
朱雯娟- Jenny Chu

我們的人生,離不開生活,我們的生活,又離不開愛,所以,愛是我們一切的源頭。為了實踐愛,我們要謙虛,修正自己,愛自己,我們要感恩身邊的每一件人、事、物,然後,我們更要感謝宇宙與天地的加持。 在愛的世界裡,我們要有十足的自信與信心,我們有極豐富的想像力,且相信「心想事成」,我們更有相當的勇氣,付諸每一個行動。因著愛,我們不會辜負我們的生活,我們的人生的。 這個「愛、生活、人生系列」的播客,是一連串的分享會,從第一集到往後的無數集,我將分享好多人生的故事,生活的故事,和愛的故事。但願這些美好的故事,是你、我行動力的靈感,生活的泉源,與生命的助力,就讓我們大家,一起隨我來吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting

  1. Butterflies and Roses

    -3 ДН.

    Butterflies and Roses

    Butterflies and Roses I Fluttered Brightly as a Butterfly Jenny Chu   I fluttered brightly as a butterfly That flies everywhere in the charming gardens, When all the time I saw A cluster of flamboyant roses; Besides the alleys, beneath the trees, Swaying and swinging in the breeze.   Continuous as the honeybees that roamed And wandered in the parks, They searched and hunted the everlasting colors Of red, pink, purple and yellow roses in large pieces of ground. One million I watched all of a sudden, Dancing together were butterflies, honeybees and roses.   The green grass beside them danced, too. They were all smiling and sparkling in glee. I could not but be gay, In such a pleasant company. I gazed and thought of these lovely friends, What wonderful wealth they had brought to me.   For oft, in my room I stay With relaxing or cozy feelings, My inner heart just flashes upon that gorgeous butterfly Which is blissfully transformed from a tiny caterpillar; And then how pleasurable it fills in my memory, And dances with the roses. I learned the inspiration from William Wordsworth’s “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.” I enjoyed reading Wordsworth’s poem of these wonderful words, such as “cloud,” “stars,” “waves,” “daffodils” and “dances.” I, then, thought of butterflies, honeybees and roses in the front yard and backyard of my house. If Wordsworth can use his beautiful living surroundings to create such profound poems, I, too, could grasp my own favorite scenic spots for poetry. Thus, it is the main idea for me to finish this poem, “I fluttered brightly as a butterfly.” Among insects, I like butterflies the most. Butterflies are everywhere in my house from morning till night. I guess that because we plant a lot of flowers around the house, we allure (引誘) butterflies and honeybees into our gardens. By the way, in terms of flowers, roses are my best favorite. I love roses no matter what colors they are. For example, they are red, pink, purple, and yellow roses to name a few. That can also be the perfect explanation of “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” in William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. Therefore, I got the insight to connect butterflies, honeybees and roses altogether in my poem, and I would play and dance with them all the time in my imagination. All roses have a long flowering season. Butterflies and honeybees are really attracted to roses for their fresh pollen. According to rose growers, single roses with five petals have their very own charm. The best known single rose is “Dainty Bess,” which produces clusters of pink blossoms. The roses always change colors as they age, so that at any one time, the rose bushes would be covered with different colors from light pink to reddish pink. And, butterflies are, no doubt, attracted to red, pink, purple and yellow flowers for sure. Watching butterflies on top of roses is, indeed, a thrilling experience as well. I like to look for a butterfly fluttering till it gets friendly and sits on a nearby flower as if sitting for a portrait. How beautiful it is! When the butterflies take flight at their slightest movements, I, then, quickly follow them to other colorful flowers. Honeybees also have their preferences. All the time, they chase glittering blossoms and roses. Such a picture is the beauty of nature. In fact, those of us who wish to attract butterflies and honeybees to our gardens have to keep the needs of these lovely flowers of the air in mind. We do take care of flowers and plants as possible as we can for butterflies and honeybees. Furthermore, butterflies and honeybees love the sun. They want to have landing places where they can open their wings and take a rest. All it takes is a clear space and a few flat stones for them as their landing field. Besides, like any living creature, butterflies and honeybees adore water. A small pond with fish and shallow water is perfect for butterflies and honeybees. In my house, we, our family members, try our best to create these amiable environments for butterflies and honeybees. Moreover, in my imagination, butterflies and honeybees are mutual good friends in the garden. They might invite roses to dance together all around here and there. Their movements, gestures and the wings are shown to be graceful to greet the rocking roses, and also welcome my moves with them. It is as if all of us follow the melodious notes of the wind, so gently and softly, to perform marvelous dances collectively. How romantic it is for me to dance cheerfully with butterflies, honeybees and roses! In this scene, my heart is suddenly filled with tremendous joy and delight. I feel I am so blissful, actually, to have such a great time in my memory. It’s really my blessings to possess such miraculous moments of joy while I am alone. I am grateful enough, and I appreciate deeply the generosity of Mother Nature toward me. Powered by Firstory Hosting

    8 мин.
  2. Eating Is Gorgeous

    3 МАР.

