听童话学英文-轻轻公主 The light princess

听童话学英文-轻轻公主 The light princess

故事简介 国王老来得女,视之为掌上明珠,公主洗礼日国王大宴宾客,却忽略了一位女巫,女巫怀恨在心,对公主施加了咒语。公主从此失去了重量,整日轻盈地飘在空中,得靠带子系着,由侍从们拽着,才不会像氢气球般朝高处飞去。公主意外地发现自己和水的联系,在寻找破解魔咒的时候,真正了解了什么是真正的爱,她也学会了什么是共情,世界其实并不为她而转。 作者简介 乔治 • 麦克唐纳 / George MacDonald(1824-1905)出生于苏格兰的阿伯丁郡,但成年后主要在伦敦和曼彻斯特等地生活。在经历了一段不太成功的牧师生涯后,他开始在大学任教并投身文学创作,与维多利亚时代的著名文学家如丁尼生、狄更斯、约翰•拉斯金、特罗洛普、威基•考林斯、萨克雷等以及美国诗人朗费罗和惠特曼都保持着密切的关系。他的创作主要以诗歌、童话为主,被誉为“维多利亚时代童话之王”,同时也是幻想文学的先驱者之一,深受他影响的文学家中不乏重量级的人物,如写出《爱丽丝漫游仙境》的刘易斯•卡罗尔,写出《魔戒》三部曲的托尔金、著名英国诗人奥登以及美国作家马克•吐温等。他在儿童文学方面最著名的作品是《北风的背后》、《幻境》和《公主和柯迪》等。他的作品至今十分畅销,其中《北风的背后》是与《鲁滨逊漂流记》、《格列佛游记》、《金银岛》和《爱丽丝漫游仙境》等齐名的英国经典儿童文学名著。 主播简介 槑贰因为想要分享自己喜欢的故事而走上主播 \ 演播的道路,因为喜欢,所以在故事的挑选上就很任性,只挑自己喜欢的英文作品,虽然有很多可以播读的书,但是从心而论,这些书必须是能打动我的,有正能量的,而且不一样的,我才会去念。也希望大家能喜欢这一部作品。里面有两首我自己谱曲的歌,也希望达能带给大家不一样的听感。

  1. 02/01/2022

    第15章 Look at the Rain! 看,下雨了!

    15. Look at the Rain! The princess burst into a passion of tears, and fell on the floor. There she lay for an hour, and her tears never ceased. All the pent-up crying of her life was spent now. And a rain came on, such as had never been seen in that country. The sun shone all the time, and the great drops, which fell straight to the earth, shone likewise. The palace was in the heart of a rainbow. It was a rain of rubies, and sapphires, and emeralds, and topazes. The torrents poured from the mountains like molten gold; and if it had not been for its subterraneous outlet, the lake would have overflowed and inundated the country. It was full from shore to shore. But the princess did not heed the lake. She lay on the floor and wept, and this rain within doors was far more wonderful than the rain out of doors. For when it abated a little, and she proceeded to rise, she found, to her astonishment, that she could not. At length, after many efforts, she succeeded in getting upon her feet. But she tumbled down again directly. Hearing her fall, her old nurse uttered a yell of delight, and ran to her, screaming,— "My darling child! she's found her gravity!" "Oh, that's it! is it?" said the princess, rubbing her shoulder and her knee alternately. "I consider it very unpleasant. I feel as if I should be crushed to pieces." "Hurrah!" cried the prince from the bed. "If you've come round, princess, so have I. How's the lake?" "Brimful," answered the nurse. "Then we're all happy." "That we are indeed!" answered the princess, sobbing. And there was rejoicing all over the country that rainy day. Even the babies forgot their past troubles, and danced and crowed amazingly. And the king told stories, and the queen listened to them. And he divided the money in his box, and she the honey in her pot, among all the children. And there was such jubilation as was never heard of before. Of course the prince and princess were betrothed at once. But the princess had to learn to walk, before they could be married with any propriety. And this was not so easy at her time of life, for she could walk no more than a baby. She was always falling down and hurting herself. "Is this the gravity you used to make so much of?" said she one day to the prince, as he raised her from the floor. "For my part, I was a great deal more comfortable without it." "No, no, that's not it. This is it," replied the prince, as he took her up, and carried her about like a baby, kissing her all the time. "This is gravity." "That's better," said she. "I don't mind that so much." And she smiled the sweetest, loveliest smile in the prince's face. And she gave him one little kiss in return for all his; and he thought them overpaid, for he was beside himself with delight. I fear she complained of her gravity more than once after this, notwithstanding. It was a long time before she got reconciled to walking. But the pain of learning it was quite counterbalanced by two things, either of which would have been sufficient consolation. The first was, that the prince himself was her teacher; and the second, that she could tumble into the lake as often as she pleased. Still, she preferred to have the prince jump in with her; and the splash they made before was nothing to the splash they made now. The lake never sank again. In process of time, it wore the roof of the cavern quite through, and was twice as deep as before. The only revenge the princess took upon her aunt was to tread pretty hard on her gouty toe the next time she saw her. But she was sorry for it the very next day, when she heard that the water had undermined her house, and that it had fallen in the night, burying her in its ruins; whence no one ever ventured to dig up her body. There she lies to this day. So the prince and princess lived and were happy; and had crowns of gold, and clothes of cloth, and shoes of leather, and children of boys and girls, not one of whom was ever

