通勤學英語 15Mins Today

通勤學英語 15Mins Today

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  1. 回顧星期天LBS - 火車相關時事趣聞 All about trains


    回顧星期天LBS - 火車相關時事趣聞 All about trains

    韓國殿堂級戰棋遊戲:創世紀戰M:阿修羅計畫正式上線, 經典戰棋爽快制敵,下載連結: https://fstry.pse.is/7672sk 立即登入即享20抽 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ----------------------------------- 🎧 通勤學英語 VIP 專區 & 🚀 線上課程  ----------------------------------- 💡 想要更自然的提升英語力?加入VIP會員,獲得專屬內容與優惠! 立即加入VIP方案 →https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱常見問題 →https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb想學哪些主題? →https://forms.gle/xyHoPydBr6LLFL9q8 🔥 社會人核心英語有聲書課程→https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 🌎 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 💬 你的想法很重要!留言分享 → 留言連結 Web:www.15mins.today YouTube:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- 📜 單集逐字稿 & 內容摘要(播放器字數有限,完整逐字稿請到官網查看) -------------------------------------------- Topic: Sightseeing train turns ’problem’ Kyoto line into talk of the town A railway here in Miyazu, Kyoto Prefecture once on the verge of being defunct has a new lease on life with its slow-moving sightseeing train featuring a cafe-like interior. (日本)京都府宮津一條曾瀕臨廢線的鐵路,憑藉內部裝潢有如咖啡館的觀光慢車,得以續命綿延。 The Tango Aka-Matsu is operated by Kyoto Tango Railway (Tantetsu), whose lines were famously dubbed the symbol of unprofitable train routes in the Heisei Era, which started in 1989. 京都丹後鐵道(簡稱丹鐵)負責營運的「丹後赤松號」觀光列車所行駛的路線,被稱為是始於1989年平成時代的知名不賺錢路線的象徵。 The train, which connects Nishi-Maizuru and Amanohashidate stations, runs at reduced speeds offering scenic views. 這列連接西舞鶴站與天橋立站的觀光列車,以較慢速度行駛,好讓乘客能夠欣賞美景。 Passengers let out cries of delight on a weekend in December as the fully occupied 33-seat train approached Yuragawa Kyoryo bridge over the Yuragawa river. 去年12月的某個週末,當33個座位都坐滿的觀光列車駛向跨越由良川的由良川橋時,車上乘客一陣驚呼。 "It’s amazing. It’s like we are on the sea," one passenger said. 「太棒了。我們好像在海上,」一名乘客如是說。 The 550-meter-long bridge is only a few meters above the river, making passengers feel as if the train is traveling on the water. 這座550公尺長的鐵道橋,只比河面高幾公尺,讓乘客覺得火車彷彿行駛在水面上。 Next Article Topic: Emergency bathroom run lands Japanese "bullet train" driver in hot water 煩 The famed high-speed "bullet train" in Japan got some unwanted attention from regulators last month after the driver briefly abandoned his controls to take a bathroom break — leaving the train and its 160 passengers to hurtle along the tracks at 93 miles-per-hour. 日本知名的高速「子彈列車」上月因一名司機員暫離駕駛室去上廁所而被監管人員盯上——(他)讓列車與車上160名乘客以93英里的時速奔馳於鐵軌上。 The train departed Tokyo Station at 7:33 a.m., bound for Shin-Osaka station. At 8:14, outside the city of Odawara southwest of Tokyo, the driver suffered a bout of abdominal distress. 這班前往新大阪站的列車在早上7時33分從東京站出發。8時14分來到東京西南方的小田原市外圍時,司機員感到一陣腹痛。 Instead of stopping the train to run to the bathroom, he called in the conductor to occupy the control room for three minutes, until he was able to scramble back to his post. 與其停車以便跑去上廁所,他反而找來車掌在駕駛室待3分鐘,直到他趕回與重返駕駛崗位。 "Many of our conductors are licensed to take the controls," Central Japan Railway public relations representative Ryumon Hashimoto said. "But this one wasn’t." 「我們的許多車掌有(列車)駕駛執照,」JR東海公關部的橋本龍門(譯音)說。「但這位沒有。」 Next Article Topic: Aesthetic makeover: TRA launches new tour train When the plans for the Taiwan Railway Administration’s (TRA) NT$79 million (US$2.6 million) 29 “Formosa Express” passenger tour carriages were revealed earlier this year, the designs were met with an avalanche of criticism. In response, TRA director Chang Cheng-yuan announced in April that the company would hold consultations on the design, and that the most vehement detractors would be invited to contribute. 