Scott LaPierre Ministries

Scott LaPierre
Scott LaPierre Ministries

Scott LaPierre ( is a pastor, author, and Christian speaker on marriage. This podcast includes his conference messages, guest preaching, and expository sermons at Woodland Christian Church. Each of Scott’s messages is the result of hours of studying the Bible. Scott and his wife, Katie, grew up together in northern California, and God has blessed them with nine children. View all of Pastor Scott's books on Amazon: Receive a FREE copy of Scott's book, "Seven Biblical Insights for Healthy, Joyful, Christ-Centered Marriages." For Scott LaPierre's conference and speaking information, including testimonies, and endorsements, please visit: Feel free to contact Scott at:

  1. 2 DAYS AGO

    Jesus Said to Stay Awake and Be Watchful: Are You Ready? (Luke 21:34-36)

    Discover the powerful call to vigilance. Jesus commands us to "stay awake and be watchful" so that we are always ready for His return. In this message, learn how being alert—watching rather than merely predicting—produces obedience and prevents disobedience. Drawing on teachings from Luke 21 and other prophetic scriptures, this sermon challenges us to live each day in anticipation of Christ’s imminent return. Learn how spiritual watchfulness can transform your life and prepare your heart for the blessed hope of His coming. Table of contents* Jesus Said We Can Tell When His Return Is Near* Be Watchful Versus Predicting* Avoiding Being Weighed Down By Dissipation, Drunkenness, and the Cares of this Life* Being Watchful for Christ’s Return Produces Obedience* Ignoring Christ’s Return Leads to Disobedience* Pray (Stay Awake) to Escape Temptation* Christ Expects Us to Stay Awake Spiritually* The Relationship Between Staying Awake and Praying* Every Generation Is Supposed to Believe They’re the Last* Christ Returns Soon or Quickly?* Regardless of When Jesus Returns I was always happy to see my students read C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe when I taught elementary school. I loved the allusions to Christianity, and Aslan remains one of my favorite fictional pictures or types of Christ. Consider this exchange between Susan and Mr. Beaver about Aslan: “Who is Aslan?” asked Susan.“Aslan?” said Mr. Beaver, “Why don’t you know? He’s the King. It is he, not you, that will save Mr. Tumnus.”“Isis he a man?” asked Lucy.“Aslan a man!” said Mr. Beaver sternly. “Certainly not. I tell you he is the King of the wood and the son of the great Emperor-Beyond-the-Sea. Don’t you know who is the King of Beasts? Aslan is a lionthe Lion, the great Lion.”“Ooh!” said Susan. “I’d thought he was a man. Is hequite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion.”“That you will, dearie, and no mistake,” said Mrs. Beaver, “if there’s anyone who can appear before Aslan without their knees knocking, they’re either braver than most or else just silly.”“Then he isn’t safe?” said Lucy.“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver. “Don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ’Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”“I’m longing to see him,” said Peter, “even if I do feel frightened when it comes to the point.”1 I like how Mr. Beaver describes Aslan: not safe but good. I also like how Susan describes seeing Aslan as frightened but still longing to see him. As we come to the end of the Olivet Discourse and think about Christ’s return, maybe this is how we feel about seeing Him, too. Later in the book, I believe C.S. Lewis was trying to convey a lesson about readiness when Peter faces his first battle against a monstrous wolf that threatens all ...

    25 min
  2. FEB 3

    The Parable of the Fig Tree: A Warning for the End Times (Luke 21:29-33)

