Snow leopard conservation efforts breed success 雪豹保护工作取得成功 Nature reserves are helping the big cat flourish in its core distribution areas across China. 在自然保护区的帮助下,雪豹这种大型猫科动物在全中国核心分布区发展壮大 Efforts to protect snow leopards have yielded notable successes, as evidenced by frequent documentation of the animal's activities. 雪豹活动的频繁记录显示出保护雪豹的努力取得了显著成功 Challenges persist, though, such as habitat fragmentation, degradation of vegetation and declines in prey populations. 然而,挑战依然存在,例如栖息地破碎化、植被退化和猎物种群数量下降。 The snow leopard's core distribution areas still retain their natural state to a high degree, thanks to shelter provided by national parks and nature reserves, according to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration. 据国家林业和草原局介绍,在国家公园和自然保护区努力下,雪豹的核心分布区仍然高度保留了自然状态。 In 1989, the snow leopard was listed as a national first-class protected wildlife species. Over 30 nature reserves and more than 70 grassroots conservation management stations have been set up in activity areas, covering more than half the animal's habitat nationwide, the NFGA said. 1989年,雪豹被列为国家一级保护野生动物。国家林业和草原局表示,雪豹活动区域已建立30多个自然保护区和70多个基层保护管理站,覆盖全国一半以上的雪豹栖息地。 Among China's first five national parks, the Three-River-Source National Park, in Qinghai province, and the Giant Panda National Park, straddling the provinces of Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi, are key habitats for the big cat, which is classified as "vulnerable" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. 在中国首批五个国家公园中,青海省的三江源国家公园和横跨四川、甘肃、陕西三省的大熊猫国家公园是雪豹的重要栖息地,雪豹被 “世界自然保护联盟”列为易危物种。 In recent years, forestry and grassland departments and NGOs, such as Eco-Bridge Continental and the Shan Shui Conservation Center, have conducted long-term monitoring projects and investigations on the animal and its habitat. 近年来,林业和草原部门以及陆桥生态中心、山水自然保护中心等非政府组织对雪豹及其栖息地进行了长期监测和调查。 Last year, the EBC used satellite tracking for the first time in China to show the animal's home range in the Qilian Mountains National Park Pilot Area. 去年,陆桥生态中心在中国首次利用卫星追踪显示了雪豹在祁连山国家公园试点区的栖息地范围。 In 2019, the management bureau of the Wolong National Nature Reserve in Sichuan released infrared camera footage from 2018. It showed the activities of a female snow leopard and her three cubs, and provided insights into their survival skills. 2019年,四川卧龙国家级自然保护区管理局发布了2018年以来的红外摄像机录像,展示了一只雌性雪豹和三只幼崽的活动,让人们更深入了解它们的生存技能。 A spokesperson for the Giant Panda National Park Management Bureau said the footage showed that the snow leopard population in the high-altitude region of Wolong may have a higher density than the average. 大熊猫国家公园管理局发言人表示,录像显示,卧龙高海拔地区的雪豹种群密度可能高于平均水平。 "It proves that in the area around the leopards, there are abundant sources of food, a healthy population, good living conditions and a high regional density," it added. 它补充道,“这就证明雪豹周边地区食物来源丰富、种群健康、生活条件良好、区域密度高。” Conservation projects provide job opportunities for locals, who can become reserve managers, researchers, rangers, guides and educators in wildlife monitoring, conservation and nature education. 保护项目为当地人提供了就业机会,他们可以成为保护区管理者,研究人员,护林员,导游以及野生动物监测、保护和自然教育领域的教育工作者。 The NFGA said snow leopards continue to face threats to their survival because the fragmentation of their habitat and the degradation of vegetation resulting from human activities persist on the edges of their distribution areas. This has led to a decline in prey populations and reduced the number of snow leopards each habitat can support, it said. 国家林业和草原局表示,雪豹生存继续面临威胁,人类活动造成栖息地破碎化以及植被退化持续存在于其分布区的边缘。这导致猎物数量减少,并降低了栖息地对雪豹数量的承载力。 Management practices, such as fencing off grazing areas, can affect the normal movement patterns of snow leopards and their prey, and even result in populations becoming isolated in certain regions, the adm inistration added. 该机构补充道,围栏放牧区等管理做法会影响雪豹及其猎物的正常活动模式,甚至导致某些地区的雪豹种群被隔绝。