台鐵局今年耗資新台幣七千九百萬元,打造二十九輛環島之星觀光列車,曝光後設計卻遭批評。台鐵局長張政源在今年四月宣布,成立台鐵美學設計諮詢審議小組,「把罵台鐵最凶的統統找來」。由設計師吳漢中為代表,齊聚各界專家,把二十九輛當中尚未施作完工的十三輛列車,邀請在國內外得過許多設計大獎的台灣設計團隊「柏成設計」,導入美學概念重新改造。 Headed by designer Han Wu, the team of consultants brought together experts from various fields, and the award-winning Taiwanese design firm J. C. Architecture was invited to undertake an aesthetic makeover, designing the 13 cars yet to be converted. Unveiled on Friday, the newly designed TRA Tour Train sports a black and orange exterior, imparting an air of gravitas to its new look. Redundant signs distracting from the minimalist interior design were removed, and soft lighting was introduced to create a comfortable, relaxing ambience, to give passengers the impression of being in a hotel. 新設計的台鐵觀光列車上週五亮相,外觀改用尊榮感十足的黑、橘色,內裝採減法設計,去掉多餘的指標,燈光使用溫和的色溫,讓旅客有如進到飯店的舒適氛圍。 The curtains in the carriages are based on the works of Yuma Taru, an aboriginal craftswoman, employing geometric shapes suggestive of mountains, while the upholstery utilizes blues and grays, a reference to Taiwan’s oceans, rocks and mountains. The overall effect goes beyond that of a simple means of transportation, and now has more of an emotional impact. 車廂中的窗簾,是參考原住民工藝家尤瑪.達陸的作品,以幾何圖形堆疊出山脈造型;座椅顏色為藍、灰色,象徵台灣的海洋、石頭與山,讓火車不再只是生硬的交通工具,同時也富有情感。 Commenting on why black and orange were chosen for the exterior, Nora Wang, co-founder of J. C. Architecture, says that black imparts a sense of mystery and sobriety, and that old photos of TRA train carriages show that black was widely used for train exteriors in the past. The orange, meanwhile, is a reference to the Chu Kuang Express train designs. The tour train’s black and orange theme is therefore a link to railway history, reinvented from and recombining older design elements. 列車外觀使用黑、橘二色,柏成設計合夥創辦人王菱檥表示,黑色具有神秘的尊榮感,尤其觀察過往台鐵車體照片時,發現有一段時期大量採用黑色設計,因此激盪出新的想法。經典橘色則是延續莒光號原有的橘,保有車輛的歷史,將舊元素重新組合,迸出新的設計火花。 Wang’s favorite design is the bar counter area, reminiscent of a hotel reception, featuring a small lamp on the dining table, giving boarding passengers the impression they are entering a hotel. Passengers get to experience the hotel-like service, too, reclining in the train’s parlor car accompanied by friends and family, leisurely sipping coffee. The windows offer magnificent ocean views to the east and vistas of rice paddies and mountains to the west. 有如飯店接待大廳的吧台區是王菱檥最喜愛的設計,餐桌台上放了一盞小燈,當旅客踏上這輛觀光列車時,感覺就像是踏進飯店一樣。跟親朋好友坐在客廳車,悠閒喝著咖啡,從觀景窗往外望,東邊有海岸線壯闊海景,西邊則有稻穗、山脈,帶給大家有如旅館式的服務體驗。 Wang says, “The TRA train is not just a means of transportation, it is a starting point for a journey.” She hopes that the TRA Tour Train will help promote rail travel in Taiwan. Tour trains in countries such as Japan and Italy attract visitors from all over the world every year, and Wang believes Taiwan has the potential to be like this. “Taiwan’s landscape is so beautiful,” she says, and “some scenery can only be seen from the train.” 王菱檥說:「台鐵不只是交通工具,而是旅遊的起始點。」她希望未來可帶動民眾搭乘火車在島內旅遊的風氣,放眼各國的觀光列車如日本、義大利等,每年吸引全球民眾到訪,「相信台灣有這方面的潛力,台灣景觀太美了,有些景色只有坐火車才看得到」。 Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2019/12/17/2003727649/2 Next Article Topic: The hydrogen, or hydrail, train is set to run in Lower Saxony starting in December 2017. The train - called the "Coradia iLint" - has been developed over the past two years by French company Alstom. 這種火車稱為「柯納狄亞」,由法國「阿斯頓」公司耗時2年開發。 The hydrogen train operates using a hydrogen fuel tank, stored on the roof of the train, that in turn powers a fuel cell to produce electrical energy. This technology provides a new environmentally friendly alternative to the