    Are we in the End Times? The Parable of the Fig Tree in Luke 21:29-33 serves as a warning and guide for recognizing the signs of Christ’s Second Coming. Jesus rebuked people in His day for failing to discern His First Coming, and He expects our generation to recognize the signs leading to His return. In this message, Pastor Scott LaPierre explains how this parable is misinterpreted, what generation Jesus referred to, and why His words are more certain than creation itself. Table of contents* Jesus Expected the People in His Day to Recognize His First Coming* Jesus Expects Us to Recognize His Second Coming* Is the Parable of the Fig Tree About the Generation that Sees Israel Become a Nation in 1948?* Is the Parable of the Fig Tree Promoting Full Preterism?* Which Generation Did Jesus Refer to in the Parable of the Fig Tree?* The Parable of the Fig Tree Might Refer to the Race of the Jews* The Parable of the Fig Tree Likely Refers to the Generation that Sees the Signs Occur* Jesus Spiritually Established the Kingdom at His First Coming* Jesus Will Physically Establish the Kingdom at His Second Coming* Jesus’s Words Are More Certain than Creation Itself* Jesus’s Return Completes Our Redemption Edgar C. Whisenant was a NASA engineer and Bible scholar who predicted that the rapture would occur between September 11 and 13, 1988, during the Feast of Trumpets, also known as Rosh Hashanah. He authored the book 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988. Three hundred thousand copies were distributed to pastors nationwide, and 4.5 million copies were sold in bookstores and other outlets. The book climbed to number two on the Christian Bookseller Association's list. Whisenant said, “Only if the Bible is in error am I wrong; and I say that to every preacher in town…[I]f there were a king in this country and I could gamble with my life, I would stake my life on Rosh Hashana 88.” When September 13 came and went, Whisenant claimed that the event would still occur, revising his prediction to October 3. After October 3 passed, he stated his calculations were off by one year because he hadn’t accounted for the absence of a year zero. Following this, he published The Final Shout on September 1, 1989. Whisenant’s conclusion was primarily drawn from the parable of the fig tree. Before we jump into the parable, let's consider some related verses Jesus preached earlier. Jesus Expected the People in His Day to Recognize His First Coming Luke 12:54 He also said to the crowds, “When you see a cloud rising in the west, you say at once, ‘A shower is coming.’ And so it happens.

  3. JAN 27

    The Return of Christ: When the Son of Man Comes (Luke 21:25-27 and Daniel 7:9-14)

    What does the return of Christ really look like? Unpack the powerful prophecies in Luke 21:25-27 and Daniel 7:9-14, illuminating the Son of Man’s coming, the Great White Throne Judgment, and the kingdom that will replace all earthly rule. Learn the cosmic disturbances that will accompany Jesus’s second coming, the symbolism of the cloud as God’s presence, and how repentance prepares us for His arrival. Table of contents* Daniel Prophesies of the Great White Throne Judgment* What Happens to the Little Horn?* Do the Kingdoms End or Continue?* Daniel Prophesies of the Son of Man’s Coming* Daniel Prophesies of the Son of Man’s Kingdom Replacing Earthly Kingdoms* Nebuchadnezzar's Dream of the Son of Man's Kingdom Replacing Earthly Kingdoms* Cosmic Disturbances Accompany the Son of Man’s Comin* Associate the Cloud with the Father’s Presence* Prepare for the Son of Man’s Coming by Repenting* Why People Don't Repent Jesus is the God-Man: He is fully God and fully man. In the Gospels, we see verses that reveal Jesus’s deity and humanity. Think about whether these verses describe the Son of God or the Son of Man: * Matthew 4:2 says Jesus was hungry. Son of Man * Matthew 4:3-9 says He was tempted. Son of Man * Matthew 8:24 says Jesus slept in a boat during a storm. Son of Man * Matthew 17:2 says He was transfigured, His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became white as light. Son of God * Matthew 24:36 says He didn’t know the day or hour of His return. Son of Man * Matthew 27:50 says He died. Son of Man * Mark 6:3 says Jesus had brothers and sisters. Son of Man * In Luke 5:20, Jesus told the paralytic, “Man, your sins are forgiven you.” Son of God * John 1:14 says He showed us the glory of the Father, full of grace and truth. Son of God * John 1:18 says nobody has seen God the Father, but Jesus has made Him known. Son of God * John 4:6 says He was weary from his journey and had to sit down. Son of Man * In John 8:58, Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” Son of God * In John 10:30, Jesus said, “I and the Father are one.” Son of God * In John 17:21, Jesus said the Father is in Him, and He is in the Father. Son of God * In John 19:28, Jesus said He was thirsty. Son of Man * John 20:19 describes Jesus as being able to pass through walls. Son of God Now for this morning’s verses: In Luke 21:27, Jesus said He would come in a cloud with power and great glory. Son of God or Son of Man? I would think the Son of God! But we read:

