Episode 3 - Closet Lesbians 2 Types – “I am not gay” type and One foot in and one foot out

So far in the closet they still think they like men – My partner and I discuss the ladies, who look so gay, but will never admit to their gayness. In fact they run for the hills when they see us out ladies on the street. Stop pointing fingers at them, they will come out in due time or be miserable till the end of time. We shouldn’t hate on them, we should have a “that sucks for you” outlook. Lizzy the Lezzy - the lesbian comedian “I’M PROUD” EPISODE 1 Lizzy the Lezzy - Episode 2 - "Coming Out " Lizzy the Lezzy - Episode 13 - "Lesbian" Lizzy the Lezzy - Episode 12 - "National Coming Out Day " One Foot in and one foot out – My partner and I discuss the gals who are gay in the sheets and straight in the streets, how horrible it must feel to be in such a mind set, and the effects it has on the women who are with them. And a little tale of when I was with a woman who was a one foot in one foot outer (Horrible – will never ever ever ever ever do it again)
- Show
- Published6 August 2009 at 13:13 UTC
- Length26 min
- RatingExplicit