KeepReefin - Reef keeping demystified!

Ali Shah Lakhani
Подкаст «KeepReefin - Reef keeping demystified!»

This is a podcast by a hobbyist, for the hobbyists! Have you ever wondered what's the relationship between reefing hobby and personal growth? KeepReefin is a long format podcast for deeper aquarium related topics that talks about just that! In this podcast we demystify the most taboo topics and talk about the deeper meaning of this hobby. Get ready to be broken and start seeing reefing as a vehicle for personal growth. This podcast is all about stories that inspire and motivate reefers all around the world. Let's celebrate reefing hobby together and KeepReefing.


Об этом подкасте

This is a podcast by a hobbyist, for the hobbyists! Have you ever wondered what's the relationship between reefing hobby and personal growth? KeepReefin is a long format podcast for deeper aquarium related topics that talks about just that! In this podcast we demystify the most taboo topics and talk about the deeper meaning of this hobby. Get ready to be broken and start seeing reefing as a vehicle for personal growth. This podcast is all about stories that inspire and motivate reefers all around the world. Let's celebrate reefing hobby together and KeepReefing.

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