    9 分钟
  2. 15Mins 名人正念語錄 Inspirations Ep.14 知名旅遊作家與節目主持人 Famous travel authors and TV show hosts


    15Mins 名人正念語錄 Inspirations Ep.14 知名旅遊作家與節目主持人 Famous travel authors and TV show hosts

    韓國殿堂級戰棋遊戲:創世紀戰M:阿修羅計畫正式上線, 經典戰棋爽快制敵,下載連結: https://fstry.pse.is/7672sk 立即登入即享20抽 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ----------------------------------- 🎧 通勤學英語 VIP 專區 & 🚀 線上課程  ----------------------------------- 💡 想要更自然的提升英語力?加入VIP會員,獲得專屬內容與優惠! 立即加入VIP方案 →https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱常見問題 →https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 🔥 社會人核心英語有聲書課程→https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 🌎 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 💬 你的想法很重要!留言分享 → 留言連結 Web:www.15mins.today YouTube:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- 📜 單集逐字稿 & 內容摘要(播放器字數有限,完整逐字稿請到官網查看) -------------------------------------------- Famous quotes by travel authors and TV show hosts 1. Rick Steves (Travel Writer and TV Host) Quote: "Travel is rich with learning opportunities, andthe ultimate souvenir is a broader perspective." Rick Steves began his travel career in 1976, teaching pianoto fund his trips across Europe. He started his business by giving travel lectures in his hometown of Edmonds, Washington, and self-published his first guide book "Europe Through the Back Door" in 1980. What sets Steves apart is his philosophy of "temporary local" travel – encouraging travelers to experience destinations like locals rather than tourists. His PBS show "Rick Steves' Europe" has aired since 2000, but he actually started in public television by doing travel segments for his local PBS station while washing dishes in their cafeteria. Despite his success, he still leads tours several weeks each year to stay connected with travelers and maintain his expertise. He advocates for what he calls "thoughtful travel" – using travel as a tool for breaking down cultural barriers and promoting global understanding. Interestingly, Steves maintains a policy of featuring only places that regular travelers can realistically visit, refusing to showcase exclusive resorts or luxury experiences that are out of reach for average tourists. 1. 瑞克·史蒂夫斯(旅遊作家與電視節目主持人) 名言:「旅行充滿學習機會,最珍貴的紀念品就是更寬廣的視野。」 瑞克·史蒂夫斯1976年開始旅遊生涯,靠教鋼琴資助自己環遊歐洲。他在家鄉華盛頓州艾德蒙茲開始事業,舉辦旅遊講座,1980年自費出版第一本旅遊指南《歐洲後門之旅》。史蒂夫斯與眾不同之處在於他提倡「暫時成為當地人」的旅行哲學-鼓勵旅客像當地人而不是遊客般體驗目的地。他的PBS節目《瑞克·史蒂夫斯的歐洲》自2000年開播,但其實他是從在當地PBS電視台餐廳洗盤子時開始製作旅遊節目單元的。儘管事業有成,他每年仍親自帶團數週,以保持與旅客的連結和專業知識。他提倡「深思熟慮的旅行」-運用旅行作為打破文化隔閡和促進全球理解的工具。有趣的是,史蒂夫斯堅持只介紹一般旅客實際可以造訪的地方,拒絕展示一般人負擔不起的奢華度假村或豪華體驗。 2. Anthony Bourdain (Chef, Author, and Travel Documentarian) Quote: "If you're twenty-two, physically fit, hungry tolearn and be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them – wherever you go." Anthony Bourdain began his journey not as a travel writerbut as a chef in New York City. His breakthrough came with his 2000 book "Kitchen Confidential," which led to his first TV show "A Cook's Tour." Bourdain was known for his unique approach to travel journalism, focusing on how food connects to larger cultural and political issues. He spoke French fluently and studied at Vassar College before dropping out to pursue cooking. During his career, he visited over 100 countries, often highlighting lesser-known destinations and local cuisine. What many don't know is that he wrote several crime novels before his food writing career took off. Bourdain insisted on paying for meals at restaurants featured in his shows to maintain journalistic integrity. He was also known for learning basic phrases in the local language of wherever he visited, believing it showed respect for the culture. His show "Parts Unknown" won multiple Emmy Awards and a Peabody Award for expanding viewers' cultural knowledge through food and travel. 2. 安東尼·波登(廚師、作家與旅遊紀錄片製作人) 名言:「如果你22歲,身體健康,渴望學習和進步,我強烈建議你去旅行-越遠越好,範圍越廣越好。必要時可以睡地板。去了解別人如何生活、吃什麼、怎麼煮飯。無論去哪裡都要向他們學習。」 安東尼·波登最初不是旅遊作家,而是紐約市的一名廚師。2000年出版的《廚房機密》讓他一舉成名,進而開始主持首個電視節目《廚師巡迴之旅》。波登以獨特的旅遊報導方式聞名,專注於食物如何連結更廣泛的文化和政治議題。他精通法語,曾就讀瓦薩學院但中途輟學去學廚藝。在他的職業生涯中,他造訪過100多個國家,經常報導鮮為人知的目的地和當地美食。許多人不知道他在投入美食寫作之前曾寫過幾本犯罪小說。波登堅持自掏腰包支付節目中餐廳的餐費,以維持新聞誠信。他也以在每個造訪地點學習基本當地用語聞名,認為這表示對文化的尊重。他的節目《未知之旅》獲得多項艾美獎和皮博迪獎,因為透過美食和旅行擴展了觀眾的文化知識。 3. Bill Bryson (Travel Author) Quote: "To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury oftravel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted." Bill Bryson was born in Des Moines, Iowa, but spent much ofhis adult life in Britain, giving him a unique perspective on both American and British culture. His travel writing career began almost accidentally during a backpacking trip across Europe in the 1970s. He started keeping detailed notes about his experiences, which later became his first travel book "The Lost Continent." Bryson is known for combining historical research, scientific facts, and humor in his travel writing. He has served as the chancellor of Durham University and was made an honorary Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for his contributions to literature. What makes Bryson unique is his ability to find fascinating stories in seemingly ordinary places – his book "A Walk in the Woods" turned a hike on the Appalachian Trail into a bestseller. He's also known for his meticulous research; for his book "A Short History of Nearly Everything," he spent three years studying science to make complex topics accessible to general readers. 3. 比爾·布萊森(旅遊作家) 名言:「在我看來,旅行最大的回報和奢侈在於能夠像第一次般體驗日常事物,處在一個幾乎沒有什麼事物是理所當然的位置。」 比爾·布萊森生於愛荷華州德梅因,但成年後大部分時間都在英國生活,這讓他對美國和英國文化都有獨特的見解。他的旅遊寫作生涯幾乎是偶然開始的,源於1970年代的一次歐洲背包之旅。他開始詳細記錄自己的經歷,後來成為他的第一本旅遊書《失落的大陸》。布萊森以在旅遊寫作中結合歷史研究、科學事實和幽默聞名。他曾擔任杜倫大學校長,因對文學的貢獻獲頒大英帝國勳章(OBE)榮譽官佐勳章。布萊森的獨特之處在於他能在看似平凡的地方發掘迷人的故事-他的《林間散步》把阿帕拉契山徑的健行經歷寫成暢銷書。他也以認真研究聞名;為了寫《萬物簡史》,他花了三年時間研究科學,讓複雜的主題變得平易近人。

