

这档节目-目的是跨文化。 国际化的形式下,我们特别想帮助大家实现双文化视野。带你了解中西方文化差异。

  1. NOV 7

    有哪些人生道理是你现在才悟到的? ——人际关系篇

    主播:Flora(中国)+ Selah(美国)  歌曲: I Count on Me Today, we will discuss life lessons (人生道理) about interpersonal relationships (人际关系). 有哪些人际关系的道理是你现在才悟到的? Almost every problem in the world can be traced back to relationships (世界上几乎每一个问题都可以追溯到人际关系). Whether it’s misunderstandings, conflicts, or even broader societal issues (更广泛的社会问题), it all often starts with how we connect with one another. 其实relationship这个词不光是指romantic relationship(恋爱关系),还包括friendships(朋友关系), relationships with your family and co-workers(家庭关系和同事关系)等等。这些都是属于interpersonal relationships(人际关系)。 01. Always be sincere 永远保持真诚 Sincerity is the foundation of building a relationship (建立人际关系的基础). 你要向别人display your sincerity (展示你的真诚),关键在于你是否真的真诚待人。Basically, sincere people really mean the things they say. This means that when you care for someone, you really care and not just try to gain something from your relationship with them. You care about them as a human being, and want what’s best for them (你关心的是他们的人格,并希望他们得到最好的). Flora thinks it's a quite valuable quality, especially nowadays when some people are no longer willing to remain honest and tell the truth in many situations. Sometimes they just create a persona (塑造一个人设) for themselves to be liked by others. But that's not who they really are. Just show them your true self; those who like you will naturally be drawn to you. And it's also important to talk about your true feelings and thoughts, both positive and negative. But some may just feel ashamed to talk about these sometimes (但有些人有时会觉得羞于启齿). They might have all sorts of concerns (担忧), like what others think of them. But it can really let each other know where your relationship is headed in the future (让彼此知道你们关系的走向). How you feel in a relationship matters, and it determines whether or not you want to stay in the relationship (决定了你是否想要留在这段关系中).  Flora wasn't very good at expressing her feelings, but then she realized that doing so has so many benefits. 比如说简单的一句“今天和你玩得很开心”就会让对方收到一个正向的信号,这意味着你们的关系可能在向好的方向发展。 Similarly, alert the other person when you feel offended (感受到被冒犯) and tell them how you feel, which will prevent them from hurting you and your relationship further, even though they may not mean to (即使对方不是故意这样做的). 02. Communication is the key 沟通是关键 Being able to communicate effectively is an invaluable skill (很宝贵的技能). 世界上绝大部分问题是由人际关系引起的,而其中靠沟通能解决的问题其实是占很多的。You need to be able to communicate what you want, need, feel or think to someone else. Otherwise there can be miscommunications (误解) that lead to walls being built in this relationship (在这段关系中造成隔阂). 有时候换位思考也达不到和解的时候,可能是别人不知道你的需求是什么。这时候能破冰的一点就是:You need to communicate what you want, need directly:Conform? Apology? Help? Or something. Good communication can take time and practice especially as you learn the communication style of that person (尤其是当你了解了对方的沟通方式之后), but it is important. 不过大家可能还担心的一个点是:"I want to express my needs directly, but what if he or she thinks I'm just being too sensitive or high-maintenance (太敏感或者让人耗神了)?" 但是,如果对方真的在乎你以及你们的关系的话,只要你的

