10 min

硅谷九零后女程序猿Amber的故事 | Amber's Journey as a Post-90s Chinese Immigrant 华人移民故事 | Chinese Immigrant Stories

    • Documentary

本期节目讲述硅谷九零后华人女生Amber (化名) 的个人移民之旅。作为新一代的美籍华人,Amber不仅是一家知名科技公司的软件工程师,同时在攻读博士学位,节目中她向听众分享了作为第一代科技精英移民的独特经历,以及她如何迎接挑战、在湾区逐渐扎根的故事。
In the first episode of "Chinese Immigrant Stories," we dive into the personal journey of Amber (alias), a post-90s Chinese immigrant female software engineer making her mark in the heart of Silicon Valley. With a dual role at a renowned tech company and pursuing a PhD, Amber shares her unique experience as a first-generation tech elite immigrant who’s rooted herself in the Bay Area as a new Chinese American.

本期节目讲述硅谷九零后华人女生Amber (化名) 的个人移民之旅。作为新一代的美籍华人,Amber不仅是一家知名科技公司的软件工程师,同时在攻读博士学位,节目中她向听众分享了作为第一代科技精英移民的独特经历,以及她如何迎接挑战、在湾区逐渐扎根的故事。
In the first episode of "Chinese Immigrant Stories," we dive into the personal journey of Amber (alias), a post-90s Chinese immigrant female software engineer making her mark in the heart of Silicon Valley. With a dual role at a renowned tech company and pursuing a PhD, Amber shares her unique experience as a first-generation tech elite immigrant who’s rooted herself in the Bay Area as a new Chinese American.

10 min