Gabagool & Roses

Gabagool & Roses
Подкаст «Gabagool & Roses»

Gabagool & Roses is the ONLY leftist Sopranos podcast. Rachel and Ben have never seen it, and John's seen it too many times to be considered healthy. We're talking Sopranos, we're talking leftism, we're talking about it all, and we're talking about it to you. So boot up your dad's HBOGo account, because it's time for GABAGOOL & ROSES.

Об этом подкасте

Gabagool & Roses is the ONLY leftist Sopranos podcast. Rachel and Ben have never seen it, and John's seen it too many times to be considered healthy. We're talking Sopranos, we're talking leftism, we're talking about it all, and we're talking about it to you. So boot up your dad's HBOGo account, because it's time for GABAGOOL & ROSES.

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