospect – or certainly after I’d got most of the first drafts written – that I made that firm decision to go with that theme. And really it influenced my final decisions on which stories to include in that collection, and not much else. But this time, I want to do more. Now that I’m trying to build towards a new collection (it’s high time I put another one together), I feel like I want to be more proactive. I have observed a theme emerging. But I feel like I have lots to learn, and I’d like to use this show to share some of my learning process along the way; and that’s good, because part of the pleasure and the excitement of being an author is to learn; you’re always learning. And as this is a story brainstorming show, and my listeners send me words which then turn into writing prompts… Why not share more of my thoughts and my learning through my process of writing and experimenting with stories? The theme that I’m already slightly obsessed with, and if you glance back at some of the latest story brainstorms, you’ll notice it’s there: isweird creatures.Sometimes monsters but not always. Creatures can include ghosts, dragons, creatures from fairytales, mythology, we’ve had a few kelpies on the show; and characters who aren’t completely human. I’m not a horror writer; sometimes I dip into horror themes or get a bit scary; but if you’ve listened to the last show, the Trope Special, you’ll already understand that authors potentially borrow story elements from all different genres. I don’t like gore. If I’m reading a book with a bit of gore in it I might grit my teeth and get through it IF I’m particularly enjoying that book for its story and characters. So ifyouare not a horror reader (or a horror writer), or even if you don’t feel that drawn to the idea of monsters, I firmly believe there will be plenty going on in this show to entice and stir your imagination.

    48 min
  2. 1 FEB

    #73. The Trope Special: How to Make Your Short Stories and Novels Even More Original and Exciting by Using Tropes

    Can tropes – story ideas which have been churned around and repeated for centuries, if not millennia – actually improve your stories and make them more original? Join award-winning fantasy and dreampunk author, Anna Tizard, in an exploration of story tropes, with tips, tricks and tools you can use to develop your writing in new, exciting ways. Naturally, there’s plenty of experimentation with ideas, as Anna uses the surrealist word game of Exquisite Corpse to generate short story ideas before testing out different tropes and seeing what happens next. A fascinating exploration of writing craft. Ignite your imagination with these short story ideas for the ultimate writing prompt challenge. Your weekend is not weird enough (or creative enough) without Brainstoryum! Subscribe for free to Anna Tizard’s private email list and receive an e-book to begin your journey into The Book of Exquisite Corpse (includes exclusive material not published anywhere else). Go to INTRO: Hello imaginative people! I’m Anna Tizard and this is episode 73 of Brainstoryum. Now, in the last couple of weeks, it seems I’ve become a little bit obsessed with tropes – or re-obsessed with tropes, as this is an aspect of my writing journey that I’ve explored before, but I just haven’t yet shared it on Brainstoryum. (Or experimented with them on here – as this podcast isn’t just about sharing my writing process and story ideas, it’s also my imaginative playground for experimenting and, well, learning.) It’s funny, because every introduction I’ve come across, either in a book or a podcast or a blog on tropes, begins by acknowledging that a lot of writers think tropes are a dirty word and that they seem to represent the exact opposite of what we are gunning for as creative writers of fiction. We want new ideas, and as authors we want to be original and to stand out from the crowd, not churn out the same old storylines that have been written or filmed a thousand times before. And yes, at first glance, for me as a writer who especially loves the unexpected, who complains about struggling to find stories that satisfy this desire for something “with a special different something” in it, tropes do seem like the very antithesis of what I’m interested in. But that’s where my younger writing self was wrong. Tropes are part of the language of story. They embody concepts, themes and situations or character types which we as readers and audiences expect to read or watch, though sometimes only instinctively, without realising it. A lot of these expectations are bound up in certain genres, for example, in fantasy, common tropes include the "journey" and the "quest". Part of the reason why we as fantasy lovers read fantasy is to experience the vicarious excitement of the protagonist going on a journey into the unknown, having to face strange and dangerous obstacles, possibly creatures, and having a sense of a purpose or mission; it’s all part of the escape that fantasy promises for us. So how do we as writers fulfill these expectations (or even “needs”, you might say) of our audience, while producing something that feels fresh and original, and not cliched? The key to wielding the power of tropes is through unusual and unexpected combinations: switching and splicing tropes from across different genres has become a very popular, and this is what a lot of the big blockbuster movies manage to do. I could wax lyrical on this for a while, but the point of this podcast is to share with you the process of my experimental methods of generating story ideas, and what better way is there to really explore an idea than to actually test it out. So today’s show is going to involve a bit more experimentation, and as I’m brainstorming a story, I’m going to identify the tropes that are appearing, and also try drawing in different tropes to see what new directions these suggest. It’s my hope that this will not only be entertaining, but it may help you make up your mind what you think about tropes, how you might use them, and whether you might apply the same kind of experimental thinking in your own writing when you’re approaching a new story idea. Sparked off by this show, I have just created a free resource on this topic online, so keep listening to find out more, because I think this will be a very handy tool, especially if you are new to messing around with tropes; because of course, all creativity begins with rolling up your sleeves and messing around; a playful attitude is what inspiration responds to.