    14 min
  2. NOV 3


    主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国)  歌曲: I Count on Me 今天我们要聊一个非常有趣并且比较深刻的话题,关于一些看似流行但其实可以被视为toxic (有毒) 的建议。 Today, we’re unpacking some of these popular “toxic” suggestions and exploring a healthier, more realistic way (更健康、更现实的方法) to approach them.  This isn’t to say all advice is bad (并不是说所有的建议都是不好的), but it’s crucial to recognize when advice doesn’t quite apply to your own situation.  01. “Just be yourself.” 做你自己。 It sounds positive. 但是这句话省略了一个非常重要的premise(前提)that is you’re already self-aware and respectful of others (你建立了自我意识和对他人的尊重). The problem with this advice is that it implies any version of yourself is perfect (任何时候的你自己都是完美的) just as it is. But personal growth is about identifying areas where we can improve, not just accepting everything at face value (从表面上看). Growth is about learning, progress and transformation (转变) and going beyond yourself. 片面地理解这句话可能会lead you astray (让你误入歧途)。 So, instead of using “be yourself” as a blanket excuse, think of it as “be the best version of yourself (做最好的自己).” Ask yourself, “Am I truly living up to my potential (发挥了我的潜力吗)? Is this really my best self?” 02. “Show them what they’re missing.” 做出点什么让他们看看。 This is the idea of proving others wrong by showing them you can succeed. 但是如果你的动力是建立在向别人证明自己的基础上,actually the mindset can become toxic. If your motivation is solely to get validation (仅仅是为得到认可) or prove something to others, then your success isn’t really for you (你的成功不是真正为了自己), is it? Live for yourself, guys. If you think their assertions (断言) are ridiculous and toxic, just stay away from them. Not all people are careful with their words (审慎发言), but you don't have to take responsibility for their mistakes. 一种更健康的说法是“Achieve your goals because they matter to you, not as a form of revenge or validation.” Let your accomplishments be something that fulfills you—not something that proves a point (而不是证明观点的东西). 03. “Why are you sad? You have everything to be happy about.” 明明有值得高兴的一切,为什么要难过呢? Flora thinks, to a certain extent, the person who said it is demeaning other people's emotions (贬低别人的情绪). Because no one can fully empathize with someone else (完全感同身受), we never have the right to judge how they really feel. It implies that external circumstances should control your emotions (意味着外部环境应该控制着你的情绪). 但是情绪并不是这样运作的。This kind of advice can make people feel ashamed of their sadness. But it’s just a natural emotion. So don’t ignore and disrespect your true feelings. We should recognize that it’s okay to feel down even if things seem fine on the surface. Emotions aren’t something you can rationalize away (合理化)—they’re valid and deserve to be acknowledged (值得被承认). Instead “Allow yourself to feel what you feel without judgment. Acknowledge it and give yourself the space to work through it.” Then your emotions feel taken care of. Sometimes you think that ignoring your emotions will save you more time, when in reality it will only accumulate more problems (积累更多的问题). 04. “Follow your passion.” 跟随你的激情。 Sounds good, right? But sometimes, this advice can actually be misleading (误导性的). Flora has heard a lot of successful entrepreneurs say this. It’s often well-intentioned (出于好意的) but it always seems like the reason why people find this