    11 分钟
  3. 精選詞彙單元 Vocab EP.14: 洗衣機器人來了Laundry robots are coming (回顧)


    精選詞彙單元 Vocab EP.14: 洗衣機器人來了Laundry robots are coming (回顧)

    韓國殿堂級戰棋遊戲:創世紀戰M:阿修羅計畫正式上線, 經典戰棋爽快制敵,下載連結: https://fstry.pse.is/7672sk 立即登入即享20抽 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎留言你對這集的想法: 留言連結 官方網站:www.15mins.today Clubhouse直播室:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/46hm8k 訂閱YouTube頻道:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- Summary: Home appliances have changed our lives in the age of electronics, now added with robotics and AI, two companies are going to make house chores easier for college students and overworked parents. Innovation in the laundry space is picking up steam and many companies new and established are trying to create the next-generation of laundry appliances. Full article: https://www.15mins.today/blog/563-take-a-load-off-the-robots-that-fold-laundry-are-coming Vocabulary and Sentences: Laundry n. clothes that need to be washed Most people have to do laundry once or twice a week.Most people hate doing their laundry.Taiwan as a country is working hard towards anti-money laundering practices.  Refrigerator/fridge n. appliance to keep food cold At the Fang household, we love Hitachi refrigerators.Clothes line / washing line n.  At home, we got rid of our clothesline because we got a washer-dryer combo machine.Detergent n. cleansing agent for cleaning When you wash your clothes, remember to put in your deterge

    21 分钟
  4. 英語咖啡館 Ep.257: 電商學英語 - 行銷人必知的2025 Z世代消費密碼 What Gen Z behavior mean for e-commerce in 2025


    英語咖啡館 Ep.257: 電商學英語 - 行銷人必知的2025 Z世代消費密碼 What Gen Z behavior mean for e-commerce in 2025

