琉璃心The Mindful Heart /Mindfulness Meditation

琉璃心The Mindful Heart /Mindfulness Meditation

在倫敦政經學院進修mindfulness正念療法,透過正念療法等理論來闡述佛經….. 琉璃無垢、心無雜念、想要有顆琉璃心就要先找到真正的自己。 祈願你我此生得菩提,心似瑠璃;大徹大悟,明心見性,清淨無染。 Hopefully we could gain the bodhi and a glass-like heart. Powered by Firstory Hosting

  1. The Diamond Sutra and mindfulness stress reduction -flower meditation

    HACE 17 H

    The Diamond Sutra and mindfulness stress reduction -flower meditation

    Observing Life with Clarity, Blooming with Wisdom In the midst of our busy lives, have we ever paused to reflect on what true happiness and fulfillment really mean? The Mindful Heart Podcast explores mindfulness, Buddhist wisdom, and everyday reflections to guide you back to the present moment-helping you find inner peace and clarity. This Episode: The Wisdom of Selfless Giving in the Diamond Sutra This episode delves into the profound teaching of “Non-Attachment in Giving” from the Diamond Sutra. We explore why the Buddha taught that bodhisattvas do not cling to merit, and how we can apply this wisdom in modern life and work—allowing acts of kindness to remain pure, unburdened by the desire for recognition or reward. Key Takeaways: What is Non-Attachment in Giving? Why is true generosity free from expectation? Letting go of the need for validation—finding joy in giving without seeking praise. Mindfulness and the lesson of orchids: They bloom without seeking attention, and they fade without regret. Practical steps to cultivate non-attachment—how we can integrate this wisdom into daily life for greater freedom and peace. Through this mindful discussion, we learn how to practice Buddhist wisdom in today’s world, ensuring that acts of kindness are not a burden but a natural expression of inner harmony and completeness. Let’s find stillness and clarity within, even amidst the noise of the world. Comments and Support: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

    30 min
  2. 楞嚴經與正念覺知減壓

    24 ENE


    琉璃心Podcast第107集——正念解析《楞嚴經》識陰的虛妄與無我之觀 感恩您對《琉璃心》Podcast的持續關注與支持。 在這繁忙的生活中,讓我們透過佛法的智慧,回歸內心的寧靜,體悟識陰的虛妄,放下執著,安住於當下。本集節目,將帶領大家以正念的角度深入探討《楞嚴經》中佛陀對識陰的開示,幫助我們在日常生活中實踐智慧與慈悲。 佛法法語——識陰的虛妄與無我 佛陀於《楞嚴經》中透過「瓶中虛空」的譬喻,向阿難尊者開示:識陰,亦即我們的分別意識 1. 虛空不因瓶的移動而改變 以「頻伽瓶」裝空,帶往遠方,說明空並未因瓶的移動而改變。這提醒我們:意識的流轉並非外境所致,而是內心對「我」的執著使然。當我們執著於「我」與「他」的分別,便如同誤認瓶中虛空為實有一般,形成對自我的錯誤認知。 2. 識陰的虛妄 當瓶口開啟,虛空並未流出,因為虛空本無形相,非實質可得。同樣地,識陰乃幻化,非真實之我,若執著識陰為實,便落入輪迴不息。佛陀教導我們:唯有透過正念,才能照見識陰的虛妄,不再被妄念牽引。 正念觀照——從瓶中虛空看識陰的運作 1. 覺察心念的無常與空性 如同瓶中虛空,念頭看似存在,實則無形無相,瞬息即滅。 2. 放下執著,安住當下 我們常因執著於過去的記憶或未來的擔憂,而錯過當下的寧靜。佛陀提醒我們,識陰是虛妄的,無法真正擁有,唯有透過呼吸的專注,才能安住當下,回歸內心的平靜。 3. 認識無我,減少分別心 佛陀教導識陰的運作充滿分別,導致我們對人、事、物產生固有的成見,增長煩惱。透過正念,我們能夠學習放下對「我」的執著,培養開放與包容的心態,減少內心的對立。 實踐正念:從識陰的虛妄回歸本心 《楞嚴經》提醒我們,當我們不再執著於識陰,即能回歸心的本然清淨。讓我們在生活中,時時觀照,安住於當下,以正念遠離煩惱,回歸平靜。 每日正念提醒: 以覺察心觀照念頭的起伏,提醒自己念頭無自性,無需執著。在生活中實踐放下,接受變化,培養隨順因緣的智慧。透過深呼吸,穩定內心,將專注力帶回當下。 願我們以正念之心,行於智慧與慈悲的道路上。 正念覺知減壓引導:回歸本心,擁抱當下 步驟: 接納當下,安住呼吸 將注意力帶回呼吸,感受吸氣時的擴展與吐氣時的放鬆,提醒自己:「此刻,我與我的呼吸同在,我是安全的。」掃描身體,釋放緊張 覺察頭部、肩膀、胸口的緊繃,透過深呼吸溫柔地釋放,讓自己慢慢回歸放鬆狀態。與自己同在,安住於內在的寧靜 告訴自己:「我允許自己放下,接受當下的狀態,無論是焦慮或疲憊。」以慈悲心擁抱自己 在心中輕聲對自己說:「願我身心安穩,願我平靜自在,願我擁有智慧與力量。」帶著正念回到日常在每日的練習中,找到內心真正的歸屬,活出自在與安穩。合十,祝福您平安喜樂。 贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc 留言想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