    12 min
  3. OCT 24

    老外来了特辑 | 老外离开中国后,最恋恋不舍的是…

    主播:Maelle(法国)+Selah(美国)  歌曲:I Count on Me 今天梅莉和Selah要聊一聊“what they miss about China”! 到国外后最想念中国的什么。 Selah has not been back to China since she moved to the US in 2019, so it has been a long time. Maelle has been back a few times, since her family still lives in China. China is considered Selah’s childhood home, so she has many fond memories and nostalgia (怀念). Maelle在国外和她的中国朋友说她准备“回国”时,他们都会笑,因为Maelle虽然是外国人,但是她说的回国也是中国。China is truly home for Maelle. What do they miss most after leaving China? 01. China's Cuisine & Convenient Lifestyle 中国的美食和便捷的生活方式 Selah misses food being delicious, fresh, and cheap. When Maelle really misses Asian food, she finds it quite hard to find good and reasonably priced places (价格合理的地方). 在国外找好的中餐厅真的不容易,而且价格会比中国贵。 In the US, food is often very processed (大量加工), and eating out can be very expensive. In France they have really good food. Maelle would not complain on that, but it can be quite expensive for sure, especially coming from China. Besides food, Selah also misses public transportation. 在中国想去任何地方可以乘公共交通工具and it is very easy! You can take a bus, metro (地铁), taxi and so much more.  It is so different in the states. 在美国公共交通不是特别的方便。In the US, everyone has to have their own car. 除了大城市like New York or Los Angeles, 其他地方必须得有自己的交通工具。It’s not so convenient. This is something Maelle really misses about China, how quickly and convenient everything is. 梅莉觉得在中国生活真的很方便, like ordering food, and all the services such as滴滴, 达达, 代驾, and so much more. It is cheap, fast, easily accessible (容易获取) and makes life so much easier. 02. Chinese Healthy Lifestyle and Hospitality 中国人健康的生活方式和待客之道 Selah really misses the ability to walk everywhere. In the US, she mostly sits, either at her desk at work or in her car. Selah感觉中国人每天walk so much everywhere, this has to be so much healthier! Maelle really misses going to the parks in the morning or at night in China and seeing the older people dancing and exercising. She always found it to be so wholesome (有益健康). This isn’t something she sees old people do in France. 在中国,梅莉经常会看到老人早上在公园里健身,晚上跳广场舞,真的很有意思,而且很健康! Something Selah also misses is how welcoming Chinese people are towards foreigners. They always want to have a conversation with her. Maelle definitely misses the hospitality (热情好客) in China. 梅莉觉得中国人的待客之道非常好,她非常喜欢这一点。 When Selah lived in China, she would get many questions every time she left the house like, “你是哪里人?你怎么会说中文?你在这儿住了多久?你更喜欢美国还是中国?你喜欢吃饺子吗?” Maelle would have very similar experiences. She always finds it so nice to be able to start a conversation and get to know people. They are very approachable (平易近人). Selah said people in the US are kind and welcoming, but they can sometimes look intimidating or unapproachable (令人生畏或难以接近). It can be like that in France as well. 03. Interesting Traditions of Chinese Festivals 中国节日的有趣传统 China has many holidays, like 中秋节,端午节,春节 with many traditions. The US has holidays and traditions, but they have a shorter history. There are so many fun activities during the holidays, it is always so fun to participate. Selah misses the red decorations (装饰品) around 春节 and the traditions like 红包 and 包饺子.