    Eating Is Gorgeous

    Eating Is Gorgeous The pleasure of eating is not mere gourmet. If we know the people whose vegetables have grown beautifully and healthily, perhaps, we will have such a memory with the food, and enjoy the pleasures of eating. It means that the knowledge of the good healthy food relieves and comforts the eaters. The same goes for eating meat. The thought of the attractive pasture and the strong calves contentedly (滿足地) flavors the steaks. In other words, we eat every day to sustain our bodies with understanding and with gratitude. It’s better that we go to the traditional marketplaces and cook in the kitchens by ourselves. In this way, we choose the freshest food and guarantee the best available standards of our health. Anyway, eating with the fullest pleasure does not depend on others. In this pleasure, we experience and celebrate our independence and gratitude. However, eating out at our favorite local restaurants with friends and family can be fun, too. It is also the pleasure of eating to have great meals and good food services with well-prepared food safety and sanitation practices. Most restaurants and food service operations value the customers’ health, and work very hard to prepare tasty and safe foods for eaters. Nowadays, our government even asks the local health departments conduct routine food inspections to make sure that the food is being handled properly from start to finish. This includes that the food is purchased from an approved source, is in the best and safest conditions, and is properly cooked, cooled, stored, and reheated. We can also look at the food service facility and its equipment to make sure that everything is clean and secure in working orders. By keeping these things in mind when we go out to eat, we would protect ourselves from the possibility of getting sick from food that has been improperly handled, and appreciate so much the pleasures of eating. By the way, when dining in a well-reputed restaurant, we expect the food to be presented exquisitely (精緻地). The world’s greatest chefs are not only masters of flavor, but also the artists who use the plates as a canvas to be savored. Food tastes better when it looks good. Plating a dish artfully is about more than just aesthetics. Visual presentations act a powerful tool for improving the overall experiences and flavors of food. That is, beautiful food always gets attention. Studies have shown that food is often perceived to actually taste better when presented in certain graceful ways. When eating out, for the most part, we really want pretty and tasty food. Furthermore, when it comes to food, it seems that we are willing to pay quite a bit for attentive labors of ingredients. So, making a plate look lovely is important, not just elegant or fancy. Recently, photography in cookbooks and on social media, Facebook or Instagram in particular, has certainly served as a source of inspiration for those who just cook for themselves or their families. Of course, the key to a good-looking plate lies in the love at its core. Whenever the cook prepares and dishes up something made with care and attention, the results, definitely, are destined to be delicious. Life is short. It’s OK to enjoy food! Our relationship with food can be complex. Yes, no doubt. We and food are stuck together for life. Putting it simply, food might be the most complicated relationship in our lives because we have to eat three meals every day without exception. Have you ever noticed that you’ve just eaten something, but can hardly remember what it tasted like? Our busy and stressful modern-day lifestyles may have to do with this. Or, our minds are so busy planning the next move, so that we don’t allow time to savor the food we eat. It only takes 10 minutes for our brains to detect (覺察) the body’s signals that we’re feeling full. Therefore, eating quickly can mean that we could easily consume too much food before our bodies tell us to stop, leaving us feeling uncomfortably full. In fact, the “grab-and-go” meal has become a common means of refueling the bodies for many people who think that there’s never enough time in a day. Nevertheless, it is really important to be aware that we are in control of our own eating habits. Even though we may be short on time, there is no excuse not to be mindful of the foods we’re putting in our bodies and how we consume them. While having eaten, we have to enjoy sensations, flavors, sounds, smells and sights at a time as if we’re having a great time of tasting. Eating is one of those simple pleasures that we’ve lived in this world. It cannot be overemphasized that eating mindfully is a way to get back in touch with the pleasure of food, and it comes with many benefits to our health and well-being as well. Food nourishes us. Food helps us stay alive. Food is fuel. And, food is tied to our experiences and memories. Yes. Food can bring us back to the laughter shared between us and the loved one. Food connects us! Cooking unleashes (解開) the imagination and has given us countless ways to enjoy food. Eating indeed brings genuine happiness to our lives and foster feelings of comfort, peace, and care. It is amazing that food does so much for us. In reality, all of these magnificent foods truly give our bodies the nutrients we need to grow, develop and live, and foster so many pleasurable, loving, and meaningful experiences to us. Cheers! Let’s have a lot of joys of eating.   Powered by Firstory Hosting

    9 мин.
  3. The Magic of Serendipity

    24 ФЕВР.

