T Bone Stone The Discount Detective

Doug Schafer
Подкаст «T Bone Stone The Discount Detective»

In a fictional city in a fictional state a timeless, tongue-in-cheek, wisecracking detective solves cases with the help of his loyal secretary and a helpful teen with an uncanny ability to get the word on the street. T Bone Stone gives you more value for your covert detection dollar. ’ He charges twenty-five dollars a day plus expenses. And he always provides receipts for his expenses. This is our homage to old time radio broadcasts. Certified gluten-free.

Об этом подкасте

In a fictional city in a fictional state a timeless, tongue-in-cheek, wisecracking detective solves cases with the help of his loyal secretary and a helpful teen with an uncanny ability to get the word on the street. T Bone Stone gives you more value for your covert detection dollar. ’ He charges twenty-five dollars a day plus expenses. And he always provides receipts for his expenses. This is our homage to old time radio broadcasts. Certified gluten-free.

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