    9 min
  4. OCT 17


    主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国)  歌曲:Double Trouble 我们今天来聊聊最近在全球重映的魔法题材系列电影——Harry Potter。 It has captured the hearts of millions worldwide (俘获了全世界数百万人的心). Even now, with the re-release (重映) of the films, fans—both old and new—are flocking to (涌向) cinemas to relive the magic (重温).  前几天Flora订票的时候发现Harry Potter的放映厅位置爆满。You really had to scramble to get the best seats (抢最佳观影位置) for the movie! It’s the same thing in the U.S. Erin knows a lot of people would seat in theaters for hours on end, watch like an entire marathon of the movies (很多人会在影院里一坐就是几个小时,就像看一整部马拉松式的电影一样). So Today, we’re breaking down the top reasons (首要原因) why Harry Potter remains so beloved. 01. The relatability of its characters 角色的亲和力 They’re real, flawed (有缺点的), and far from perfect. 让人觉得没有距离感。In fact, there are actually a lot of movies and TV shows that simplify (简化) the characters and their emotions. We see them deal with everyday problems, especially as teens and young adults. They aren’t portrayed (被描绘) as overly mature (过度成熟)—they are as messy and unsure as we were at their age. And it perfectly reflects the everyday challenges that we face as teenagers. From Harry’s insecurities (不安全感) to Hermione’s perfectionism (完美主义) and Ron’s feelings of inadequacy (不自信), these are issues we’ve all faced. 相信这些是大家经历过的事情,所以我们很容易resonate with them(与他们产生共鸣)。That authenticity (真实性) makes us connect with them on a personal level. 02. A magical world intertwined with reality 与现实交织的魔法世界 Another reason the series feels so magical is how the wizarding world (魔法世界) is intertwined (交织) with our own. It’s not some completely distant, far-off place. Instead, the magical world runs parallel to our reality (与现实平行). This makes a lot of kids believe in Hogwarts (霍格沃茨) even more. 所以很多孩子到了11岁的时候会期待收到来自Hogwarts的录取通知。 It seems like magic could actually be hidden around the corner. You can almost imagine bumping into (撞见) a wizard in Diagon Alley (对角巷) or stumbling onto (偶然发现) Platform 9¾ (9¾站台) at King’s Cross (国王十字). That connection makes it feel closer and more real. 03. Distinctive school divisions 独特的学院划分 In fact, Hogwarts itself is another huge draw (巨大的吸引力). 他们没有按照教授的内容去划分学院,而是按照学生的traits and characteristics(特征和特性)。It is unlike traditional magical schools at all. Gryffindors (格兰芬多) are known for their bravery, Ravenclaws (拉文克劳) for their intelligence, Hufflepuffs (赫奇帕奇) for their loyalty, and Slytherins (斯莱特林) for their ambition. It’s not just about learning magic—it’s about belonging to a group that reflects who you are. 找到一个属于你的群体会帮你建立a sense of belonging(一种归属感)。Wherever in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin, you will all find a place where you belong. Fans love imagining which house they’d be sorted into (被分到哪个学院). It’s more than (不仅仅是) just a school; it’s a home where your values and traits are recognized and celebrated (这是一个让你的价值观和特质得到认可和庆祝的家). Anywhere on the internet that mentions Harry Potter, you see people discussing what house they are. Flora did a Personality Test-Which Hogwarts House Are You in (你在哪个霍格沃茨的学院里)? Basically, you need to do some multiple choice questions (多选题) where you'll get points for each option

    14 min
  5. OCT 6


    主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国)  歌曲:Out There 我们来聊一个在不同文化背景下都能引起人们共鸣的一个话题—anxiety(焦虑)。 Anxiety is something most of us experience regularly. Whether it's work, school, relationships, or the day-to-day stress of life, anxiety tends to creep in (悄悄蔓延). 真的是生活的方方面面都有可能滋生焦虑。 关于处理anxiety,大家有想过:不去fight it(和它做对抗),而是和它make peace(和平相处)吗?Today, we’ll talk about how to accept and manage anxiety in a healthier way (今天,我们将讨论如何以一种更健康的方式来接受和管理焦虑). 01. Sources and Manifestation of Anxiety 焦虑的来源和表现 Anxiety can come from all kinds of sources. Relationships, work, school, and just navigating (驾驭) life can all contribute. It’s not uncommon to feel like we’re constantly juggling too much at once (我们经常会觉得自己要同时处理太多事情). But anxiety isn’t just about what's going on around us; it affects us in various ways. We might feel physical symptoms (身体上的症状)—like a racing heart (心跳加速) or tension (紧张)—or find ourselves stuck in cycles of worry (陷入了一个无限担忧的循环中). And that brings us to the heart of today’s discussion: how can we effectively manage anxiety (如何有效地管理焦虑)? We’ll explore techniques like cognitive restructuring (认知重组), journaling (写日记), and brainstorming solutions (头脑风暴解决方案) to help manage those overwhelming feelings. 02. The Right Mindset 正确的心态 It’s important to recognize that these sources are part of being human, not something we need to completely eliminate (需要完全消除). But, how we react to them makes a huge difference. Flora can relate to that on a personal level. There was a time when she tried to tackle her anxiety head-on, thinking that if she just fought it hard enough, it would go away. But then she realized that the more she resisted her anxiety, the stronger it seemed to become.  Eventually, she learned to acknowledge her feelings instead of battling them (承认自己的感受而不是压抑). She thinks this is a very important mindset for us to have when dealing with anxiety. 03. How to Manage Anxiety Effectively?如何有效管理焦虑? (1) Cognitive Restructuring (认知重组) To manage anxiety, one key approach is challenging our thoughts. 其实很多时候我们的认知或者想法和事实是有很大差距的。With a little bit of reasoning (稍做推理), you may find that the truth is actually far from what you thought. 进行认知重组的时候可以问自己一些问题:Is my worry logical(我的担心是符合逻辑的吗)? What’s the evidence behind it(这背后有证据吗)? 总之就是不要让你的emotion(情绪)占据自己的大脑。 You might find that a lot of what you’re anxious about is unlikely to happen, or that you’re exaggerating the problem in your mind (你夸大了心中的问题). (2) Journaling (写日记) Writing things down helps make the problem feel more concrete and manageable (更加具体和易于管理). When you put your thoughts on paper, it’s easier to break them down and find a solution. 当你有焦虑却不表达的时候,那它就成为了一种abstract feeling (抽象的感受),会让你觉得it's difficult to manage,这样的话只会加深焦虑。那么这时候通过journaling把它具象化,就会打破你对这种未知抽象的恐惧。 (3) Brainstorming Solutions (头脑风暴解决方案) When faced with a problem, listing out as many solutions as you can (尽可能多地列出解决方法) is a helpful way to ease anxiety (缓解焦虑). It reduces that feeling of uncertainty and helps you regain a sense of control (找回掌控感). 这个其实是可以刻意练