    26 min
  4. JAN 23

    What Is the Abomination of Desolation? (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, and Revelation 13:14)

    Daniel 9:27 is the first prophecy of the abomination of desolation. Jesus referred to Daniel's prophecy in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24:15). Paul described the abomination of desolation in 2 Thessalonians 2:4, and John in Revelation 13:14. Putting all these passages together helps us answer the question: What is the abomination of desolation? Table of contents* Daniel's Description of the Abomination of Desolation* The Jews' Temple Worship Will End* The Jews Will Realize They Embraced the Antichrist Instead of the Christ* Jesus's Description of the Abomination of Desolation* Paul's Description of the Abomination of Desolation* Why the Antichrist Let the Jews Rebuild Their Temple* John's Description of the Abomination of Desolation* Is the False Prophet's Image Alive?* Old Testament Idols Foreshadowed the False Prophet's Image* The False Prophet's Image Can Kill* So, What Is the Abomination of Desolation? Daniel's Description of the Abomination of Desolation At the midpoint of Daniel's 70th Week (the Tribulation), the Antichrist commits the abomination of desolation: Daniel 9:27 Then [the Antichrist] shall confirm a covenant with [the Jews] for one week (refferring to Daniel's 70th Week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate. The phrase "shall be one who makes desolate” refers to the Antichrist ushering in terrible desolation. Desolate means barren, laid waste, or devastated. The Hebrew word for desolation is šāmēm. This is the same word used at the end of Daniel 9:26 to describe the Romans' destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in 70 AD: Daniel 9:26b And the people (Romans) of the prince (the Antichrist) who is to come shall destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary (temple). The end of it shall be with a flood (of soldiers, not water), And till the end of the war desolations (šāmēm). This are determined. The desolation the Romans brought in 70AD prefigures or foreshadows (dual fulfillment) the desolation the Antichrist will bring when this abomination occurs. The Jews' Temple Worship Will End Revelation 11:1-2 describes the rebuilt temple. Daniel 9:27 says the abomination of desolation "shall bring an end to the sacrifices and offerings" that had been reinstituted when the temple was rebuilt. This will be Satan’s way of ending the Jews' religion to have people worship him alon...

    30 min
  5. JAN 19

    Daniel's 70th Week and The Great Tribulation Explained (Daniel 9:27)

    Daniel 9:27 says,"[the Antichrist] shall make a strong covenant with many for one week." The “week” refers to the 70th of the seventy weeks. It’s a week of years, so it’s 7 years long. It’s the last seven years of the 490 years. Daniel's 70th Week has many names, such as the Great Tribulation, "the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world” (Revelation 3:10), and "the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7). Table of contents* God Uses Daniel's 70th Week to Draw the Jews to Himself* God Uses Daniel's 70th Week to Draw Gentiles to Himself* Evangelism During Daniel's 70th Week* The Covenant the Antichrist Makes with the Jews* Two Things Accomplished by the Antichrist's Covenant* The Jews' Savior or Prince Daniel 9:27a And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week, The “he” is the prince of the people to come in verse 26, or the antichrist. The “week” refers to the 70th of the seventy weeks. It’s a week of years so it’s 7 years in length. It’s the last seven years of the 490 years.These 7 years have many names and here are a few of them: * Most commonly they’re called the Tribulation or Great Tribulation; if you wonder which name is correct, both are correct because the first 3.5 years are the Tribulation, but at the midpoint, at the 3.5 year mark, things get way worse and the Great Tribulation begins. * Revelation 3:10 calls them “the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world” * Joel 1:15, 2:1 and 1 Thessalonians 5:2 call them “the day of the Lord” * Jeremiah 30:7 calls them “the time of Jacob’s trouble,” which is my favorite title because it emphasizes the 7 years are about Jacob, or Israel, or the Jews.Remember verse 24 said 70 weeks (or 70 sevens or 490 years) are determined for YOUR PEOPLE that’s the Jews…this is about them. Revelation 6 through 19 contains the most extended description of these seven years or the Tribulation. God Uses Daniel's 70th Week to Draw the Jews to Himself Zechariah 12:10 “And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, so that, when they look on me, on him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over him, as one weeps over a firstborn. The house of David refers to the Jews because David was from the tribe of Judah, and the Jews are the people from the tribe of Judah. They, the Jews, crucified Christ, but they’ll look on Him and mourn over what they did when they realize He’s their Messiah. The question is: what’s going to bring that about? The answer is Daniel’s 70th Week. It will serve as the furnace to prepare the Jews to receive their Messiah. Consider Romans 11:25. The context is the Jews being broken off the tree, and the Gentiles being grafted in: Romans 11:25a Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers: The mystery is a href="https://www.scottlapierre.