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  2. 第14章04 This Is Very Kind of You 你人真好!


    第14章04 This Is Very Kind of You 你人真好!

    PART IV The water rose and rose. It touched his chin. It touched his lower lip. It touched between his lips. He shut them hard to keep it out. The princess began to feel strange. It touched his upper lip. He breathed through his nostrils. The princess looked wild. It covered his nostrils. Her eyes looked scared, and shone strange in the moonlight. His head fell back; the water closed over it, and the bubbles of his last breath bubbled up through the water. The princess gave a shriek, and sprang into the lake. She laid hold first of one leg, and then of the other, and pulled and tugged, but she could not move either. She stopped to take breath, and that made her think that HE could not get any breath. She was frantic. She got hold of him, and held his head above the water, which was possible now his hands were no longer on the hole. But it was of no use, for he was past breathing. Love and water brought back all her strength. She got under the water, and pulled and pulled with her whole might, till at last she got one leg out. The other easily followed. How she got him into the boat she never could tell; but when she did, she fainted away. Coming to herself, she seized the oars, kept herself steady as best she could, and rowed and rowed, though she had never rowed before. Round rocks, and over shallows, and through mud she rowed, till she got to the landing-stairs of the palace. By this time her people were on the shore, for they had heard her shriek. She made them carry the prince to her own room, and lay him in her bed, and light a fire, and send for the doctors. "But the lake, your Highness!" said the chamberlain, who, roused by the noise, came in, in his nightcap. "Go and drown yourself in it!" she said. This was the last rudeness of which the princess was ever guilty; and one must allow that she had good cause to feel provoked with the lord chamberlain. Had it been the king himself, he would have fared no better. But both he and the queen were fast asleep. And the chamberlain went back to his bed. Somehow, the doctors never came. So the princess and her old nurse were left with the prince. But the old nurse was a wise woman, and knew what to do. They tried everything for a long time without success. The princess was nearly distracted between hope and fear, but she tried on and on, one thing after another, and everything over and over again. At last, when they had all but given it up, just as the sun rose, the prince opened his eyes. 第4节 湖水继续上涨,这次碰到王子的下巴……又碰到他的下嘴唇,现在碰到他的双唇之间了。他紧紧闭上双唇不让水流进去。公主心里有了些奇怪的感觉。片刻之后,湖水没过了王子的上嘴唇,他只能用鼻孔呼吸了。公主看上去有些焦躁不安。紧接着,湖水没过了王子的鼻孔。公主的眼睛露出恐惧,在月光下发出奇怪的光芒。王子的头向后仰去,湖水盖过了他的脸,他最后的气息化作串串水泡冒出水面。公主发出一声惊人的尖叫,跃入湖中。 她先是抱住王子的一条腿,然后又抱住另一条,连拔带拽,想把王子从洞眼中拉出来,但是她怎么也拉不动。她停下来换口气,马上就想到王子已经不能再呼吸了,简直要疯了。公主抓住王子,想把他的头往水面上托,他的手现在已经不再卡在洞眼中,所以她可以做到,但是一切都已经为时过晚,王子真的已经停止了呼吸。 爱和湖水让公主恢复了全部的气力。她潜入水中,用尽全身的力气使劲地推呀推,终于把王子的一条腿拔了出来,另外一条腿也就很容易地跟着被拖出来了。她是如何将王子推入船中的谁也不知道,但是当她做完这一切的时候,就昏了过去。 过了一会儿,公主苏醒过来。她抓住船桨,尽可能让自己保持平稳,划呀划,虽然在这之前她从来没有划

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  3. 第14章03 This Is Very Kind of You 你人真好!