    57 min
  3. 18 JAN

    #72. Dealing With Doubt as a Writer – and Even More Gargoyles!

    Your weekend is not weird enough without Brainstoryum! Join award-winning fantasy and dreampunk author, Anna Tizard, in a journey into creative writing and short stories using the surrealist word game of Exquisite Corpse. Listeners’ words are drawn from the legendary Socks of Destiny and mixed into writing prompts which lead to the most unexpected story ideas – and a fascinating exploration of writing craft. This show includes 3 new story ideas plus plenty of “how to” tips on writing craft. Ignite your imagination with these short stories and ideas for the ultimate writing prompt challenge. Subscribe for free to Anna Tizard’s private email list and receive an e-book to begin your journey into The Book of Exquisite Corpse (includes exclusive material not published anywhere else). Go to INTRO: Hello imaginative people! I’m Anna Tizard and this is episode 72 of Brainstoryum. Now January can be a difficult month – we may be expected to express enthusiasm which we might not feel. I’m hoping that I can provide some well-earned escapism today in the form of adventures into the imagination; but first, also because it’s a difficult month, I want to talk a little bit about doubt. Doubt is one of those things that never quite goes away. That niggling feeling that what you’re writing might not be good enough; that no-one will want to read it. But doubt and I have spent many years in each other’s company, and this much I can share from long-term experience: Doubt doesn’t have to be your enemy.

    42 min
  4. #71. New Year: Setting Writing Goals Vs Following (and Loving) the Unknown Path

    4 JAN

    #71. New Year: Setting Writing Goals Vs Following (and Loving) the Unknown Path

    Your weekend is not weird enough without Brainstoryum! Join award-winning fantasy and dreampunk author, Anna Tizard, in a journey into short story writing using the surrealist word game of Exquisite Corpse. Listeners’ words are drawn from the legendary Socks of Destiny and mixed into writing prompts which lead to the most unexpected story ideas – and a fascinating exploration of writing craft. This new year show includes stories around circuses, gargoyles, hunters and a mysterious stone. Ignite your imagination with these stories and ideas for the ultimate writing prompt challenge. Subscribe for free to Anna Tizard’s private email list and get vol 1 in The Book of Exquisite Corpse plus exclusive material not published anywhere else! All at INTRO: Happy new year to you, imaginative people! I’m Anna Tizard and this is episode 71 of Brainstoryum. It’s 2025. It really is. Actually, it’s the first of January as I record this and in the UK it is ridiculously windy. Anyway: happy new year to you; I hope you’ve had a wonderful and restful break over Christmas. Have you made any new year’s resolutions? Have I? I tend to avoid making heavy-going decisions in the middle of winter when my natural inclination is to hide under a duvet with a torch and a good book. But it’s a difficult idea to resist, because it seems to positive, plus everything seems to scream at you, “new year, new you”, when really, your personal new year is your birthday; although I’d say springtime is the natural new year, if anything. If the trees and the plants can be bothered to wake up and do something, well, maybe I can make the same effort. I’d say, don’t make resolutions because the adverts say you should (or if other people say you should); do it if it helps you gain clarity on what you’d like to achieve. For my part, it’s difficult to set goals beyond my regular goal of producing this show. I don’t talk about it much, but...

    50 min
  5. #70. Christmas Special: Short Story-Hunting with a Lantern and… Some Aliens?


    #70. Christmas Special: Short Story-Hunting with a Lantern and… Some Aliens?

    *This episode is available as a mini ebook! Go to for details* Your weekend is not weird enough without Brainstoryum! Join award-winning fantasy and dreampunk author, Anna Tizard, in a journey into short story writing using the surrealist word game of Exquisite Corpse. Listeners’ words are drawn from the legendary Socks of Destiny and mixed into writing prompts which lead to the most unexpected story ideas – and a fascinating exploration of writing craft. In this slightly longer show, Anna delves into storytelling techniques to hook your reader from the very first line, plus how to get un-stuck when you’re writing a new story. Ignite your imagination with these stories and ideas for the ultimate writing prompt challenge. INTRO: Hello imaginative people! I’m Anna Tizard and this is episode 70 of Brainstoryum. It’s actually the winter solstice today, as this releases, which means that no matter how cold and icy and horrible it might get in the coming weeks and months, from now on we are moving towards the light. Inching towards the light. Keep that knowledge with you – no matter how grey and miserable it gets, you know we’re heading in the right direction. (Those not living in the northern hemisphere will be like, “What the problem?” Well, we’re all jealous of you, that’s the problem!)   Now today’s show is indeed the Christmas special! And I’ve been wondering how I can make this Christmassy without being cheesy or chintzy. Spooky toyshops? Rebel elves? Or can I just throw in a sprinkling of snow? Hopefully we won’t get any “picturesque executioners”, that unbelievable word combination that came up in the last show – although I found a way, a non-horror way, to develop that one. (Thank goodness.) But, as ever, how can I plan? How can I anticipate? The game of Exquisite Corpse is my doorway into the unknown and the strange magic of the imagination, making connections, hunting stories in the most unlikely places. Stepping out on this path, all I can do is hold up my mental torch and see where it takes me by being attentive to the whispers of my subconscious mind; although, I could be holding a Christmassy lantern instead of a torch, that casts a holly and berry pattern on the ground… Of course, the shadows may always lengthen and twist into something else. (This is probably as far as this metaphor will stretch, so I’ll stop there!) But will there be Christmas cheer, or Christmas chills, in the stories that emerge today? Who knows? Because the building blocks of these stories will come from your words, your suggestions, and the whims and wild winds of randomness that blow from the Socks of Destiny...

