Destination Medicine Podcast

Regional Training Hubs
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Opportunities for a successful medical career in rural Australia are immense. The Destination Medicine© podcast library has been created to assist anyone who has thought about a career as a rural doctor to make informed decisions and navigate a rural medical pathway with greater confidence. Each episode of this podcast series brings the story of a doctor and their journey into rural medicine. It hasn't been a straight highway for many; there have been a few bumps, U-turns and bends along the way. How did a city slicker end up living on a farm in the Riverina of NSW? And what happened to the young doctor who had a life changing moment on an isolated highway in the Northern Territory? Well, you will have to listen to find out...and there's more. With over 23 specialities, 81 fields of speciality practice and 86 speciality titles, making career decisions can seem overwhelming for medical students and junior doctors. For some it is an easy decision, having always known the area in which they want to work, however, for others, the plethora of information and complex selection and admission criteria for training, is daunting. Our doctors share their candid and fascinating stories so that you, the listener, can have a better understanding of what's involved in pursuing a rural career pathway. Lifestyle counts - and for those who are living in rural and remote Australia, the impact is immeasurable.  The podcast series, 'Destination Medicine' is a collaboration between four rural NSW Regional Training Hubs - Far West, Riverina, Western and Northern NSW.


Opportunities for a successful medical career in rural Australia are immense. The Destination Medicine© podcast library has been created to assist anyone who has thought about a career as a rural doctor to make informed decisions and navigate a rural medical pathway with greater confidence. Each episode of this podcast series brings the story of a doctor and their journey into rural medicine. It hasn't been a straight highway for many; there have been a few bumps, U-turns and bends along the way. How did a city slicker end up living on a farm in the Riverina of NSW? And what happened to the young doctor who had a life changing moment on an isolated highway in the Northern Territory? Well, you will have to listen to find out...and there's more. With over 23 specialities, 81 fields of speciality practice and 86 speciality titles, making career decisions can seem overwhelming for medical students and junior doctors. For some it is an easy decision, having always known the area in which they want to work, however, for others, the plethora of information and complex selection and admission criteria for training, is daunting. Our doctors share their candid and fascinating stories so that you, the listener, can have a better understanding of what's involved in pursuing a rural career pathway. Lifestyle counts - and for those who are living in rural and remote Australia, the impact is immeasurable.  The podcast series, 'Destination Medicine' is a collaboration between four rural NSW Regional Training Hubs - Far West, Riverina, Western and Northern NSW.

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