

Why Do We Forget So Many of Our Dreams?


We only remember a fraction of our dreams, and even those slip away if we don’t try to remember them—here’s why


If you’ve ever awoken from a vivid dream only to find that you can’t remember the details by the end of breakfast, you’re not alone. People forget most of the dreams they have—though it is possible to train yourself to remember more of them.


Dreaming happens mostly (though not always exclusively) during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. During this sleep stage, brain activity looks similar to that in a waking brain, with some very important differences. Key among them: during REM sleep, the areas of the brain that transfer memories into long-term storage—as well as the long-term storage areas themselves—are relatively deactivated, says Deirdre Barrett, a dream researcher at Harvard Medical School.

梦通常(但并不总是)发生在快速眼动睡眠期间。在此阶段,大脑活动类似于清醒状态,但有很重要的不同。其中最关键的是:在快速眼动睡眠期间,将记忆转化为长期存储的大脑区域以及长期存储区域本身相对处于非活跃状态,哈佛医学院的梦境研究员迪尔德·巴雷特(Deirdre Barrett)说。

Short-term memory areas are active during REM sleep, but those only hang on to memories for about 30 seconds.


“You have to wake up from REM sleep, generally, to recall a dream,” Barrett says. If, instead, you pass into the next stage of sleep without rousing, that dream will never enter long-term memory.


There is a lot of individual difference in dream memory, though. Some people almost never remember a dream, and others regularly recall several each night. People who are more introverted and inward-focused tend to remember more dreams, Barrett says, while those who are more extroverted and action-oriented tend to remember fewer.


A few studies that have investigated lucid dreaming—vivid dreams the dreamer remembers very well and feels in control of—suggest that some areas of the brain linked to attention are more active in people who recall more dreams, indicating that basic neurological differences may play a role.


It is possible to train your brain to remember more of your dreams, though, says Leslie Ellis, a clinical counselor in British Columbia. She advises clients who want to remember their dreams to take a moment when they wake up, before they even move their body, to think about what they were just dreaming and remember as much as possible. This moves the dream from short-term memory to long-term memory.


Dreams are often considered nonsensical in Western culture, Ellis says. Though the narratives may not make much sense, they often hint at emotions that people are processing in their waking lives. “We do dream about the things we kind of don’t want to look at,” she says. “During the day, we can repress a lot of that, but the dreams will bring those things to the surface.”