    The Magic of Serendipity

    The Magic of Serendipity “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans,” John Lennon presciently (預知地) wrote in his song “Beautiful Boy” on his final album, and it is found to be quite accurate. Fortunately, the unexpected can also work out favorably, sometimes taking us in an entirely new and happier direction. Serendipity is defined to be the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. In other words, the idea of serendipity allows us to think that there is always a grand design to life for a reason. In fact, life does happen to us while we’re making other plans. Accidentally, we might place more value on the role of serendipity in shaping our future. It may be just the statistics or odds of chance, but, curiously, we can’t help but think that serendipity is magical, a mystical force that occasionally makes its presence known. Rather than spend so much time and energy trying to engineer what lies ahead, we may be better off just opening ourselves up to the possibilities of tomorrow. A postcard. A first-time visit to the new restaurant. A flower on the sidewalk. A last-minute decision about where to travel. These are only little things with little in common. But they all have a role in starting something good in a small way, such as happy accidents, coincidences, luck and randomness. However, serendipity isn’t just about something lucky or good happening to us. We have to do something about it, too. When something good happens in such a random way, we don’t know. We can’t quite figure it out. That’s the beauty of serendipity. Nevertheless, in our minds, we do have the subconscious or unconscious anticipations. Magic is like the wind in spring. It’s all around us, but normally we can’t see it. That means that, sometimes, life gets overwhelming and the magic seems to disappear. In those moments, it’s as if the shine goes out of life. In this sense, we just need to remind ourselves how to recognize magic once more. Maybe, there are still small possibilities of magic continuing to happen all around us. Then, all we have to do is to remember how to recognize them. In our daily lives, we all want some magic to transform our lives into something better. Someone wants magic for getting a job for which he/she has been struggling long. Someone looks for magic to get past the illness that has been troubling him/her for so long. And there are people who only want magic to be happy and free of depression no matter what life unfolds for them. Living a magical life with a perfect job, health, relationships, money is what everyone seeks. Notwithstanding, how can we meet the magic of serendipity? Perhaps, we require having an outside force or the motivation source to do it for us. In today’s society, it is more important than ever to focus on our futures. With so much complexity and change in the world, we should prepare for everything. We must explore the unknowns and discuss them at all levels in our brains. We’re constantly surrounded by a multitude of unknown variables, like climate change and inequality. In the past, we have merely viewed futures as things that can be solved with business plans or the government’s decision-making. But this isn’t enough anymore. To meet the challenges of tomorrow, we ought to anticipate and prepare for the unknowns. This means that we require a mindset shift towards embracing uncertainty instead of trying to eliminate it. That is to say, we can’t simply ask futures into existence. It’s something that we have to work towards. For example, if we want specific kinds of futures, we must become more inclusive and allow for different types of people to have a say in what futures looks like through experimental planning. This way, we’re building the skills to adapt well in an age full of radical change and uncertainty. We have to create structures that are flexible enough to adapt quickly to new circumstances. We also require a proactive (主動的) mindset so that we are more likely to take risks and experiment with solutions. We don’t know the wonders of magic and serendipity. But if we build the adaptive capabilities to navigate the upcoming radical uncertainty, we will, definitely, be lucky enough to encounter beautiful things in our lives. Powered by Firstory Hosting

    7 мин.
  4. Following Our Hearts, Not Our Words

    16 ФЕВР.