    12 min
  6. OCT 3


    主播:翩翩(中国)+Selah(美国)  歌曲:Like I Loved You 最近外网有个话题被热议: 什么东西极大地改善了你的心理状态?(What massively improved your mental health?) 01 运动 Exercising 运动真是让人又爱又恨。It sucks at how well it works. 然而,心情低落的时候,运动是最不想做的事(when you are depressed, exercising is the last thing you feel like doing.) 但又是真有效果。所以说it sucks at how well it works. 坚持锻炼带来的精神状态改善是其他任何方法都比不上的。Nothing else has much of a positive effect on your mental health as regular exercise. 02 养宠物 Having pets Many people think having pets helped their mental health. 因为life can be lonely, 宠物可以给到陪伴。It makes life a little easier. 让孤独的日子能好过一点。 “其实我有一个心理体验,就是在低谷期时,可以选择将一部分心力拿出来,去照料植物、动物,或者教学生、帮助别人,在这种过程中,会得到一部分自我救赎。” This might be why having pets can improve mental health. 03 走出去 Getting outside 因为外面有大自然。Yes! Nature! Nature can work wonders for your mental health. 就像梭罗在《瓦尔登湖》所体验的那样,大自然是内心的避难所。 When you realize that so much is alive and around us, it makes you stop and think how small we really are. 天地有大美而不言,身处其中,会时常有这种humbling moments。 前天在一席,翩翩还跟同事开玩笑,说人什么时候会意识到自己有脚?When do people become aware that they have feet? 答案是:脚疼的时候。(When your feet hurt!) 同理,人在痛苦的时候更能意识到“自我”的存在。当人处在大自然中,“自我”会瞬间变渺小,那么人与自我的巨大矛盾也就会平息很多。 04 觉察 Reevaluate what is causing that 就是要重新评估一下,什么引发了你的心理危机。 Is it a person in your life? Is it a living situation? 是接触的人?还是生活环境? 现在流行一个词叫做toxic,有毒的。 外媒上的网友建议,首先要远离那种不友好、不公正、人际关系复杂,得不到肯定的工作环境,这种就是有毒的工作环境(a toxic work environment)。 So leave a toxic work environment. 远离有毒的人(Remove toxic people)。 这位外国网友说: It’s amazing how much your mental health can improve just by removing toxic people from my life. Toxic people bring nothing but negativity to your life. 05 睡足觉 Getting enough sleep 睡觉,是被严重低估的精神改善大法!这位国外网友简直是嘴替,他说:我要是十几岁就知道这事儿就好了 (If only I’d realized this in my teens)。 睡眠太重要了。It has a great impact on your day, productivity and mood. 最终影响的是mental health。 长期睡眠不足一定会让人产生精神危机。所以好好睡足觉。 06 停用社交媒体 Putting a stop to social media use 但话又说回来了,很多东西又绝对会影响睡眠,比如说 spending too much time on screens or social media (玩太久的电子产品和社交媒体)。 这位外国网友说:我停用社交媒体,改成读纸质书,今年1月份以来我已经读完6本书了,这让我感觉自己棒棒哒。(Putting a stop to my social media use and replacing that time with reading books. I have completed 6 books since the beginning of January. It makes me feel really good about myself.) 大家觉得,什么东西极大地改善了你的心理状态呢? Selah是:周围环境干净整洁,东西各归各位(keeping everything in its place)。  翩翩是:读书、写作、喝茶、以及教课。 你们呢?So what massively improved your mental health, our dear followers? 请大家留言分享:什么东西极大地改善了你的心

