Walt and Nilay make tech vanish

Подкаст «Ctrl-Walt-Delete»

Walt Mossberg’s final weekly column at The Verge before retirement was published today. Our beloved podcast Ctrl-Walt-Delete traditionally echoes his column, and this week’s episode (our 75th!) is no different. In our last episode recorded in studio, Walt and Nilay talk through Walt’s column and the future of tech. The show also focuses on each of the big tech companies and what is possibly in store for their future. This is an episode you are not going to want to miss. And I know what you’re thinking... the last show? Well, kind of. We are happy to announce that we are doing a live taping of Ctrl-Walt-Delete for our final show! Come hang out with Walt and Nilay at the School of Visual Arts in New York City on June 9th at 6PM ET. Stay tuned for more details and tickets on the site.

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