    Following Our Hearts, Not Our Words

    Following Our Hearts, Not Our Words Follow means that something or someone else is going to lead us. So to follow our hearts is to listen to us right now. To follow our hearts sounds innocent, pure and good. That is, to follow our hearts suggests that we are going to let our feelings and emotions be our guides. There are two ways to see whether we are “following our hearts” or not. The first one is that we are following the desires that our hearts are calling us, and the second one is that we are truly listening to our hearts.      The first one is about our desires and our words, but not exactly our hearts. Our society today is driven by our minds and our fears. We do not place as much value and emphasis on passion, love, fulfillment and spiritual purposes. Rather, it is about external success, money, security, stability and reputation. As a result, many of us do not feel that it is so important to really tune in to our hearts, and hear what they want. Instead, we are too busy trying to get ahead and make something of ourselves in this world. The head is practical and analytical and is often driven by fear. Our heads would tell us what needs to be done to remain safe in the world. Nevertheless, we can never be who everyone else wants us to be. Even if we want to dedicate our whole lives to serving the world or others, we wouldn’t be able to do either in an honest way until we operate from a source of knowing our internal hearts. The outcome we’re ultimately seeking is to listen to our hearts by focusing on what makes us feel expansive, and to let go of anything in our lives that leaves us feeling negative. Compared to the head, the heart is free and wild, and is driven by love. Thus, the second one is about our hearts. We should look at our lives honestly, and really evaluate what parts of them we love. It means that we ought to listen to our deep inner voices, rather than the loud forceful voices of the outer world. Indeed, the decision to follow our hearts is a journey. If we have been living a life that is not heart-driven, we may experience feelings of confusion, self-doubt and even regrets for our actions. I believe that it is time for each of us to wake up, listen to our hearts, and connect with what we really want. And then we act on it. We, thus, dare to take risks and have the courage to move towards our hearts fearlessly with 100% commitment. In order to do this, we must be willing to be different, to do things differently, and to challenge the expectations that our hearts want us to do. Yes, a life of following our hearts may be challenging, but the rewards we receive would be enough to make it all worth it. In fact, humans are not always intellectual beings. We’re all emotional beings who allow our feelings and emotions to guide our lives. However, in our daily life, we usually make decisions on our heads. It is the intellect in our heads to have the rational analysis, where we weigh the pros and cons of a particular situation. Besides, we also listen to people’ opinions. They would look at things from their perspectives and give us advice. Still, there’s more facts than they see. Therefore, we cannot totally depend on our intellectual and logical thinking to make decisions. In this sense, we try to approach our intuitions. Our hearts are all the best intentions in the world. Our bodies, very often, tell us everything that we need to know. By bringing our attention to our emotive landscape, we are learning to turn off our analytical mind to get in touch with what’s true for us at the deepest level. We listen to our hearts when we’re trying to decide whether or not we want to meet up with specific people, engage in activities, or determine what to do next when making decisions in relation to our life, career, and spiritual practices. Our bodies give us all of the information that we need when we’re quiet and aware enough to feel our emotions and bodily sensations. Emotions provide us with a shortcut to our truth. If we do not get to know ourselves in the absence of the analytical mind, or external (familial, cultural, or societal) expectations that seemingly govern our choices, we’ll continuously feel lost, frustrated, and out of alignment with what is real and true for our life journey. It is suggested that both meditation and yoga are powerful practices that can assist us with getting in touch with our bodies, emotions, hearts and the truth within us. If meditation or yoga feels like too much, we can just simply sit quietly and pay attention to our hearts. When we’re trying to decide what to keep or let go of in our lives, we don’t actually need to think about anything; all we really need to know is how the decision makes us feel. We have to sit quietly until we’re fully relaxed. Once relaxed, we, then, simply drop our heads down as if we’re trying to look at our hearts. If we start thinking or analyzing the results, instead of how we’re feeling in the moment, we’re already allowing the mind to take over and rationalize a different choice, which moves us away from our truth. Our bodies do know what we need. In order to continue getting to our hearts, perhaps, we have to be willing to give up everything we thought we knew about ourselves, and what we thought we wanted or needed. Eventually, we’ll be experts at following our hearts and listening to them fully. Again, studies have shown that bodily signals—particularly from the heart—offer good guidance about potential choices. We all have a voice inside our hearts. The little voice tells us what to do, how to be, and how we should feel about things. This voice can be a powerful influence on our lives. When we listen with our hearts, we’re able to really connect with us on a much deeper level, and understand our feelings and needs. This can be tough to do, especially when we’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, but it’s so worth it. When we truly follow and listen to our hearts, we build stronger, more intimate relationships with ourselves based on trust, respect, and understanding. Powered by Firstory Hosting

    9 мин.
  5. 重講故事,讓自己開心

    10 ФЕВР.