    8 min
  7. SEP 29


    主播:Flora(中国)+Selah(美国)  歌曲:fuzzy wuzzy 今天我们要谈的是:哪些话醍醐灌顶,永久改变了你对生活、对事物的看法?We both have some quotes (名言) that really impacted (影响) our lives and perspectives (观点). 01. “You might be the sweetest peach on the tree, but some people just don't like peaches.” “你可能是树上最甜的桃子,但是有些人就是不喜欢桃子。” It is a very sweet quote that is also very deep. It reminds Flora of a story: 有一个人很喜欢吃橘子,但是他的父亲不喜欢。No matter how much he tried to tell his father about the benefits of oranges: rich in vitamin C (富含维生素C), or to buy the best variety of oranges (买最好品种的橘子), he just didn't like them. 最后他父亲说了一句话:“再好的橘子我也不喜欢吃,我根本就不喜欢橘子的味道。” It doesn’t matter if it is the best orange. He wasn’t going to like it. 被每个人喜欢当然是大家都希望发生的。But it's impossible. You may be the sweetest peach or orange, but some people just don't like it, and it's not your fault. It is impossible to make everyone happy all the time. Some people, you will just never win over to your side (你永远也无法把他们争取到你这边来)! The quote actually helped Flora get over (克服) her desire to be liked by everyone. She realized she can’t please everyone, and that’s perfectly okay. Instead, she started focusing on becoming someone she herself actually likes. 不要成为别人眼中的你,要成为你眼中的自己。 02. “You cannot control the way someone else reacts.” “别人的反应并不是你能控制的。” You can only control yourself and how you react to something, not other people. Don't expect people to always react the way you want them to (不要期待别人总是按照你所希望的那样做出反应). If someone reacts poorly, that is out of your control (那是你无法控制的). But you can reflect and see if you can communicate better next time. Maybe the only thing we can control in this world is ourselves. 虽然我们不能控制别人的reaction(反应),但是我们可以反思一下下次有没有更好的交流方式。That's what we can and really should do, rather than blaming ourselves. This is good in any situation and is helpful in friendships, relationships, with your family or in the workplace. 03. “Courage doesn't always roar.” “勇气并不总是轰轰烈烈的。” Sometimes it is a quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "l will try again tomorrow." Getting back up is the most courageous thing you can do (重新站起来是你能做的最勇敢的事情). 很多时候我们会觉得像电影中的主人公与死神交手的瞬间才算是有“courage(勇气)”,但殊不知生活中大多数的courage都是无声且沉默的,也许那只是一天结束后的暗下决心:“明天再试一次。” 其实内心经历了波涛汹涌之后,你早已成为了生活的勇士。 04. People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. “人们会忘记你说过的话,人们会忘记你做过的事,但人们永远不会忘记你给他们带来的感受。” We think that what matters is what we do for people the success we achieve (我们取得的成功) and the status we have (拥有的地位). But often it is more about how we relate to and treat other people (我们如何与他人相处和对待他人). Flora thought the only way she can get people to remember her and want to be friends with her is to make some contribution or achievement (做出一些贡献或成就). But at the end of the day she figured out what really attracts them is our character, the way we treat people (待人的方式). This is especially true when working with kids. Often kids do not remember their teachers or

