The New Life Mission-en
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The New Life Mission is committed to serving the Lord to the best of its abilities, so that through its free Christian books, you may be able to meet Jesus Christ who has come by the water and the Spirit. Founded on the Word of the Scripture, our free Christian books explain with easy clarity the real truth by which human beings can be born of water and the Spirit. We encourage you to read our books, provided in both printed and electronic versions, and find out the truth elucidated in these books. So many people in these times of darkness are thirsting for the Truth. We are looking for, and we want to work with, the soldiers of Christ who can serve as the lighthouse to guide these people to the righteousness of God. Composed of a total of 65 volumes, the New Life Mission’s free Christians books are filled with the Word of God explaining the salvation of mankind, the Christian life, the hope for the Millennial Kingdom and the Kingdom of Heaven, and eternal life. These books are like a field where the treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven are hidden. We want you to discover the precious treasure called the gospel of the water and the Spirit, and to purchase this field by selling all that you have. We want to lead you into the righteousness of Jesus Christ through our books, and we want to do the righteous work together with you in Christ.