    第14章03 This Is Very Kind of You 你人真好!

    PART III As she fed him, he contrived to kiss the tips of her fingers now and then. She did not seem to mind it, one way or the other. But the prince felt better. "Now for your own sake, princess," said he, "I cannot let you go to sleep. You must sit and look at me, else I shall not be able to keep up." "Well, I will do anything I can to oblige you," answered she, with condescension; and, sitting down, she did look at him, and kept looking at him with wonderful steadiness, considering all things. The sun went down, and the moon rose, and, gush after gush, the waters were rising up the prince's body. They were up to his waist now. "Why can't we go and have a swim?" said the princess. "There seems to be water enough Just about here." "I shall never swim more," said the prince. "Oh, I forgot," said the princess, and was silent. So the water grew and grew, and rose up and up on the prince. And the princess sat and looked at him. She fed him now and then. The night wore on. The waters rose and rose. The moon rose likewise higher and higher, and shone full on the face of the dying prince. The water was up to his neck. "Will you kiss me, princess?" said he, feebly. The nonchalance was all gone now. "Yes, I will," answered the princess, and kissed him with a long, sweet, cold kiss. "Now," said he, with a sigh of content, "I die happy." He did not speak again. The princess gave him some wine for the last time: he was past eating. Then she sat down again, and looked at him. 第3节 在公主喂他的时候,王子不时地设法亲她的指尖。因为这样或者那样的原因,公主似乎对此并不在意。王子觉得心里美美的。 王子说:“公主,现在为了你好,我不能让你睡过去。你要坐在这里看着我,以免我支撑不下去。” “好吧,所有能够报答你的事情我都会做。”公主殷勤地娇声答道。然后她坐下来,就这么看着他,一直极为坚定地看着他,凝视着一切。 太阳落山了,月亮升起来,水“咕噜咕噜”地涌出来,湖水渐渐升到了王子的腰部。 “为什么我们不去游一会儿?”公主说道,“看起来这里的水已经够多了。” “我再也不能去游泳了。” “哦,我忘了。”公主回答,然后就不说话了。 湖水越涨越高,慢慢从王子身边升起。公主坐在那里看着他,不时地喂东西给他吃。 夜幕渐渐降临,湖水越升越高,月亮也同样越升越高,月光照耀在即将死去的王子的面庞上。这时候湖水已经没到他的脖子了。 “你愿意吻我一下吗,公主?”他极为虚弱地说道。 那暗淡的眼神已经随波而逝了。 “是的,我愿意。”公主说完,给了他一个长长的、甜甜的、凉凉的吻。 王子带着满意的叹息声说:“这下,我可以幸福地死去了。” 王子没有再说话。公主给他喝了一点葡萄酒,因为他刚吃过一点东西。接着她又坐了下来,看着王子。

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  4. 第14章02 This Is Very Kind of You 你人真好!


    第14章02 This Is Very Kind of You 你人真好!