    ----------------------------------- 🎧 通勤學英語 VIP 專區 & 🚀 線上課程  ----------------------------------- 💡 想要更自然的提升英語力?加入VIP會員,獲得專屬內容與優惠! 立即加入VIP方案 →https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱常見問題 →https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 🔥 社會人核心英語有聲書課程→https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 🌎 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 💬 你的想法很重要!留言分享 → 留言連結 Web:www.15mins.today YouTube:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- 📜 單集逐字稿 & 內容摘要(播放器字數有限,完整逐字稿請到官網查看) -------------------------------------------- 想要這集的VIP學習筆記 (內含主題討論逐字稿、常用慣用語片語及同義字、聽力小測驗)? 更多的加值內容成為VIP會員:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday 你的身邊有社會新鮮人嗎?本週的《英語咖啡館》是電商讀書會的Lydia和Cariya老師,要來和John老師聊聊2025年Z世代的消費行為趨勢!據統計,Z世代已逐漸要成為社會上的主力消費者,他們獨特的消費習慣和行為模式,正在重塑改變整個市場。 本集裡面我們討論了四個Z世代常見的消費習慣,例如在日常消費上注重「平行替換品」和「划算」;加入會員計劃主要是因為優惠而不是喜愛品牌等等,另外社群媒體也是Z世代分享和找尋產品的主要來源喔。 Do you have any new fresh graduates working with you? This week’s episode of English Café features Lydia and Cariya from the exc study group join John to discuss Gen Z’s consumption trends for 2025! According to statistics, Gen Z is gradually becoming the main consumer force in society, and their unique consumption habits and behavioral patterns are reshaping the entire market. In this episode, the four common consumption habits of Gen Z—for example, they focus on “dupes” and value-for-money in their everyday spending; they join membership programs mainly for the discounts rather than brand loyalty; and social media is a primary source for them to share and discover products. Do you have any other observations of Gen Z consumption behavior? Send us your observations and we will give you a shout out!

    40 分钟
  5. 國際時事跟讀 Ep.K939: 人工智慧的新疆界:DeepSeek 顛覆全球科技秩序  AI's New Frontier: DeepSeek Disrupts Global Tech Order


    國際時事跟讀 Ep.K939: 人工智慧的新疆界:DeepSeek 顛覆全球科技秩序 AI's New Frontier: DeepSeek Disrupts Global Tech Order