    重講故事,讓自己開心      快樂不一定是一切都很美好了,而是,我們不再在意那一點點的不美好,而願意在懂得不美好中,找到美好。其實,我們就是讓自己開心就好!      當我們還是小孩子的時候,通常都是比較喜歡卡通動畫這類情節性較強的故事,相較之下,我們會去注意到發生了什麼故事,而不會去注意故事裡面人物的觀點。長大後,當我們再閲讀一些故事時,我們可能又有不同的觀點了。      我們每一個人,在不同的年齡階段,都會有建構屬於自己不同的人生故事。我們都曾回憶過自己從小到大的一生,並各自擁有敘述自己人生故事的方式。在審視自己的人生時,一般人會覺得,人生是由無數零散的碎片組成。然而,心理學家認為,一個人的人生故事,不單單只是流水帳式的傳記而已,更是將那些事件或事實,打散和分類,重新在腦海中編碼並整合,進而形成有意義的故事。所以,我們的人生故事,是由自己敘述出來的。      我們在一生中,發生的事件,不勝枚舉,然而,在敘述我們的人生故事時,我們會選擇哪些事件,來作為素材的元素呢?我們會用什麼樣的方式,來描述這些事件呢?我們在講述自己故事的過程當中,是否塑造了另一個「我」?敘事心理學家認為,我們的一生,就是一個不斷追求自我身份的過程。在講述自己故事的過程中,我們就對一系列的生命事件,進行了自傳式的因果推論。例如,有兩個人,可能遭遇了一樣的瓶頸,如考試失利、戀情觸礁或職場不順等,他們在講述這些事件時的方式,可能不盡相同。一個人可能會把這些事件,歸因於外部不幸的因素;另一個人,則可能把這些事情,歸因於自身的人格特質,解釋為自己的宿命。因此,不同的敘事方式,代表著各自不同的人格特質,同時也不斷塑造各自未來的經歷。      我們並非天生就會講故事的,隨著自身變化的轉變,我們講述自己人生故事的方式,也會隨著年齡的增長,而不斷發展。不論是否針對同一個事件,當我們重新評估和敘述過去的經歷時,它會影響我們對過去事件的記憶方式,因此,我們可能會講出一個全新的故事來。同時,隨著年紀的增長,我們對自己人生故事的敘述方式,也會越來越穩定。到了晚年,我們講出來的自己一生的故事情節,應該是最為固定。      沒有一個人有超能力,可以去改變已經發生的事實,但是,我們卻可以決定自己要如何去回憶它。心理學家認為,被父母家暴、被情人分手、或失去工作等,種種悲劇式的過去,都不能直接影響我們是誰,應該說,我們如何理解、記憶和講述這些過去,才是真正塑造了「我」這個人。一般來說,我們很少意識到,每個人記憶一段過去的方式,各有不同。但是,透過改變對過去的理解和陳述,我們將能扭轉過去對我們自己與環境所造成的影響。儘管我們無法重寫過去的事實,但是,至少,我們可以重講故事,讓自己開心。      我們總會在不知不覺中,變得太在意得失。想要的,通常都是不在我們的手中,而在我們手中的,卻都是不想要的。人生就是在獲得與失去中,慢慢成長;在前進與跌倒中,逐漸領悟。我們對於很多事情,如果釋懷了,就不會讓那些已經歷的過去,困住自己,我們也能坦然去面對未知的將來。人生的經歷,很像是一次又一次的新陳代謝,那些發生的、開心的與痛苦的,都會過去,舊的人事物結束,又會有新的再覆蓋過來。不好的,終將結束,而結束,卻又是另一個新的開始。畢竟,我們的能力有限,不可能抓住人生中,所面對的全部事物,我們該慶幸的是,自己還有選擇的機會;我們該珍惜的是,自己還能夠擁有事物。我們真的不必太堅持,自己非得走什麼樣的路,太擔心自己找不到方向。因為,我們的人生,並沒有地圖與使用手冊,可以參考,看圖索驥。我們所走的路,常常跟自己預想的,很不相同。我們每個人,都是這樣子,讓自己慢慢摸索接下來該走的方向的。如果人生如戲,我們這齣戲,並沒有劇本可以排演,但是,該慶幸的是,主角永遠是我們,表演得再糟糕,都不必擔心會被換角,所以,我們想怎麼演就怎麼演,反正不能NG重來,不如好好享受當下,選擇讓自己開心的方式表演下去。      我們真的要每天,重講故事,讓自己開心就好。我們如能心平氣和地去看待那些不好的事物,或許,我們會發現,原來,事物並沒有自己想像中的那麼糟糕。改變心情、轉換念頭,去面對眼前的事情後,我們的心情會變好,結果也就好了。心態對了,事情就對了。試想,我們在旅行中,最累的,就是行程緊湊,疲於奔命,最怕的,就是走錯路,找不到方向。所以,我們在人生的旅途中,需要學會去調整、去感悟,不要把自己逼得很緊,也不用什麼都想要得到,要用從容的心態,去欣賞人生路上的風景,就算走錯路了,也可以好好欣賞這段老天希望我們看到的景色。心態,決定了我們人生的狀態。有平常心,我們就可以從容地面對一切;有同理心,我們就可以體恤別人;有包容心,我們就可以容納別人與自己的差異;有謙卑心,我們就可以不斷進步,不會自滿。或許,我們現在過得並不開心,但是,這並不代表我們永遠都不開心,經歷過一些不開心的時期,我們會更珍惜可以開心、放心的日子。   Powered by Firstory Hosting

    10 мин.
  6. The Best Editors to Change the Stories and Perspectives

    2 ФЕВР.