    PART II "Sing again, prince. It makes it less tedious," said the princess. But the prince was too much overcome to sing any more, and a long pause followed. "This is very kind of you, prince," said the princess at last, quite coolly, as she lay in the boat with her eyes shut. "I am sorry I can't return the compliment," thought the prince; "but you are worth dying for, after all." Again a wavelet, and another, and another flowed over the stone, and wetted both the prince's knees; but he did not speak or move. Two—three—four hours passed in this way, the princess apparently asleep, and the prince very patient. But he was much disappointed in his position, for he had none of the consolation he had hoped for. At last he could bear it no longer. "Princess!" said he. But at the moment up started the princess, crying,— "I'm afloat! I'm afloat!" And the little boat bumped against the stone. "Princess!" repeated the prince, encouraged by seeing her wide awake and looking eagerly at the water. "Well?" said she, without looking round. "Your papa promised that you should look at me, and you haven't looked at me once." "Did he? Then I suppose I must. But I am so sleepy!" "Sleep then, darling, and don't mind me," said the poor prince. "Really, you are very good," replied the princess. "I think I will go to sleep again." "Just give me a glass of wine and a biscuit first," said the prince, very humbly. "With all my heart," said the princess, and gaped as she said it. She got the wine and the biscuit, however, and leaning over the side of the boat towards him, was compelled to look at him. "Why, prince," she said, "you don't look well! Are you sure you don't mind it?" "Not a bit," answered he, feeling very faint indeed. "Only I shall die before it is of any use to you, unless I have something to eat." "There, then," said she, holding out the wine to him. "Ah! you must feed me. I dare not move my hands. The water would run away directly." "Good gracious!" said the princess; and she began at once to feed him with bits of biscuit and sips of wine. 第二节 “接着唱啊,王子,这样就不会觉得太无聊。”公主说道。 但是王子的感情实在难以自制,无法再唱下去了。一时间,他们沉默了许久。 “你真好,王子。”最后,公主十分冷静地说道。这时候,她躺在船里,眼睛微微闭上。 “我很难过我无法回答这番称赞,”王子想道,“但是为你去死是值得的,无论如何都是值得的。” 一个小水浪冒出来,接着又是一个,然后一个一个地从石头缝里冒出来,把王子的两个膝盖都打湿了,不过他既没有抱怨也没有挪动身体。就这样一个、两个、三个钟头过去了,公主显然已经睡着了,而王子却十分地有耐心。不过他觉得这样的状况很让人失望,因为他本来指望会有的稍许安慰,现在连一丁点都没有。 最后,他再也无法忍受了。 “公主!”他喊道。 公主醒过来,一起身,立刻惊叫道: “我漂起来了!我漂起来了!” 小船渐渐地从石头上浮起来了。 “公主!”王子又喊了一句,看到她醒了过来,如此热切地看着湖水,又有了勇气。 “怎么了?”公主说道,但是并没有朝他看去。 “你的父王答应过我,你会一直照看着我,可是你一直看都不看我一眼。” “他这么答应的?那么我想我也要那么做的。不过我真的觉得好困啊!” “那你睡吧,亲爱的,别管我。”可怜的王子说道。 “真的,你实在是太好了,”公主答道,“我觉得我又要睡一会儿了。” “那么请先给我拿一杯葡萄酒和一份点心吧。”王子十分客气地说道。 “乐意之至。”公主一边说一边打着哈欠。 她取来葡萄酒和糕点,然后斜倚着船舷靠向他,这时候,她就不得不注视着他了。 “啊,王子,”

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  5. 第14章01 This Is Very Kind of You 你人真好!


    第14章01 This Is Very Kind of You 你人真好!

    14. This Is Very Kind of You. The prince went to dress for the occasion, for he was resolved to die like a prince. When the princess heard that a man had offered to die for her, she was so transported that she jumped off the bed, feeble as she was, and danced about the room for joy. She did not care who the man was; that was nothing to her. The hole wanted stopping; and if only a man would do, why, take one. In an hour or two more everything was ready. Her maid dressed her in haste, and they carried her to the side of the lake. When she saw it she shrieked, and covered her face with her hands. They bore her across to the stone where they had already placed a little boat for her. The water was not deep enough to float it, but they hoped it would be, before long. They laid her on cushions, placed in the boat wines and fruits and other nice things, and stretched a canopy over all. In a few minutes the prince appeared. The princess recognized him at once, but did not think it worth while to acknowledge him. "Here I am," said the prince. "Put me in." "They told me it was a shoeblack," said the princess. "So I am," said the prince. "I blacked your little boots three times a day, because they were all I could get of you. Put me in." The courtiers did not resent his bluntness, except by saying to each other that he was taking it out in impudence. But how was he to be put in? The golden plate contained no instructions on this point. The prince looked at the hole, and saw but one way. He put both his legs into it, sitting on the stone, and, stooping forward, covered the corner that remained open with his two hands. In this uncomfortable position he resolved to abide his fate, and turning to the people, said,— "Now you can go." The king had already gone home to dinner. "Now you can go," repeated the princess after him, like a parrot. The people obeyed her and went. Presently a little wave flowed over the stone, and wetted one of the prince's knees. But he did not mind it much. He began to sing, and the song he sang was this:— "As a world that has no well,Darting bright in forest dell;As a world without the gleamOf the downward-going stream;As a world without the glanceOf the ocean's fair expanse;As a world where never rainGlittered on the sunny plain;—Such, my heart, thy world would be,If no love did flow in thee. As a world without the soundOf the rivulets underground;Or the bubbling of the springOut of darkness wandering;Or the mighty rush and flowingOf the river's downward going;Or the music-showers that dropOn the outspread beech's top;Or the ocean's mighty voice,When his lifted waves rejoice;—Such, my soul, thy world would be,If no love did sing in thee. Lady, keep thy world's delight;Keep the waters in thy sight.Love hath made me strong to go,For thy sake, to realms below,Where the water's shine and humThrough the darkness never come;Let, I pray, one thought of meSpring, a little well, in thee;Lest thy loveless soul be foundLike a dry and thirsty ground." 14.你人真好! 王子决定为了这一刻穿戴体面,因为他觉得即使死也要死得像一个王子。 公主听说有人自愿为她献身,有些喜出望外,她虽然已经很虚弱了,还是一下子从床上跳起来,开心地在房间里打转。她并不在乎那个男人是谁,对她来说那是无所谓的事。那个洞会被堵住,要是必须有一个人那么做,好啊,就让他去。过了约莫一两个钟头,一切准备妥当。侍女匆匆为她准备好了一切,然后把她领到湖边。当她看到湖的时候,发出了一声尖叫,一下子用双手捂住了脸。人们把她抬到湖中间的石头边,那里已经为她预备好了一只小船。 湖水还不足以托起这只小船,但是大家希望不久以后就可以了。他们把公主放在一些软垫子上,在船里摆好葡萄酒、糕点和其他一些好东西,并在船上支起一个遮阳篷。 过了一