    韓國殿堂級戰棋遊戲:創世紀戰M:阿修羅計畫正式上線, 經典戰棋爽快制敵,下載連結: https://fstry.pse.is/7672sk 立即登入即享20抽 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ----------------------------------- 🎧 通勤學英語 VIP 專區 & 🚀 線上課程  ----------------------------------- 💡 想要更自然的提升英語力?加入VIP會員,獲得專屬內容與優惠! 立即加入VIP方案 →https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱常見問題 →https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 🔥 社會人核心英語有聲書課程→https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 🌎 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 💬 你的想法很重要!留言分享 → 留言連結 Web:www.15mins.today YouTube:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- 📜 單集逐字稿 & 內容摘要(播放器字數有限,完整逐字稿請到官網查看) -------------------------------------------- 國際時事跟讀 Ep.K939: AI's New Frontier: DeepSeek Disrupts Global Tech Order Highlights 主題摘要: DeepSeek has developed an AI model comparable to ChatGPT at a fraction of the cost ($5.6 million vs billions), demonstrating that breakthrough innovations can come from unexpected places.The emergence of DeepSeek caused significant market disruption, leading to massive stock value losses for tech giants and raising questions about U.S. technological dominance.This development has sparked urgent discussions about AI security, intellectual property protection, and the future of international technological competition in the AI industry.. In a seismic shift that has rattled the artificial intelligence industry, DeepSeek, a Chinese startup barely a year old, has unveiled an AI model that rivals the capabilities of industry leaders like ChatGPT at a fraction of the cost. This breakthrough has not only caught the attention of tech experts worldwide but has also triggered unprecedented reactions in the global financial markets and raised fundamental questions about the future of AI development and international technological competition. 在一場震撼人工智慧產業的重大轉變中,年僅一歲的中國新創公司 DeepSeek 推出了一款能與 ChatGPT 等產業龍頭匹敵,但成本卻大幅較低的人工智慧模型。這項突破不僅吸引了全球科技專家的注意,更在全球金融市場引發前所未有的反應,並對人工智慧發展及國際科技競爭的未來提出了根本性的問題。 The most striking aspect of DeepSeek's achievement lies in its remarkable cost-effectiveness. While major U.S. companies like OpenAI, Google, and Meta invest billions of dollars in developing their AI models, DeepSeek claims to have created its base model for just $5.6 million in computing power. This dramatic cost difference has led to intense speculation about the company's methods and sparked heated debate within the tech community about the future of AI development costs. Marc Andreessen, a prominent tech investor, has described it as "one of the most amazing and impressive breakthroughs" he has witnessed, while others question the full implications of this advancement for the global tech landscape. DeepSeek 最引人注目的成就在於其驚人的成本效益。當美國主要公司如 OpenAI、Google 和 Meta 投入數十億美元開發人工智慧模型時,DeepSeek 聲稱僅花費 560 萬美元的運算成本就開發出其基礎模型。這巨大的成本差異引發科技業界對該公司方法的強烈揣測,並在科技社群中掀起關於人工智慧發展成本未來的激烈討論。知名科技投資人 Marc Andreessen(馬克.安德森)稱其為「他所見過最令人驚嘆且印象深刻的突破之一」,而其他人則質疑這項進展對全球科技版圖的全面影響。 The emergence of DeepSeek has had immediate and substantial effects on the U.S. stock market, triggering what some analysts call a fundamental reassessment of tech sector valuations. Nvidia, the leading manufacturer of AI chips, experienced an unprecedented single-day loss of nearly $600 billion in market value, while other tech giants like Meta and Alphabet also saw significant declines. This market reaction reflects growing uncertainty about the competitive advantage that U.S. companies have maintained in AI technology, particularly given China's ability to achieve such advances despite facing restrictions on access to advanced AI chips and other critical technologies. DeepSeek 的出現對美國股市產生了立即且重大的影響,促使分析師稱之為科技產業估值的根本性重新評估。人工智慧晶片的領導製造商輝達(Nvidia)單日市值蒸發近 6000 億美元,創下空前紀錄,而 Meta 和 Alphabet(Google 母公司)等其他科技巨頭也出現顯著跌幅。這樣的市場反應反映出對美國公司在人工智慧技術上所維持的競爭優勢的日益不確定性,特別是考慮到中國在面臨先進人工智慧晶片和其他關鍵技術取得限制的情況下,仍能取得如此進展。 The situation has prompted swift responses from various stakeholders in the AI industry and government sectors. OpenAI has expressed serious concerns about the possibility of knowledge distillation, suggesting that DeepSeek might have used their models to enhance its own capabilities. This has led to urgent calls for increased protection of U.S. AI innovations, with government officials, including the White House "AI and crypto czar" David Sacks, suggesting new measures to prevent unauthorized use of American AI technology. Meanwhile, security experts are advising heightened caution regarding the tool's data collection practices, particularly since the data is stored on servers in China. Adding another layer of complexity to the situation, DeepSeek itself reports facing sophisticated cyber attacks that have forced it to temporarily limit new registrations, highlighting the intense competition and security concerns surrounding this technological breakthrough. 這種情況促使人工智慧產業和政府部門的各方利害關係人迅速做出回應。OpenAI 對知識蒸餾的可能性表達嚴重關切,暗示 DeepSeek 可能利用他們的模型來增強自身能力。這導致了對加強保護美國人工智慧創新的緊急呼籲,包括白宮「人工智慧和加密貨幣沙皇」David Sacks 在內的政府官員提出新措施,防止美國人工智慧技術遭到未經授權的使用。同時,安全專家建議對該工具的資料收集實務保持高度警惕,特別是考慮到資料存儲在中國的伺服器上。更增添情況複雜性的是,DeepSeek 本身報告面臨複雜的網路攻擊,被迫暫時限制新用戶註冊,凸顯出圍繞這項技術突破的激烈競爭和安全顧慮。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字: Seismic (Seis-mic) [adjective. having a very large and serious effect on something]: In a seismic shift that has rattled the artificial intelligence industry, DeepSeek has unveiled an AI model.Speculation (Spec-u-la-tion) [noun. ideas or guesses about something that is not known]: This dramatic cost difference has led to intense speculation about the company's methods.Prominent (Prom-i-nent) [adjective. important and well-known]: Marc Andreessen, a prominent tech investor, has described it as "one of the most amazing breakthroughs."Implications (Im-pli-ca-tions) [noun. the effects that an action or decision will have on something else]: Others question the full implications of this advancement for the global tech landscape.Distillation (Dis-til-la-tion) [noun. the process of taking the most important parts from something]: OpenAI has expressed serious concerns about the possibility of knowledge distillation from their models. Reference article: 1. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c9vm1m8wpr9o 2. https://edition.cnn.com/2025/01/27/tech/deepseek-stocks-ai-china/index.html

