姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese

讲故事姥姥 Grandma Lao Lao
姥姥讲故事 Grandma's story in Chinese

Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/t-y-gao/subscribe 曾经的小学语文老师,现在是两个小朋友的姥姥。我愿自己朗读的故事伴随华人小朋友们成长,愿他们喜欢中文,热爱中国文化。 Seasons: 1. 儿童故事(2-3岁);2. 儿童故事(4-5岁);3. 经典童话;4. 成语故事;5. 中国神话与传说;6. 伊索寓言;7. 原创中国文化知识 Grandma Lao Lao used to be a Chinese primary school teacher. She has been reading stories and recording them for her grandchildren who live abroad, to help them learn Chinese language and culture. Grandma's story include children's stories, myths, idioms, classics, historical stories, and knowledge of Chinese culture. Lao Lao would like to share her stories to everyone who is interested in Chinese language and Chinese culture!

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최고 5점
8개의 평가


Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/t-y-gao/subscribe 曾经的小学语文老师,现在是两个小朋友的姥姥。我愿自己朗读的故事伴随华人小朋友们成长,愿他们喜欢中文,热爱中国文化。 Seasons: 1. 儿童故事(2-3岁);2. 儿童故事(4-5岁);3. 经典童话;4. 成语故事;5. 中国神话与传说;6. 伊索寓言;7. 原创中国文化知识 Grandma Lao Lao used to be a Chinese primary school teacher. She has been reading stories and recording them for her grandchildren who live abroad, to help them learn Chinese language and culture. Grandma's story include children's stories, myths, idioms, classics, historical stories, and knowledge of Chinese culture. Lao Lao would like to share her stories to everyone who is interested in Chinese language and Chinese culture!

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