My goal is to create a grassroots movement to get people using Goldbacks. Goldbacks are different than simply storing gold bullion to preserve your wealth. Goldbacks are money. They need to circulate. They need to move. Business owners, start accepting Goldbacks. Farmers, accept Goldbacks. And make it known that you accept Goldbacks. And if you're a regular person, buy Goldbacks and use them. Proselytize Goldbacks. Educate people on sound money. This is how we become resilient. This is how we ensure our liberty. - Glenn Meder If you want to purchase Goldbacks, click here, or go to to If you want to open a UPMA account, click here. For years I have been talking about the globally coordinated tyranny that is coming our way in the form of Digital IDs, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and the coming social credit system. My goal with the livestream was to present a real alternative that will protect our liberty for generations to come. Furthermore, my goal was to create an educational video that explains this threat and how we can ensure our liberty, and I’m hoping that this video can go viral. We need to create a grassroots movement of people who understand this issue and who take steps to keep themselves free from this tyranny. If you haven’t heard about Central Bank Digital Currencies, let me give you some background. If you look at a dollar in your pocket right now, you will see that it says that it is a Federal Reserve note. This is significant. In the past, our money was different. If you look at this $10 dollar bill from 1928, you will see that it says “Ten Dollars in Gold Coin Payable to the Bearer on Demand.” In other words, the paper money was not the actual money. The piece of paper was simply a receipt for the real money, which was the gold coin. Back then, this $10 bill was worth half an ounce of gold and it had significantly more purchasing power than $10 today. Today, half an ounce of gold is worth $1,340. This is why a house, for example, may have sold for $3,000 in 1930. At this point, I think it’s important to define what money is. THERE ARE SEVEN FUNCTIONS OF MONEY. Real money is... * A Medium of Exchange. Is able to be used as an intermediary in trade. * A Unit of Account. Is able to be numbered and counted. * Durable. Has a long usable life. * Divisible. It can be divided equally into smaller units (You can make change). * Portable. It is easy to carry or transport. * Fungible. Each unit is capable of mutual substitution, meaning units are of equal value ($1 in my wallet is worth the same as $1 in your wallet) * A Store of Value. Retains its purchasing power over long periods of time. Only gold and silver have been money throughout history. But now, the US dollar is fiat currency, not money. Currency has the first 6 qualities of money, but not the 7th. Currency is not a store of value. In 1971, the US removed gold from the dollar. So now it is not backed by anything, it’s simply a piece of paper. When money is backed by gold, the money retains it’s value because they can only print as much paper money as they have gold to back it. But now there is no limit on the amount of dollars they can print (or digitally create). So what did they do with this power? They abused it. They printed and printed and printed. And this is the true definition of inflation. They inflated the currency supply. And the result of inflation is the devaluation of the dollar. This devaluation happens slower than the money creation happens. They have tricks on how they can delay this devaluation, but the devaluation always happens. So when you see prices rising on food, and houses and cars, it’s important to note that what you are seeing is not the prices going up, but the purchasing power of the dollar going down. THIS IS WHERE WE ARE NOW. The devaluation of the dollar is catching up to the crazy money printing that they have been doing over the past many decades. And unfortunately, this devaluation will continue at an even faster rate until the dollar has no value. In other words, the dollar is doomed. When this will happen once and for all, no one knows. I am personally surprised that it hasn’t crashed before now. SO THIS BRINGS ME TO MY NEXT POINT; “WHO CONTROLS THE DOLLAR?” The US Constitution gives Congress the power “To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof.” But in 1913, Congress, abdicated this authority to the Federal Reserve. So now it’s important to understand who the Federal Reserve is. The Federal Reserve is a central bank that is neither owned or controlled by the US Government, nor by we the people. Rather, the Federal Reserve is controlled by a cartel of multinational banks, and these banks control the printing of the US dollar. In other words, the banks and the psychopaths behind the banks have total control over the US dollar. They have tremendous power, and they use this power to further their power. This is why we have endless wars. This is how they own the media companies, and it’s how they fund corrupt politicians. These psychopaths are not stupid. They know that the end of the US dollar is near. But they do not want to lose their power. They will do anything to retain their power. More than this, they want to increase their power. ENTER CBDCS AND THE SURVEILLANCE STATE. Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are a centrally controlled digital currency that will replace the US dollar. Most people don’t understand the danger of CBDCs because they think, “We have digital currencies now, such as Visa and Mastercard, so what does it matter.” But the danger of CBDCs is not just that they are digital, but that they are PROGRAMMABLE. If we allow them to be implemented, here’s how they will work... Each person will receive a digital id that will track and record everything that they do online and offline. Everything that you do, write, text, say, purchase and own will be recorded and stored centrally. Your digital id will be tied to everything that you do online, everything that you say on social media, and everything that you purchase, and will be monitored by your phone and computer. In the name of saving the climate, each of us will receive a carbon credit allotment each month, and your carbon credit score will be monitored. They will know how much gas you use, how much carbon you use by flying, and how much red meat you purchase. If you exceed your monthly carbon allotment, your electric car won’t charge all the way, you won’t be able to fly and you won’t be able to purchase certain things, such as red meat – remember what the World Economic Forum said about us all eating crickets, right? This is how they are going to do it. So yes, what we are talking about is a social credit score, which means that we will have rules that we must follow, and if we obey we will receive a high social credit score and life will be great, and if we don’t obey, we will receive a low social credit score, and we will be punished and our life will become very difficult. The final piece of the puzzle is the CBDC. The CBDC will allow them to instantaneously penalize you for doing something they don’t want you to do. Tweet something that misgenders someone or uses someone’s wrong pronouns and receive an instant $100 fine. Want to buy beef, even though you have exceeded your monthly carbon score? That beef will cost you 50% more. Did you just spread misinformation about COVID? $1,000 fine! This instantaneous reward or penalty will, in effect, train you like a dog. And you will have no say in the matter. All of this will happen automatically. There will be no one to complain to. You won’t be able to write an article about the corruption, because that will also result in a penalty. According to The Washington Standard, “On Friday 14th October, the IMF streamed a meeting called “Central Bank Digital Currencies for Financial Inclusion: Risks and Rewards.” The live stream of this meeting went under the radar for many but a video surfaced of Bi Li, the Deputy Managing Director of the IMF, explaining how CDBSs can be programmed. He said: “The smart contract would allow targeted policy functions, like welfare payments, consumption coupons, food stamps, etc.” “With CBDCs, we can precisely control what people can and can’t own. Also, what kind of use this money can be programmed for, like food only.” – Bi Li This is why they are locking the entire financial system down. Right now, when you deposit your money into a bank, that money no longer is owned by you. Instead, you are considered an unsecured creditor of the bank, and if that bank fails the secured creditors will get their money before you do. The book, “The Great Taking” by David Rogers Webb, described in detail how almost all financial instruments have been weaponized against the people. And, to be clear, they aren’t hiding this from us anymore either. The WEF has confidently declared that “By 2030, you will own nothing and be happy.” BUT, LET’S BE CLEAR HERE. THERE IS A PATH FORWARD THAT RESPECTS LIBERTY AND OUR GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS. We have a God-Given right to voluntarily interact with other human beings in a way that we choose without the involvement of government. And the way to do this is to simply opt-out of the system. We can interact with people as we choose. We can purchase what we want to purchase without anyone’s permission. We can sell our goods to others with a reasonable assumption of the government not getting involved. INTRODUCING GOLDBACKS. A Goldback is a type of innovative currency that contains a precise amount of gold in each note. It is crafted using a proprietary process that layers thin sheets of 24-karat gold between protective polyester layers, creating a durable and long-lasting currency. Goldbacks are designed to be an inflation-resistant and stable form of currency, preserving the spending power and financial stability of communities,