    11 分钟
  6. 回顧星期天LBS - 小吃零食相關時事趣聞 All about snacks


    回顧星期天LBS - 小吃零食相關時事趣聞 All about snacks

    韓國殿堂級戰棋遊戲:創世紀戰M:阿修羅計畫正式上線, 經典戰棋爽快制敵,下載連結: https://fstry.pse.is/7672sk 立即登入即享20抽 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ----------------------------------- 🎧 通勤學英語 VIP 專區 & 🚀 線上課程  ----------------------------------- 💡 想要更快提升英語?加入VIP會員,獲得專屬內容與優惠! 立即加入VIP方案 →https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱常見問題 →https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb想學哪些主題? →https://forms.gle/xyHoPydBr6LLFL9q8 🔥 社會人核心英語有聲書課程→https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 🌎 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 💬 你的想法很重要!留言分享 → 留言連結 Web:www.15mins.today YouTube:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- 📜 單集逐字稿 & 內容摘要(播放器字數有限,完整逐字稿請到官網查看) -------------------------------------------- Topic: Chinese ready meals have more salt than 11 bags of potato chips Chinese takeaways and ready meals should carry compulsory health warning labels on menus and packaging to alert consumers to “astonishing and harmful” salt levels, UK health experts have recommended. 英國健康專家建議,外帶餐廳或是超市販售的即食中式料理,應該在菜單中以及包裝上強制加上健康危害警告標語,提醒消費者餐點中的含鹽量達到「令人驚恐而且有害」的程度。 The worst-offending Chinese takeaway dishes in a survey published on March 13 by Action on Salt were found to have as much salt as five McDonald’s Big Macs, while many had more than half an adult’s entire daily allowance.Supermarket Chinese ready meals were also laden with salt, with some containing more than the amount found in two Pizza Express margherita pizzas, the report reveals. Some rice dishes contained more salt than 11 bags of ready salted crisps. 英國組織「抗鹽行動」在三月十三日發布一項調查結果,發現那些對健康造成最嚴重危害的外帶型中式料理,其中鹽分的含量相等於五個麥當勞大麥克堡,還有許多菜餚的含鹽量超過一個成人每日食鹽建議攝取量的一半。這份報告同時揭露出超市的即食中式料理同樣充滿著鹽分,其中一些菜餚含鹽量遠超過連鎖義式餐廳Pizza Express的兩個瑪格麗特披薩。某些米飯類料理所含的鹽分甚至超過十一袋加鹽的洋芋片。 Action on Salt is leading a group of health experts in calling on Public Health England to set tough new salt targets, make front-of-pack labelling mandatory and to follow New York’s lead by requiring chains to put warning labels on high-salt dishes. They are also urging the food industry and restaurants to reduce salt by reformulating takeaways and ready meals. 「抗鹽行動」組織率領一群健康專家,向英國公共衛生部呼籲應制定嚴格的新鹽分標準、強制食物包裝正面必須加上標示,並且仿效紐約之前率先採取的行動,也就是要求連鎖超市或餐廳必須在高鹽分菜餚的包裝上加註警語。他們同時也呼籲食品產業和餐廳重新設計外帶與即食料理的成份,減少其中的鹽分。 Of 141 supermarket Chinese ready meals analysed, nearly half (43 percent) were high in salt — containing more than 1.5g/100g, or 1.8g per portion — which would trigger a red “traffic light” label. 在經過分析的一百四十一種中式即食料理中,有接近半數(百分之四十三)的菜餚含鹽量過高──每一百克的菜餚中就有超過一點五克的鹽,或是一份菜餚中含有一點八克的鹽──可能導致身體中的鹽分攝取亮起紅燈。 “Salt is the forgotten killer as it puts up our blood pressure, leading to tens of thousands of unnecessary strokes, heart failure and heart attacks every year,” said Graham MacGregor, the chairman of Action on Salt and a professor of cardiovascular medicine at Queen Mary University of London.“ 「抗鹽行動」的理事長葛拉漢‧麥可葛瑞格表示:「食鹽是經常遭到忽略的殺手,它會增加我們的血壓,每年導致好幾萬個可以避免的中風、心臟衰竭,以及急性心臟病等案例」。葛拉漢‧麥可葛瑞格同時也是倫敦瑪麗王后大學心血管醫藥研究部門的教授。 Reducing salt is the most cost-effective measure to reduce the number of people dying or suffering from strokes or heart disease.”Accompanying rice dishes, spring rolls and prawn crackers — and soy sauce — can pile on the salt in a Chinese meal.Dishes from six Chinese restaurants were also analysed, with 97 percent found to contain 2g of salt or more. More than half (58 percent) contained in excess of 3g of salt per dish: Half an adult’s maximum recommended daily intake. 「要減少中風或心臟疾病的死亡人數或罹病者數量,減少鹽分是最有效率又成本最低的措施。」 中式餐點如果搭配米飯類菜餚,或是春捲和蝦餅──再淋上醬油──鹽分就會大幅增加。 這個組織同時也分析了六間中式餐廳的多種料理,有百分之九十七的菜餚含有兩公克或以上的鹽分。超過半數(百分之五十八)的菜餚每份的含鹽量甚至超過三公克──這已經是一位成人每日食鹽建議最大攝取量的一半了。 Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2018/03/25/2003689953 Next Article Topic: ‘Free chips with your bag of air’ is good for you, says FDA Have you ever felt like you have been conned when you joyfully open a bag of potato chips, only to find a mere handful of chips inside? The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) says that storage in a sealed bag filled with nitrogen is necessary to keep the chips fresh and tasty. 你是否曾經有過滿心歡喜打開洋芋片,卻發現裡面東西只有一點點,感覺像被騙呢?台灣食品藥物管理署表示,為了保持洋芋片的新鮮美味,密封包裝以及氮氣充填保存是必須的。 The TFDA shared a post on its Facebook page and an article on its Web site, in which it said that potato chips are fried at a high temperature during the manufacturing process, and when they come into contact with air they can easily become oxidized, which would tend to make them turn soft and crumble, and can even make them smell and taste rancid. 食藥署在臉書專頁「食用玩家-食藥署」及食藥好文網發文分享,洋芋片的製造過程會經高溫油炸,與空氣接觸後易氧化,導致洋芋片容易變軟、破碎,甚至還會產生油耗味,變得不好吃。 The TFDA explained that a sealed bag can prevent the chips from coming into contact with air, thus reducing oxidation and extending their shelf life. This it done by sealing them inside a plastic bag lined with a compound material such as tin foil or aluminum foil. As well as keeping out contamination by things like air, grease, damp and microbes, it can also help to prevent light exposure and reduce oxidation. 食藥署說明,密封包裝可以避免洋芋片接觸空氣,減少氧化的程度,延長保存期限。目前是運用內層有錫箔或鋁箔等複合性材質的塑膠包裝袋密封,不僅能阻擋空氣、油脂、潮濕、細菌微生物等外在汙染,錫箔或鋁箔的材質還可以輔助避光,減少氧化。 The TFDA says that food manufacturers pump the bags full of nitrogen to prevent the chips from being damaged and broken by knocking or crushing during transportation. Nitrogen is chemically stable and does not easily react with other substances. It is the most plentiful gas in the Earth’s atmosphere, comprising 78.09 percent of its total volume, which makes it easy and cheap to obtain. “Nitrogen flushing” technology can therefore be used to ensure the quality and safety of potato chips, making them look wholesome and taste good as well as keeping them free from contamination by bacteria or other microbes. 食藥署表示,為了避免洋芋片在運送的過程中因碰撞、擠壓而受損碎裂,食品製造業者會在包裝中填充足夠的氮氣量。氮氣的化學性質穩定,不容易與其他物質發生化學反應,也是地球大氣中含量最多的氣體,佔總體積的百分之七十八點零九,方便取得且成本較低,所以透過「氮氣充填」的技術,能確保洋芋片的品質與安全,使洋芋片外觀完整、口味好吃又不受細菌微生物汙染。 Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2021/10/12/2003765925 Next Article Topic: Taiwanese cakes take London by storm 近年來,台灣美食小吃席捲不少國家,像是珍奶就成功擄獲外國人的胃。近日,美國網路媒體Insider在官方推特分享台式「車輪餅」製作影片,引起不少外國人好奇關注。 Taiwanese food has taken many countries by storm in recent years, such as boba milk tea. Recently, the U.S. online media Insider shared a video of the making of “Taiwaneses cakes” on its official Twitter account, drawing much attention from social media users. Insider旗下美食頻道Food Insider於12月26日貼出一則影片,介紹位在英國倫敦的一家「小島車輪餅」,拍攝道地車輪餅的製作過程,並訪問台灣老闆林意庭。 Food Insider, a popular food channel, posted a video on Dec. 26, introducing a shop called “Wheelcake Island” in London. 在影片貼文中,外媒形容「這個最受歡迎的小吃點心就像兩片鬆軟的鬆餅