    57 min
  6. JAN 13

    Bible Prophecy Explained The Mystery of Dual Fulfillment

    Discover the profound mystery of dual fulfillment in Bible prophecy. Explore its layered meanings and relevance in Scripture. Examine key prophecies, including Samuel’s Son of David, Isaiah’s Virgin Birth, Joel’s Day of the Lord, and Jesus’s prediction of Jerusalem’s destruction. Learn how these prophecies reveal God’s plan and clarify Luke 21:20-24. Table of contents* There’s a Dual Fulfillment with Samuel’s Prophecy of the Son of David* Solomon and Jesus Built the Houses of God* God Is a Father to Solomon and Jesus* There’s a Dual Fulfillment with Isaiah’s Prophecy of the Virgin Birth* There’s a Dual Fulfillment with Joel’s Prophecy of the Day of the Lord* There’s a Dual Fulfillment with Jesus’s Prophecy of Jerusalem’s Destruction* How Does Jesus's Prophecy Look Beyond 70 A.D.?* God Declares the End from the Beginning Economist Dan Ariely wrote a book called Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions. Here’s one example from his book. When people are offered a Hershey’s Kiss for one cent or a much higher-quality truffle for 15 cents, 73% choose the pricier truffle. But when the price of the Hershey’s Kiss is changed from one cent to free, 69% of people, almost the same percentage, now choose the Hershey’s Kiss. Why? All because of the attraction to the word “free.” I was a business major in college, and I took marketing. This is the logic behind a common marketing tactic: two-for-one deals. Convince people that they get something extra for free, and they’re much more interested. Some prophecies in Scripture are like two-for-one deals. They have dual fulfillment: a partial fulfillment in the near future and a complete fulfillment in the far future. I titled the sermon “Mystery of Dual Fulfillment” because it is a mystery that there’s two fulfillments. There’s a Dual Fulfillment with Samuel’s Prophecy of the Son of David Let me ask a simple question: Who is the Son of David? You could say Solomon or Jesus. Consider whether the verses describe Solomon or Jesus. God tells David: 2 Samuel 7:12 When your days are fulfilled and you lie down with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom. 13 He (the Son of David) shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. One reason we know this looks past Solomon to Jesus is the use of the word “forever,” which occurs three times in the verses. Solomon didn’t live—or reign—“forever.” Here’s another question: which Son of David built a house for God? Solomon or David? Yes! Solomon built the earthly, physical temple, and Jesus built the true and greater heavenly,

    41 min
  7. JAN 6

    Understanding Christian Persecution: A Biblical Perspective (Luke 21:12-19)