    9 min
  8. SEP 27


    主播:Wendi(中国)+Selah(美国)  歌曲:Que Sera Sera 今天,我们要讲一个让人振奋精神的话题——resilience(复原力)。 01. 什么是复原力? Resilience is the process of adapting well (很好地适应) in the face of adversity(困境), trauma(创伤), tragedy(痛苦), threats or significant sources of stress. The key is that people adapt and change as needed to face these things. Resilience不仅强调忍耐,更重要的是adapt and change(能够根据情况及时调整和适应),是一种随遇而安的能力。 事情本身不会变得简单,但是我们可以通过不同的responding(应对方式)调整我们的心态。 Highly resilient people are flexible(灵活的), adapt to new circumstances quickly(能迅速适应新环境), and thrive in constant change(在不断的变化中蓬勃发展). Resilience is important because it allows us to grow and learn from hardship(困难), as well as get through it well. It allows us to live our lives more calmly and peacefully. Like the saying goes, the only constant in the world is change (世界上唯一不变的东西是变化). Since we cannot avoid it, it’s better if we can adapt to it (接受它). 如果复原力比较低的话,当周围事物和人haven’t met your expectations(没有达到你的期望)时,you will easily be annoyed。You will have a worse reaction to change, not be able to handle hardship (应对困难), and be impacted (冲击) by things for a long time. 02. 提升“复原力”的方法 #1 Practice meditation. 练习冥想 冥想时,找一个你觉得舒服的地方,可以是你的房间,也可以是室外的某个地方,只要你能感受到平静、安全和自在就可以。When you are in a state of tranquility(宁静的状态), your whole mind will be clear and strong. 在冥想中,你会进入心流的状态。It calms your body and soul enough to see through problems and reflect. 冥想能让你看清楚、想明白很多事情,也是一个自省的机会。 It helps you to reset the brain (重启大脑) and find new perspectives (新的视角) towards challenges instead of sweating the small stuff (纠结小事). #2 Get out in nature. 走进自然 Immersing yourself in nature helps reset your body and clear your mind, just like meditation does. 大自然里的能量是非常高的,所以有的人也会在大自然中做冥想。It provides a good perspective (它提供了一个很好的视角). #3 Surround yourself with positive and high spirits. 多接触高能量的人或者事物 People often say that you are what you eat, you are who you spend time with, and you are what you surround yourself with. 近朱者赤近墨者黑,多接触高能量的人也能让自己变得更积极。 #4 Move your body. 运动 运动也是一种提高resilience的方法,但更重要的是要做你喜欢的运动。运动过后,your mind will be very quiet and peaceful. #5 Take time to learn more things. 保持学习 不断地学习,汲取新知识也可以有效提高复原力。Resilience comes from expanding knowledge and skills, either by watching videos, listening to podcasts or reading books. The key is to make a daily habit of continually learning (关键是养成日常不断学习的习惯). 学习新知识不仅能让头脑更清醒,而且会让你有不同的视角去看待事情。 #6 Work from a to-do list. 列日程计划 Resilience comes from seeing positive outcomes(积极结果) from your work. At an early stage, what’s critical to driving success is doing the right work. By creating a priority list (优先级列表) and ruthlessly working from there, you’ll be able to gain momentum(动力) — and build trust in yourself and your process — to overcome obstacles (克服障碍). #7 Work on becoming immune to rejection. 努力做到对拒绝免疫 To become immune to rejection(对拒绝免疫)就是要能够坦然

    10 min

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