    8 分钟
  7. 精選詞彙單元 Vocab EP.013: 醫院裡真的能讓病人休息嗎 Getting some rest in hospitals (回顧)


    精選詞彙單元 Vocab EP.013: 醫院裡真的能讓病人休息嗎 Getting some rest in hospitals (回顧)

    韓國殿堂級戰棋遊戲:創世紀戰M:阿修羅計畫正式上線, 經典戰棋爽快制敵,下載連結: https://fstry.pse.is/7672sk 立即登入即享20抽 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎留言你對這集的想法: 留言連結 官方網站:www.15mins.today Clubhouse直播室:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/46hm8k 訂閱YouTube頻道:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- Summary: This article discusses the interruption of patients in hospital, when they should be recovering and should be left to sleep and rest. It suggests that a better system should be put in place to make sure that patients are left alone to rest as much as possible to aid in their recovery. Full article here: https://www.15mins.today/blog/551-revelers-across-europe-get-into-the-carnival-spirit Vocabulary and sentences: disruption n. : a form of the word “disrupt” which means to make something difficult to continue in a normal way Is bad traffic a disruption in big cities?Are car alarms a major disruption at night? acute adj. : very serious or severe  Is there an acute shortage of bananas? Are the world's environmental problems acute? addiction n. : the condition of being addicted to something Are you addicted to coffee John?Is internet addiction a big problem?

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