    The Best Editors to Change the Stories and Perspectives

    The Best Editors to Change the Stories and Perspectives      When people hold tightly to their positions or beliefs, direct attempts at challenging them typically result in defensiveness and resistance. However, if we are “just telling a story,” there is nothing to defend against or resist. When we meet someone who has an entrenched (根深蒂固的) view or perspective of another person, and can’t see any alternative perspectives, we know that a direct approach to offering a different perspective would be met with resistance or defensiveness. In this situation, “opening a closed mind” stories are designed simply to stimulate the listener to take the first step in considering a new perspective. That’s the rationale behind telling someone a story about how someone discovered that an idea or perspective he/she thought might be actually incorrect. In fact, there are some stories where we “knew” we were right about something, but, then, we discovered that we were wrong. Sometimes, when we describe the perspective in such a way that resonates with the “of course, this is the way it is,” we know this type of person who seems to only think of themselves and not consider how their actions are going to affect other people. We all know that most stories are told from a single perspective. Therefore, it’s fair and necessary to tell it from more than one person’s point of view. It’s natural that giving others’ opposing points of view allows us to explore our subjects, settings, and moral gray areas from a wider variety of perspectives. Nevertheless, it’s hard to do so. In other words, if our story is told in the first-person from the point of view, we might not see the story in a whole new way. In this case, we should switch among others’ perspectives to get multiple opinions in the story. In reality, we are the editors to change the perspectives if necessary. Since the dawn, stories have played a central role in human civilization. Our perspective of the world and ourselves has been dramatically influenced by narratives ranging from ancient myths and folklore to contemporary novels and films. Beyond mere amusement, however, stories can profoundly alter our lives and impact our personal growth. Fundamentally, stories give us a framework for making sense of our experiences. They allow us to investigate various viewpoints, delve into strange settings, and connect with different people. We experience a broad spectrum of emotions, hardships, and victories through storytelling, frequently mirroring our growth-related adventures.      The power of stories to uplift and drive us is one of its most astounding qualities. Additionally, stories can influence our viewpoints and beliefs. They can contradict our preconceptions and present different points of view. We broaden our vision and better grasp the nuances of the human experience when we immerse ourselves in diverse stories from various countries, ethnicities, and historical periods. This widening of the lens encourages us empathy and aids in forging closer relationships with others. Moreover, stories can also foster our increased emotional intelligence and compassion by connecting with our emotions. Furthermore, stories can influence us emotionally and intellectually, and provide us with inspiration and direction, too. Notwithstanding, it’s very crucial to understand that our stories can take many different shapes. They can be found in writing, motion pictures, television programs, oral traditions, and our lives. Every tale we hear can impact our development as people, influencing our worldviews, values, and beliefs. We encounter people from various ages, backgrounds, cultures, and professions. Their stories, too, teach us more about their varied experiences, difficulties, and worldviews. That is, stories really provide us with a complex dynamic fabric that enables us to explore and comprehend a variety of emotional experiences.      Still, stories challenge and broaden our viewpoints by presenting alternate narratives and urging us to reevaluate our presumptions. We have to develop the ability to challenge our presumptions and biases by immersing ourselves from different viewpoints. We should examine our constrained views and the applicability of different interpretations and worldviews. Thus, we can have the power to face the societal issues, inequalities, and structural issues that are frequently ignored or taken for granted. We, then, learn how our societal, cultural, and personal backgrounds affect how we perceive the world and the limitations of our viewpoints. Thanks to the deep understanding of changing the perspectives, we, as the best editors, can negotiate uncertainty and comprehend the complexity of the human experiences. For example, stories of resiliency and development frequently emphasize the value of endurance and inner fortitude. They include people who show steadfast resolve and tenacity in the face of hardship, refusing to give up. These stories show us that we can endure and succeed even in the most hard circumstances. Besides, stories greatly influence our quest for self-discovery. They act as mirrors, reflecting our inner struggles, feelings, and experiences. Real-life stories, like memoirs and autobiographies, give us a window into our difficulties and experiences, too. They allow us to think deeply and reflect on our behavior. To sum up, stories act as mirrors that show us our paths to self-discovery. They give us insight into our identities, values, and aspirations because they align with our experiences, feelings, and internal conflicts. In addition, sharing our personal experiences, struggles, and victories gives a window into our distinctive experiences. Our experiences encourage people going through similar difficulties, giving them courage, hope, and the conviction that they can overcome challenges and build a better future. By telling our tales, we add to a bigger picture that values variety, promotes conversation, and supports social change. That is, telling stories makes room for conversation, comprehension, and connection. We develop empathy, cross barriers, and promote cooperation by making these connections.      Likewise, stories can also be used to spread knowledge and increase awareness. We raise public awareness of social problems, inequalities, or systemic problems and inspire people to take action by sharing stories. We, then, develop a collective consciousness via storytelling, which inspires movements and promotes constructive social change. Hence, we are all editors to change the world, and shape the world to be the better place to live. Powered by Firstory Hosting

    10 мин.
  7. 要有耐心

    25 ЯНВ.