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  6. 第13章02 Here I Am / 我来了


    第13章02 Here I Am / 我来了

    PART II "Oh!" said he at last, putting up his sword with difficulty, it was so long; "I am obliged to you, you young fool! Take a glass of wine?" "No, thank you," replied the prince. "Very well," said the king. "Would you like to run and see your parents before you make your experiment?" "No, thank you," said the prince. "Then we will go and look for the hole at once," said his Majesty, and proceeded to call some attendants. "Stop, please your Majesty; I have a condition to make," interposed the prince. "What!" exclaimed the king, "a condition! and with me! How dare you?" "As you please," returned the prince, coolly. "I wish your Majesty a good morning." "You wretch! I will have you put in a sack, and stuck in the hole." "Very well, your Majesty," replied the prince, becoming a little more respectful, lest the wrath of the king should deprive him of the pleasure of dying for the princess. "But what good will that do your Majesty? Please to remember that the oracle says the victim must offer himself." "Well, you have offered yourself," retorted the king. "Yes, upon one condition." "Condition again!" roared the king, once more drawing his sword. "Begone! Somebody else will be glad enough to take the honour off your shoulders." "Your Majesty knows it will not be easy to get another to take my place." "Well, what is your condition?" growled the king, feeling that the prince was right. "Only this," replied the prince: "that, as I must on no account die before I am fairly drowned, and the waiting will be rather wearisome, the princess, your daughter, shall go with me, feed me with her own hands, and look at me now and then to comfort me; for you must confess it IS rather hard. As soon as the water is up to my eyes, she may go and be happy, and forget her poor shoeblack." Here the prince's voice faltered, and he very nearly grew sentimental, in spite of his resolution. "Why didn't you tell me before what your condition was? Such a fuss about nothing!" exclaimed the king. "Do you grant it?" persisted the prince.  "Of course I do," replied the king. "Very well. I am ready." "Go and have some dinner, then, while I set my people to find the place." The king ordered out his guards, and gave directions to the officers to find the hole in the lake at once. So the bed of the lake was marked out in divisions and thoroughly examined, and in an hour or so the hole was discovered. It was in the middle of a stone, near the centre of the lake, in the very pool where the golden plate had been found. It was a three-cornered hole of no great size. There was water all round the stone, but very little was flowing through the hole. 第2节  “哦!”国王终于说话了,他不太利索地把宝剑插回剑鞘,因为那是一把很长的宝剑,“我很感谢你,你这个年纪轻轻的傻瓜!要来杯葡萄酒吗?” “不,谢谢。”王子答道。 “很好!”国王说道,“你要在这之前先回去一趟,看看你的父母吗?” “不,谢谢。”王子说道。 “那么我们立刻就去找到那个洞眼。”国王陛下说着,就要召来随从。 “别急,尊敬的陛下,我有一个条件。” “什么!”国王大声说道,“一个条件!和我谈条件!你怎么敢这样说话?” “随便您,”王子说完,很沉着地转身走了,“祝您有一个愉快的早晨。” “你这个无耻的人!我要把你塞进麻袋,然后用你堵住那个洞。” “很好,国王陛下。”王子答道,语气稍微恭敬了一些,以免过于激怒国王,反而让自己失去了为公主去死的荣幸,“不过那对您有什么好处呢?请别忘记那段预言中可是说了,必须要牺牲者自愿献出他自己。” “好啊,你就把自己献上吧。”国王回答道。 “是的,不过有个条件。” “还要谈条件!”国王勃然大怒,又一次拔出他的宝剑,“滚!自然有别人乐意顶替你

