Please visit for more information or to send a message to Whiskey's radio. Breaker Whiskey is an Atypical Artists production created by Lauren Shippen. If you'd like to support the show, please visit As a patron, you will also receive each week's episodes as one longer episode every Monday. ------ [TRANSCRIPT] [click, static] Birdie? You there? [one beep] Is that…is that you? Are you really here? [one beep] Okay—okay, jesus christ—wow. Hi. Oh my god, hi. [click, static] Right, I guess we’re not gonna have me translating full morse sentences in real time. Though—I’m up for that if you are? [two beeps] Two dots…that’s the letter “I” but…maybe you’re thinking what I’ve been thinking if we ever got a chance the talk. One beep for yes, two for no? [one beep] Yeah? Okay, do it again. One beep for yes. [one beep] And two beeps for no? [one beep] Okay, how long do we have? [two beeps] No? Oh—yeah, I have to ask yes or no questions, huh? Can you stay for an hour? [two beeps] Half an hour? [two beeps] (sigh) Fifteen minutes? [five beeps] Five…five? You can stay for five minutes? [one beep] Ugh, okay. I guess I’ll take what I can get. What are you doing that you can only stay on the radio for five minutes? I’ve got all the time in the world, I could sit by the radio all day. Where do you have to be? [click, static] Right, yes or no. Um…are you safe? [one beep] Okay, that’s good. Will you tell me where you are? [two beeps] Why not? [click, static] Yeah. Alright, Whiskey, focus on the important questions… Huh. That’s funny, I guess I really have started to think of myself as Whiskey. I mean, obviously that’s not my name, but after so many months of referring to myself by it, I guess it’s starting to worm its way in. Jesus, sorry, I’m so used to just saying every thought I have out loud but you’re here, you’re really here. Is Birdie your real name? [two beeps] That’s what I figured. Did you—did you pick a code name because you’re talking to people you don’t want to know the real you? [one beep] Really? How many people are you talking to?? [one beep] Yes—yes, what? [one beep] Oh, one. One person. You’re just talking to me? [one beep] And you don’t want me to know who you really are. [click, static] (sigh) Okay. Right. That’s—well, you don’t know my real name either. But you do know everything else about me. Are you…this is a stupid fucking question maybe, but are you a young person? An old person? A kid somehow? Um, okay, wait, so I’m thirty-four, I’ll be thirty-five in a few weeks actually. Are you older than me? [one beep] Yes. Okay…um, I don’t know why I asked that, what does it matter. Are you—do you know what happened in ’68? [one beep] You do. Well, can you tell me? [one beep] Yes? You will? [two beeps] You won’t? [one beep] Well, which is it? [three beeps] Is it too hard to explain over morse code? [one beep] Do you think we’ll ever talk face to face? Or…voice to voice or, I don’t know, some other method? [one long beep] One dash, not dot. Is that…I don’t know? [one beep] Right. Okay. Um, whatever happened in ‘68…did it happen everywhere? The whole world? [one beep] (sigh) Okay. That’s what I thought but it’s still… I don’t know what to ask you, Birdie, I’m sorry. I—there’s too much! There’s too much I want to know. I want to know what you know about what got us here, I want to know who you are, I want to know what your job was, but I’m running out of time and I— Is whatever’s in Denver related to what happened in ’68? [one beep] It is. If I went to Denver, could I figure out what happened? [two beeps] Are you just saying that because you don’t want me to go? [one beep] Yes? You are just saying that? [two beeps] No. Oh, yes, you don’t want me to go? Because it’s dangerous? [one beep] Okay but…look, it’s great to be talking to you and all but why the hell should I trust you? [click, static] Birdie? [one long beep] You don’t know. Great. Helpful. Denver, the collision point. Does that collision have to do with other people? [three beeps] Three dots. Too hard to explain over Morse, huh? Yeah, that feels like it’s going to be a pretty convenient excuse. [two long beeps] Two dashes, what does that mean? That’s…M, what does that… [two long beeps, then one very long beep] Birdie? Birdie. [click, static] Oh. I guess our five minutes are up. Two dashes is goodbye. Then, goodbye, Birdie. [click, static]