    57 min
  6. 07/12/2024

    #69. Short Stories, Tips on Writing and How to Hook Your Reader

    Your weekend is not exciting enough without Brainstoryum! Join award-winning fantasy and dreampunk author, Anna Tizard, in a journey into short story writing using the surrealist word game of Exquisite Corpse. Listeners’ words are drawn from the legendary Socks of Destiny and mixed into writing prompts which lead to the most unexpected story ideas – and a fascinating exploration of writing craft. In this slightly longer show, Anna delves into storytelling techniques to hook your reader from the very first line, plus how to get un-stuck when you’re writing a new story. Grab a blanket – grab a pen! – and switch your imagination on with these stories and ideas for the ultimate writing prompt challenge. Subscribe for free to Anna Tizard’s private email list and get vol 1 in The Book of Exquisite Corpse plus exclusive material not published anywhere else! All at INTRO: Hello imaginative people! I’m Anna Tizard and this is episode 69 of Brainstoryum. I cannot believe it’s December already, and this is the last show before the Christmas show (whatever that will be. I haven’t really thought about that.) Well, today’s show is a real mix of writing experiences. Once again, words pulled at random from the socks of destiny will generate writing prompts like you’ve never heard before (like I’ve never heard before). And while, as usual, it’s the third and last round which leads to the longer, more complete story that I read out on the show (using the pause button to draft it, of course), this time, the third story turns out to be the most difficult – and the most revealing. I’ve been thinking about sharing more on process and writing techniques in this show; not quite going back to the earlier format where I talked at length at the beginning, but sort of sneaking in observations and helpful tips in between the story brainstorms, and in a way, it’s very handy that this time, on story no. 3, I got stuck for a while. Because it’s the tricky stories, the ones that make you work the hardest, in a way, that can reveal the most about technique, and process. There is nothing quite like getting stumped by a story, to reveal process, and make you stop and think, and consider what works. When a story just flows intuitively, without much difficulty, that demonstrates that you’ve learned and absorbed techniques so well they’ve become subconscious. But then that makes it much harder to describe what you’ve just done. But getting stuck – as I do today, for a little while: that pushed me to experiment and to share different methods that I was trying, and which I know from experience work for me – so I hope that will be interesting and maybe even useful for your own writing. So on with the show.

    47 min
  7. #68. Short Stories – Dark Tales of Dryads, Nymphs and Kelpies: Where Nature Meets Myth and Technology


    #68. Short Stories – Dark Tales of Dryads, Nymphs and Kelpies: Where Nature Meets Myth and Technology

    Join award-winning fantasy and dreampunk author, Anna Tizard, in a journey into unexpected stories using the surrealist word game of Exquisite Corpse. Listeners’ words are drawn from the legendary Socks of Destiny and mixed into weird writing prompts which end up making more sense than they should! This time, nature spirits are the emerging theme, for three chilling story ideas. Grab a blanket – grab a pen! – and switch your imagination on with these stories and ideas for the ultimate writing prompt challenge. Subscribe for free to Anna Tizard’s private email list and get vol 1 in The Book of Exquisite Corpse plus exclusive material not published anywhere else! All at INTRO: Hello imaginative people! I’m Anna Tizard and this is episode 68 of Brainstoryum. Once again, I will be pulling words at random from the socks of destiny to create writing prompts like you’ve never heard before. It’s occurred to me that the best of the three always comes last in the show but that new listeners might not know this as you begin listening. Well, as usual, the fullest story, and perhaps the best one of the bunch, unfolds last, almost as if the tensions and half-glimpsed mysteries of the first two story ideas, with all their brewing potential, gather like a story-force finally breaking through; the early meanderings of the curious imagination, after a little time – a bit of warming up – are ready by writing prompt no. 3 to sharpen their focus and find a clearer beginning, middle and an end. Maybe as writers and storytellers we are all bound to dabble, and daydream about many possibilities, some of which are always going to be left half-explored – until we reach (or come across) an idea that’s really worth grabbing with both hands and turning it into something fuller. So listen on to the end, my friend, for as usual, I leave the best to last.

    36 min


Brainstorm stories using the surrealist word game of Exquisite Corpse - a creative writing challenge you'll never forget! Hosted by award-winning dreampunk & fantasy author Anna Tizard. The game produces strange, often hilarious sentences, but after a bit of head-scratching (and tea drinking!), they inspire weird & unexpected stories. This show has evolved: Shows 37 & later focus more on storytelling, and the story brainstorms are deeper & richer. Shows 28-33 are Alice in Wonderland specials. Earlier shows include profound discussions on writing before game play. Dive in and don't look back!

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