    要有耐心       耐心或許不是每一個人天生都擁有的,不過,耐心是可以慢慢培養的。法國作家歐諾黑·巴爾扎克說:「人類所有的氣力,只是耐心加上時間的混合而已。所謂強者,既有毅力,又會等待時機。」耐心等待機會,我們就能在意想不到中,獲得成功。我們做任何事情,都要有耐心。耐心的解決問題,耐心地完成功課,及耐心的去了解、探索各種新事物。愛迪生曾耐心的花了整整十年,去研製蓄電池,期間,不斷遭受失敗的他,還是一直咬牙堅持,經過無數次的試驗,終於取得成功,發明蓄電池。梵谷執著他的繪畫夢想,雖然在生前,他的作品,沒有受到人們的欣賞,但在那世人漠視、窮困潦倒的環境下,他仍堅持自己的夢想,畫著自己想畫的畫,這也著實非常人所能。只要有耐心,有堅持,我們就可以有一個成功的自己。      每一個人對自己都有期望,希望自己像德雷莎修女一樣,悲天憫人,希望自己像顏回一樣,好學深思,希望自己像諸葛亮一樣,足智多謀,希望自己像比爾·蓋茲一樣,有創意又多金。是的,如果我們從小事,就開始培養耐心,我們就能讓自己,成為一個有耐心的人,逐漸累積,最後我們終將成就大事!      創造美好人生的人,都會認同,「耐心」絕對是清單上數一數二的要點。若不經常運用「耐心」這項特質,就創造不出美好的人生。那些成就非凡的人士、感情關係融洽的人、公認是智慧導師的人,……等等,如果我們仔細觀察他們,就會發現,他們真的很有耐心。有耐心,就能看清周遭情況,把事情弄清楚,做出理性的決定。然而,耐心不是一夜之間,就能獲得的,好比鍛練肌肉,每天都是要努力的。我們要成就大事,最重要的是,須兼具毅力和耐心。而且,唯有不斷實踐,才能做到,沒有耐心,就有可能放棄。面對難關,要練習耐心以對。一旦掌握耐心的訣竅,在下一個難關出現時,我們就能輕鬆通過,在不知不覺中,耐心就會成為我們潛意識的反應,反覆去做,就能培養耐心。      看看大自然,種子的發芽,帶來植物的成長,雲朵的衝撞,帶來暴風雨。這些都是逐漸累積而成的,總是必須先有許多小事的累積,最後才會有莫大的成果。種子若不先種下,並澆水,怎能生長綻放呢?想要改變,獲得內在的行動力,我們一定要有耐心,我們要化日常須做的事,耐心完成,養成習慣,然後,等待時間,一定可以成功。耐心絕對是我們在一無所有時,很需要的心態裝備。有耐心,就會持續。比如,減重需要耐心。準備國家考試,需要耐心。在公司等升遷,需要耐心。從零存到一百萬,需要耐心。等待投資機會,需要耐心。看流星,需要耐心。寫一本書,需要耐心。種一顆樹,需要耐心。教育好小孩,更需要耐心……等等。      我們都很喜歡有耐心的人,也很願意做有耐心的人,但是,我們自己,並不容易做到。例如,在交通擠塞時,我們可能很容易感到煩躁,如果我們快遲到了,就更難保持冷靜。受到冒犯時,我們也可能很容易發脾氣。所以,我們要很努力地培養耐心。有耐心的人,有什麼好處呢?首先,有耐心的人,不會輕易發怒。當承受壓力,或被人冒犯時,會保持冷靜。其次,有耐心的人,在等待時,能保持平心靜氣。如果等候的時間比預期長,有耐心的人,會盡力避免焦躁,或不耐煩的態度。再來,有耐心的人,不會魯莽。當然,在某些情況下,我們需要迅速採取行動。但是,有耐心的人,在做一件重要的工作時,不會匆匆開始,也不會草草了事。他會先花點時間,好好計劃,再用充分的時間,把事情做好。最後,有耐心的人,會盡力忍耐,不會抱怨,保持正面積極的態度。耐心可以幫助我們跟别人相處得更好,也會讓我們認真聽别人説話。我們對别人有耐心,人際關係會更好,群體也會更團結。我們有耐心,就能作出很多明智的決定,我們會更快樂、更冷靜,在身心方面,都會很健康。耐心雖然不容易,但是,靠着毅力與信心,在耐心等待下,我們終必成功。 Powered by Firstory Hosting

    8 мин.
  8. 尊重與服務

    19 ЯНВ.


