
Подкаст «SageTalking»

These are overwhelming, turbulent times, but that also means there is major potential to fill the cracks with new ideas and to transform these destructive systems. There are specific root causes for problems and holistic solutions everywhere. There is room for prosperity, there is room for regeneration and a shift in values. Another reality is possible and that is what we're exploring here today. Welcome to Sage Talking🌍🌊☀

  1. -6 ДН.

    Claire Murigande on bringing purpose into our lives and the world 🌍

    Claire Murigande is the host and executive producer of the "Narratives of Purpose Podcast" in which she speaks to global changemakers about social impact topics that are aimed to inspire action. Claire is a scientist (life sciences), speaker and podcast host, with a mission to amplify the voices of changemakers around the world. In this wonderful conversation we are speaking about her connection to nature which is centered much around trying to be self aware through connection to nourishment like taking time out of her day to cultivate different kinds of Kefir in peace and silence : ) We speak about the importance of slowing down especially when things are going fast. Exploring the significant role of "boredom" when it comes to problem solving, idea cultivation and feeding our creativity in an overstimulated world. We speak about the beauty of how placing all our attention and focus on the present moment brings satisfaction and clarity, serving as a remedy to a wide spread "distraction epidemic".   Practical tips from Claire and me to help focus attention and experience more aware, rich moments in our everyday lives to eliminate boredom and to experience the world around us differently. Claire shares some of the common threads she sees within all the changemakers she interviews in terms of creating change and taking responsibility for their actions and the impact they all wish to make. -> The power of taking responsibility “If it’s to be it’s up to me.” 📣Listen to the "Narratives of Purpose Podcast" here   Thank you for listening to this Talk ☀🌊🌍 which came alive through the voices of Claire Murigande and your host Stella Sage 🌿

    53 хв
  2. 30 СЕРП.

    Radical re-wilding with Amy Freedomliving 🌊🌱

    In this episode I am joined by the beautiful Amy Jane Storrønning who ventures out alone into the wild as a way to re-connect. In the spirit of the saying “We can only truly receive when we are empty” Amy has found a way for herself to strip away the impositions of the world and society when she needs a break and a recharge. Discomfort is radical. Silence is radical. Finding peace within is radical. Sitting with our discomfort, truly feeling ourfeelings and taking responsibility for them is radical. In this episode we discuss the blessings,gratitude and transformation we receive when we engage with and sit with discomfort. We speak about the urgency and beauty of becoming aware again. Of walking through our days, neighborhoods, streets,homes, forests, beaches, with open eyes, ears and hearts. Of being present and attuned to our surroundings. To see them for what they are and to be less distracted on our walk through life. Amy shares what growing up in the rainforest meant for her development and how it meant understanding that ecosystem and placing trust in earth at a very early age. She speaks about how she is grounding into “real life” and how you can still hold spiritually and sensitivity while working a 9 to 5 and being embedded into regular society. After all, life is the crossing of manydifferent realities, everyday, everywhere. I want to leave you with something that touchedme deeply that Amy said towards the end of the podcast: “I feel like everything as it is, is perfect right now. I don’t feel that anything is wrong. […] If it’s still here there is still something for us to learn from it. If there was nothing left to learn then we would have learned from, transmuted and moved through it and we’d be in a different iteration of reality.”   If you would like to get to know Amy better or experience her Gene Key readings and more, feel free to visit her site and offerings here.   Thank you for listening to this podcast🌊☀🌍 which came alive through the voices of Amy Jane Storrønning and your host Stella Sage 🌿

    1 год 2 хв
  3. 1 СЕРП.

    Is the sustainable investment industry a competition for the conventional one? with Karen Wendt

    You want to know more about the world of sustainable investing? About the opportunities, obstacles, how reliable ESG criteria are and what it would potentially take to overpower the harmful investments which are still ruling the industry - then this is the episode for you. Karen Wendt is the CEO of ECCOS Impact, ECCOScience Researcher and Lecturer, Editor for the Springer Nature Series "Investment Reinvented" Investment Banker, Positive Impact Investor and Serial Impact Entrepreneur. She is honest and knowledgeable and shares her very objective opinions about the current state of the sustainable investment management industry. What is the Impact of the EU Taxonomy Directive in comparison to filtering by ESG guidelines? How may large sums of money be divested from dirty funds to truly sustainable ones without hurting pensioners ? Karen explains the current significance of Infrastructure Finance and what decoupling (constructing economic growth without using more planetary resources) is all about. Next to the need for a global Societal Contract in Sustainable Finance we also talk about the turn off topic of politicians and conventional economics - DEGROWTH. How may we reshape the industry and shift it towards truly meaningful, plentiful and sustainable investments and opportunities without creating financial and political upheaval and division while also closing the gap of already deeply engrained national and global inequalities.... Let's dive into it together! this episode came alive through the voices of Karen Wendt and your host Stella Sage 🌍🌊☀🌱

    1 год 0 хв
  4. 25 КВІТ.