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  7. 第13章01 Here I Am / 我来了


    第13章01 Here I Am / 我来了

    13. Here I Am. This was a very disheartening revelation to the king—not that he was unwilling to sacrifice a subject, but that he was hopeless of finding a man willing to sacrifice himself. No time was to be lost, however, for the princess was lying motionless on her bed, and taking no nourishment but lake-water, which was now none of the best. Therefore the king caused the co  ntents of the wonderful plate of gold to be published throughout the country. No one, however, came forward. The prince, having gone several days' journey into the forest, to consult a hermit whom he had met there on his way to Lagobel, knew nothing of the oracle till his return. When he had acquainted himself with all the particulars, he sat down and thought,— "She will die if I don't do it, and life would be nothing to me without her; so I shall lose nothing by doing it. And life will be as pleasant to her as ever, for she will soon forget me. And there will be so much more beauty and happiness in the world!—To be sure, I shall not see it." (Here the poor prince gave a sigh.) "How lovely the lake will be in the moonlight, with that glorious creature sporting in it like a wild goddess!—It is rather hard to be drowned by inches, though. Let me see—that will be seventy inches of me to drown." (Here he tried to laugh, but could not.) "The longer the better, however," he resumed: "for can I not bargain that the princess shall be beside me all the time? So I shall see her once more, kiss her perhaps,—who knows?—and die looking in her eyes. It will be no death. At least, I shall not feel it. And to see the lake filling for the beauty again!—All right! I am ready." He kissed the princess's boot, laid it down, and hurried to the king's apartment. But feeling, as he went, that anything sentimental would be disagreeable, he resolved to carry off the whole affair with nonchalance. So he knocked at the door of the king's counting-house, where it was all but a capital crime to disturb him. When the king heard the knock he started up, and opened the door in a rage. Seeing only the shoeblack, he drew his sword. This, I am sorry to say, was his usual mode of asserting his regality when he thought his dignity was in danger. But the prince was not in the least alarmed. "Please your Majesty, I'm your butler," said he. "My butler! you lying rascal! What do you mean?" "I mean, I will cork your big bottle." "Is the fellow mad?" bawled the king, raising the point of his sword. "I will put a stopper—plug—what you call it, in your leaky lake, grand monarch," said the prince. The king was in such a rage that before he could speak he had time to cool, and to reflect that it would be great waste to kill the only man who was willing to be useful in the present emergency, seeing that in the end the insolent fellow would be as dead as if he had died by his Majesty's own hand. 13.我来了 对于国王来说,这是一个令人沮丧的发现,倒不是他不想让谁去做这个牺牲,而是他根本就没指望找到一个愿意牺牲自己性命的人。然而时不我待,无论如何,公主正一动不动地躺在床上,什么药也没有用,除非湖水回来。这是唯一的救命稻草。于是国王下令将那个金盘子上的预言内容昭告全国。 然而,没有一个人自告奋勇地站出来。 这些日子,王子离开王宫去了森林,去拜访一位他来纳格贝尔旅途上遇到的隐士。 他回来之后才听说预言的事。 他坐下来想了想: “如果我不去的话,她就会死掉,没了她,我活着也没什么意思,所以做这件事情对我来说没有什么损失。她又会和以前一样开心地活着了,她会很快就忘记我。这个世界上还有那么多奇妙美丽的东西!我肯定,再也看不到了。”想到这里,可怜的王子叹了一口气,“月光下的湖是多么地可爱,那个女孩在湖里简直就是充满野

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  8. 第12章02 Where Is the Prince? / 王子在哪里?


    第12章02 Where Is the Prince? / 王子在哪里?

