History of the Germans
•채널 • 9개의 프로그램
From the Coronation of Henry the Fowler in 919 CE to German Reunification in 1990 in weekly chronological 20-30 min episodes
A German history starting in the Middle Ages when the emperors fought an epic struggle with the papacy to the Reformation, the great 18th century of Kant, Goethe, Gauss, the rise of Prussia and the horrors of the Nazi regime. We will end with the post-war period of moral and physical rebuilding. As Gregory of Tours (539-594) said: "A great many things keep happening, some good, some bad" .
On this channel we give you a choice on how you want to enjoy the content. You can either listen to the whole story on the main podcast - History of the Germans or you can choose one of the separate series, listen to its 20 or so episodes and then come back for more.