    Dive deep into the topic of Christian persecution from a biblical perspective. Using Luke 21:12-19 to shed light on the reality that every Christian will face persecution in the future when they stand firm in faith. Learn how persecution can serve as an opportunity for witnessing, the importance of remaining steadfast when facing opposition, and how God’s sovereignty covers us through trials. Dive deep into Christian persecution from a biblical perspective using Luke 21:12-19 to show every Christian will face persecution. Table of contents* Christian Persecution Is an Opportunity to Witness* Peter and Stephen's Examples* William Tyndale and John Huss's Examples* Blessings from Paul's Imprisonment* A Positive Connotation* We Don’t Have to Worry About What to Say When Persecuted* Fear of Public Speaking* God's Grace Will Be Sufficient for Us* Christian Persecution Will Come from Family and Friends* Suffering Persecution for Christ Is a Privilege* God Is Sovereign Over Our Christian Persecution* Enduring Christian Persecution Is Evidence of Salvation* Perseverance of the Saints* Blessings of Christian Persecution* Footnotes Open Doors is a ministry serving persecuted Christians in over 70 countries. The World Watch List is their annual ranking of the 50 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution. Here are some statistics from their 2024 report: * More than 365 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith * 4,998 Christians were killed for their faith, which is almost 14 per day. About every one and a half hours, a Christian is killed * One in seven Christians are persecuted worldwide * One in five Christians are persecuted in Africa * Two in five Christians are persecuted in Asia * 14,766 churches and Christian properties were attacked * 4,125 Christians were detained without trial, arrested, sentenced, or imprisoned  * 3,906 Christians were abducted * More than 3,200 Christians were raped, sexually harassed, or forced to marry non-Christians * Almost 300,000 Christians were forced to leave their homes, go into hiding, or flee their country of origin.  Preaching a sermon about Christian persecution wouldn’t be difficult in any countries Open Doors supports. They would be glad for the encouragement. But it’s a tough sermon to preach in the Unite...

  8. 12/30/2024

    Understanding the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: A Prophetic Journey (Revelation 6:1-8)

    Dive deep into the prophetic meaning of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as described in Revelation 6:1-8. Discover how each horseman represents key events and truths in God's sovereign plan. Table of contents* The First Horsemen of the Apocalypse Is the Antichrist* The "Instead of Christ"* First, who comes riding on a white horse to make war?* Second question: who is part of a Trinity?* Third question: who is given power, authority, and a throne from his father?* Fourth question: who dies and comes back to life?* Fifth question: who is worshiped because of his holiness or set-apartness?* Sixth question: who puts a mark on his people’s foreheads?* Seventh question: Who is called a prince?* Eighth question: Who makes a covenant with the Jews?* Would the Jews Embrace the Antichrist?* The Second Horsemen of the Apocalypse Removes Peace* The Third Horsemen of the Apocalypse Is Famine* The Fourth Horsemen of the Apocalypse Is Death* God Is Sovereign When Things Look the Worst* God's Sovereignty with Job* God's Sovereignty Over Death and Hades Famous horses seem to fall into three categories. The first category is racehorses: * Seabiscuit was made more famous by the 2003 film showing his underdog story. * Secretariat won the Triple Crown —the Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, and Belmont Stakes—and still holds the fastest time records in all three races. He also received his film in 2010. * Frankel is also known as “The Unbeatable Wonder Horse” because he was unbeaten in his fourteen-year career. The second category is famous television horses: * Silver, the Lone Ranger’s horse. * Trigger was the horse of singer, actor, and performer Roy Rogers. * For any cartoon fans: Quick Draw McGraw, the anthropomorphic white horse, wearing a red Stetson cowboy hat, a red holster belt, a light blue bandana, and occasionally spurs. * As a Lord of the Rings fan, I hoped Shadowfax, Gandalf’s horse, would make the list, but he didn’t. The third category is warhorses: * Sergeant Reckless achieved the military rank of sergeant for her bravery and service during the Korean War. * Comanche was Captain Miles Keogh’s (pronounced key-oh) horse.

    52 min
out of 5
8 Ratings


Scott LaPierre ( is a pastor, author, and Christian speaker on marriage. This podcast includes his conference messages, guest preaching, and expository sermons at Woodland Christian Church. Each of Scott’s messages is the result of hours of studying the Bible. Scott and his wife, Katie, grew up together in northern California, and God has blessed them with nine children. View all of Pastor Scott's books on Amazon: Receive a FREE copy of Scott's book, "Seven Biblical Insights for Healthy, Joyful, Christ-Centered Marriages." For Scott LaPierre's conference and speaking information, including testimonies, and endorsements, please visit: Feel free to contact Scott at:

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