    尊重與服務      叔本華說:「我們要尊重每一個人,不論他是何等卑微、可笑」。尊重是一種美德,每個人都渴望得到別人的尊重,但也得尊重別人。因此,尊重十分重要。談尊重,首先,我們要學會尊重自己,因為尊重自己,是尊重別人的開端。例如一個人本來就有工作的能力,讓自己過得很好,卻因為挫折而氣餒,那就不尊重自己了。正所謂「人必自重,而後人重之」,假如我們認真地生活,尊重自己,也就是對他人最大的尊重了。在學校,我們要尊重老師、同學、校工等等。上課時,要細心聆聽老師教的內容,按時提交功課,同學之間,要互相幫助、包容。在社會上,我們要回饋社會。社會給予我們良好的資源,提供充足的食物,我們要好好珍惜,要讓座給有需要的人,安守秩序,遵守交通規則,在工作崗位上,要負責盡職。尊重,讓我們保有自己的自尊,同時也保有他人的自主。      每個人的價值觀都不同,如果無法尊重別人不同的價值觀,就會有衝突,起爭執。尊重的定義,就是高度關注,或敬重對方的觀點與感受,並能肯定對方的能力與內在特質。尊重得以讓我們相互保有主體性,不會讓關係破裂,而且,尊重是可以學習的。心理學家霍勒曼(Holloman)與耶茨(Yates)歸納出11 種表達尊重的語彙: 1. 鼓勵的語彙 2. 寬容的語彙 3. 引導彼此的語彙 4. 講出願意尊重彼此的語彙 5. 講出擁抱更高期望的語彙 6. 經常談論對未來的期望 7. 把愛說出口 8. 直接分享心情 9. 表達對對方的理解 10. 表達彼此是合作或互助的一體 11. 表達重視彼此的責任 表達尊重的方式有很多種,但最重要的是要表達出來。我們給對方的尊重,不能只是被動用「不否定」或「不干預」的方式,而是要透過更積極的方式,用我們的對話,來營造彼此尊重的氣氛,讓互動直接充滿尊重的氣息。無論我們有多麼不同意對方,甚至不喜歡對方,我們仍應遵守基本的禮節,給予對方尊重和禮貌。美國歌手瑪丹娜說:「很多人不敢講出自己要什麼。就因為這樣,他們才得不到想要的。」 我們都想要以自己值得的方式被對待,但是,前提是,我們都要先懂得尊重別人。我們要試著把注意力集中在對方所說的話上,而不是想對策或反駁。我們要避免滔滔不絕,自顧自地說話。同時,我們也要用禮貌的方式,回應對方的惡意。己所不欲,勿施於人,每個人都希望得到基本的禮貌對待。良好的舉止,是表達對他人的尊重,但其實也是對我們自己的尊重。      再者,有了尊重的心態外,我們還要有服務的行動。「服務」與「幫助」,基本上是不同的。幫助是基於不平等;它不是一種基於平等的關係。當我們用自身較高的力量,去幫助那些不那麽有力量的人,我們總是在幫一些沒有比我們更優秀,更需要的人。這樣的心態是不平等的,當我們助人時,我們有可能對他人的剝奪,比帶給他們的更多,我們甚至降低了他們的自尊與價值感。然而,當我們去服務時,我們並不認同條件的優劣,而是用我們自己所有的經驗去服務。我們服務生命,並不是因為他們是破損的,而是因為他們是神聖的。當我們服務時,我們的感覺是感謝,它是雙向的。隨著時間流逝,幫助會耗竭,我們會燒盡自己。然而,服務是更新的,當我們服務時,我們的工作自身,就會維持我們。從服務的觀點來看,我們全都是連結的, 所有他人的受苦,就像我們的受苦;所有他人的喜悅,就像我們的喜悅一樣。例如,通常,我們對工作不會感恩,會說「我不喜歡我的工作」,但又無法離開,在我們自己創造的兩難中,工作變成了一個負擔。但是,如果我們可以對工作說:「非常感謝你到目前為止,帶給我的一切,你已經為我做得夠多了」,那就意味著,我們不會繼續抱怨自己的工作。因為我們有意識要保留它,我們就會從一個被動的受害者,變成一個主動的承擔者。感恩是非常有力量的,而且不需要花一毛錢,我們只需要放下驕傲和抱怨即可,我們就可以尊重他人,服務大眾。願我們每個人,都能學會時時尊重,處處服務。 Powered by Firstory Hosting

    8 мин.

Об этом подкасте

我們的人生,離不開生活,我們的生活,又離不開愛,所以,愛是我們一切的源頭。為了實踐愛,我們要謙虛,修正自己,愛自己,我們要感恩身邊的每一件人、事、物,然後,我們更要感謝宇宙與天地的加持。 在愛的世界裡,我們要有十足的自信與信心,我們有極豐富的想像力,且相信「心想事成」,我們更有相當的勇氣,付諸每一個行動。因著愛,我們不會辜負我們的生活,我們的人生的。 這個「愛、生活、人生系列」的播客,是一連串的分享會,從第一集到往後的無數集,我將分享好多人生的故事,生活的故事,和愛的故事。但願這些美好的故事,是你、我行動力的靈感,生活的泉源,與生命的助力,就讓我們大家,一起隨我來吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting

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