    Melissa Chappell on holistic birthing 👼🏽🌱

    -Midwifery care that bridges the sacred and the scientific- Melissa Chappell has been helping babies enter this world in holistic ways for many years and is a vessel of knowledge when it comes to preserving the naturally induced physiological state women go into during the birth process that is vital for a natural birthing scenario. She got her licensure in 2016 and opened her first birth birth center in 2018. She has since opened another birth center and with her team served over 500 families! Melissa has had the opportunity to travel the world doing birth work in Haiti, Costa Rica, Kenya, and Ethiopia. She is a wonderful person to speak and listen to, full of knowledge and love for the process of birth and connecting it back to its natural roots. In this episode we debunk some myths surrounding birth that are very common. Melissa talks us through some of the ways of how the setting for a safe, holistic delivery can be created and why she isn't a fan of in-hospital births if not absolutely necessary. We speak about the importance of re-establishing trust. In oneself in earthly processes, the knowledge that birth is natural to us and that our body knows how to navigate it if we let it. Partially, this episode was very emotional. Honestly, although it is a long way ahead, I could already picture myself feeling very safe under Melissa's guidance to support my own birth process one day. 🦋If you are located in Provo or Utah county and feel called to contact Melissa to have her and her Team guide you on your path to and through a holistic birth process, find her website here You have been wanting to take a doula or widwifery training? Great news! Melissa offers courses to carry on this sacred knowledge and practice👼🏼🌱 Thank you for listening to this Talk☀🌊🌍 which came alive through the voices of Melissa Chappell and your host Stella Sage🌿

    1 год 10 хв
  5. 8 ЛЮТ.

    Cate Zoltan on natural meditation & healing 🌱🌤🌬

    Cate Zoltan is CEO of the Undo App, which is designed to activate self-healing through deep body meditations. In this episode we discuss how Cate found her way to the concept of natural meditation, what it means to live a more "natural life" and how we can re-connect with our "original self" through meditation, which requires slowly carving our way back to who we are at our core, seeing through the experiences, information and all else that is imposed onto us throughout our lives and daily. We ask how important TRUST is and why the lack of trust in our capabilities, in the world, in each other may be informing much of the un-kindness, insecurity or even hatred that is also present at these times. We answer the question, why all of this matters - This internal work, the attention to mental health, deep connection, emotional intelligence... If not simply for our own sakes, think of the farmer providing your food, a teacher or a supreme court judge. All of their decisions and impacts, no matter how big or small will be informed by their worldview, their relationship and connection to themselves, their biases and morals. This will impact their town, a nation, in a wider sense, the world and might mean the difference between: Petrochemicals or farming with the rhythms of nature. Providing safe spaces for children to thrive or pushing for discipline and silence. Verdicts informed by a drive to exert power and having a distrust towards certain cultures or verdicts motivated by the will to make a positive change, to build trust in the law and make people's lives easier, not harder. It always starts with us, whether we think us important or not - we are. Every living being has an impact on their surroundings and the world and how we tread this earth matters greatly. Our healing journey will have ripple affects. Our connection to ourselves will impact our external connections. If you are presently embarked on a healing journey, we are sending our loving wishes, if you would like to try another tool or take new steps towards healing, maybe you will find it with Undo feel free to use the code STELLA24 for a 14-day-free-trial in the App. Thank you for listening to this Talk🌊🌍☀ which came alive through the voices of Cate Zoltan and your host Stella Sage🌿

    44 хв
  6. 18 СІЧ.

    A childhood in Ghana and efforts for sustainable forest management 🌳🌲

    Lydia Afriyie - Kraft was born and raised on a farm in Ghana, she holds a Bachelor in silviculture and forest management and a master of international management of forest industries. Currently she is providing consultation to European Wood Importers and on timber trade regulation. Her father, a cocoa farmer, cultivated land not only for cocoa, but also for palm oil production and growing food for the family to live off. Lydia shares memories and experiences from her childhood, inviting us to walk to the water well in the morning, on to a school she was grateful to have been able to attend, from school back to one of the plots of land that needed working on, back to her house at night, guided by the light of the moon and finally studying in the light of a kerosene lamp. Our conversation also takes us to her work in the regulation and certification of sustainable forest management in Germany. Here, mine and Lydia's differing backgrounds, worldviews and influences show, as we discuss sustainable resource use and our views on what sustainably managed forests looks like. We realize here that the two of us have quite different ways of relating to earth and forests in particular. It holds so much value and is very expansive to share perspectives and realize that you and the person you are sitting across are both relating to a topic informed by your own personal beliefs and experiences. 🌱These conversations are becoming more and more important as we are aiming to sit together, cross reference, develop and exchange in order to create local, national, communal, international pathways for positive, regenerative changes. Thank you for listening to this Talk☀🌊🌍 which came alive through the voices of Lydia Afriyie-Kraft and your host Stella Sage🌿

    40 хв


These are overwhelming, turbulent times, but that also means there is major potential to fill the cracks with new ideas and to transform these destructive systems. There are specific root causes for problems and holistic solutions everywhere. There is room for prosperity, there is room for regeneration and a shift in values. Another reality is possible and that is what we're exploring here today. Welcome to Sage Talking🌍🌊☀

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