    PART II The lake went on sinking. Small slimy spots began to appear, which glittered steadily amidst the changeful shine of the water. These grew to broad patches of mud, which widened and spread, with rocks here and there, and floundering fishes and crawling eels swarming. The people went everywhere catching these, and looking for anything that might have dropped from the royal boats. At length the lake was all but gone, only a few of the deepest pools remaining unexhausted. It happened one day that a party of youngsters found themselves on the brink of one of these pools in the very centre of the lake. It was a rocky basin of considerable depth. Looking in, they saw at the bottom something that shone yellow in the sun. A little boy jumped in and dived for it. It was a plate of gold covered with writing. They carried it to the king. On one side of it stood these words:— "Death alone from death can save.Love is death, and so is brave—Love can fill the deepest grave.Love loves on beneath the wave." Now this was enigmatical enough to the king and courtiers. But the reverse of the plate explained it a little. Its writing amounted to this:— "If the lake should disappear, they must find the hole through which the water ran. But it would be useless to try to stop it by any ordinary means. There was but one effectual mode.—The body of a living man could alone stanch the flow. The man must give himself of his own will; and the lake must take his life as it filled. Otherwise the offering would be of no avail. If the nation could not provide one hero, it was time it should perish." 第2节 湖水一天天在减少,小的泥淖开始浮现,散落在闪亮的水面中,反射出点点光芒。这些泥淖很快结成大块的泥巴,越来越大,渐渐连成一片,四下夹杂着石块。挣扎的鱼儿和翻滚的鳝鳗一起挤在还有水的地方,人们在湖里窜来窜去地抓它们,或是四处搜寻那些过去从王室游船上落入湖中的宝贝。 最终,湖水都流光了。只有湖底最深的地方还有一些水洼没有干涸。 有一天,一群小孩子跑到湖正中央的一个水洼边上玩。这是一个相当深的石头池子。他们向里面看,结果看到池底有什么东西在阳光的照射下发出金光。一个小男孩跳进水里,一个猛子扎下去。原来那是一个上面写满字的金质盘子。他们把盘子交给国王。只见盘子的一面写着这样几行字: 独死之死可救赎。 爱之死,爱之勇气—— 爱可填极致之墓。 爱于浪下永不腐。 这些话对于国王和他的臣子们来说实在是太费解了。不过好在盘子的另一面还有一些解释,是这样写着的: “如果湖水将要消失,人们必须找到湖水流走的那个洞。任何通常的做法都无法阻止湖水流走。只有一个办法——一个活人的躯体可以止住水流。这个人必须自愿献出他自己,而升起的湖水必会取走他的生命。如果王国中没有一个英雄挺身而出,湖水就将干涸。”

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故事简介 国王老来得女,视之为掌上明珠,公主洗礼日国王大宴宾客,却忽略了一位女巫,女巫怀恨在心,对公主施加了咒语。公主从此失去了重量,整日轻盈地飘在空中,得靠带子系着,由侍从们拽着,才不会像氢气球般朝高处飞去。公主意外地发现自己和水的联系,在寻找破解魔咒的时候,真正了解了什么是真正的爱,她也学会了什么是共情,世界其实并不为她而转。 作者简介 乔治 • 麦克唐纳 / George MacDonald(1824-1905)出生于苏格兰的阿伯丁郡,但成年后主要在伦敦和曼彻斯特等地生活。在经历了一段不太成功的牧师生涯后,他开始在大学任教并投身文学创作,与维多利亚时代的著名文学家如丁尼生、狄更斯、约翰•拉斯金、特罗洛普、威基•考林斯、萨克雷等以及美国诗人朗费罗和惠特曼都保持着密切的关系。他的创作主要以诗歌、童话为主,被誉为“维多利亚时代童话之王”,同时也是幻想文学的先驱者之一,深受他影响的文学家中不乏重量级的人物,如写出《爱丽丝漫游仙境》的刘易斯•卡罗尔,写出《魔戒》三部曲的托尔金、著名英国诗人奥登以及美国作家马克•吐温等。他在儿童文学方面最著名的作品是《北风的背后》、《幻境》和《公主和柯迪》等。他的作品至今十分畅销,其中《北风的背后》是与《鲁滨逊漂流记》、《格列佛游记》、《金银岛》和《爱丽丝漫游仙境》等齐名的英国经典儿童文学名著。 主播简介 槑贰因为想要分享自己喜欢的故事而走上主播 \ 演播的道路,因为喜欢,所以在故事的挑选上就很任性,只挑自己喜欢的英文作品,虽然有很多可以播读的书,但是从心而论,这些书必须是能打动我的,有正能量的,而且不一样的,我才会去念。也希望大家能喜欢这一部作品。里面有两首我自己谱曲的歌,也希望达能带给大家不一样的听感。

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