    35 min
  3. The Diamond Sutra and Mindfulness Meditation -Body Scan

    24 ENE

    The Diamond Sutra and Mindfulness Meditation -Body Scan

    The Mindful Heart Podcast Episode 71: Embracing Life with Compassion and Wisdom We sincerely appreciate your continuous support for the Mindful Heart podcast. We are honored to be among the top-ranked podcasts, with listeners from 82 countries worldwide. This journey has been filled with joy and inspiration as we explore mindfulness together, nurturing compassion and wisdom in our lives. We are also delighted to share that the "Sentient Beings" Art Exhibition has successfully concluded. This exhibition was not only a celebration of artistic beauty but also a profound reminder of the value and dignity of every living being. During the exhibition, the Tainan First Senior High School Choir delivered a heartfelt performance of the song “The Rainbow Outside the Wall.” This moving song, told from the perspective of marine life, expresses their longing for freedom and highlights the importance of respecting and protecting all creatures of the ocean. Mindfulness Insights from "The Rainbow Outside the Wall" As Master Cheng Yen once said, "To respect nature is to respect life; to embrace all beings is to embrace our hearts." Listening to this song with mindfulness allows us to reflect on the following three key insights: 1. Respecting Life and Protecting All Beings Every being, regardless of its size or form, coexists in the web of interdependence. As we listen to this song, we can observe our emotions and cultivate a sense of compassion for all living creatures. Mindfulness encourages us to practice kindness toward all forms of life—whether marine animals, humanity, or the environment. 2. Letting Go of Attachments and Embracing the Present Moment “The Rainbow Outside the Wall” reminds us that just as marine creatures are confined in captivity, our minds can also be trapped by attachments and desires. Through mindfulness, we can learn to let go of these attachments, observe our thoughts without judgment, and embrace the present moment with a sense of peace and clarity. 3. The Power of Compassion and Hope Life, like the ocean, is ever-changing. Through mindfulness practice, we can develop the patience to face challenges and the compassion to support ourselves and others. Just as the rainbow eventually appears after the storm, hope and resilience will shine through when we cultivate an open heart. Let us carry the spirit of this song beyond the exhibition and into our daily lives. Small actions—such as reducing plastic waste and supporting sustainable initiatives—can make a meaningful difference in protecting marine life and our planet. Mindfulness Interpretation of the Diamond Sutra: Generosity and the Wisdom of Non-Self In this episode, we will explore the Buddha’s teaching to Venerable Subhūti in the Diamond Sutra, which highlights the relationship between generosity and wisdom. The ultimate practice of a bodhisattva is rooted in the realization of non-self, rather than attachment to the merit gained from acts of giving. Through mindfulness, we can apply the following insights from the sutra in our daily lives: 1. Giving Without Attachment – True generosity comes from an open heart, without expecting recognition or rewards. Mindfulness helps us observe our motivations and let go of the need for validation. 2. Observing Non-Self – Everything arises from conditions and is impermanent. Practicing mindful awareness allows us to release attachment to the sense of "I" and "mine," fostering deeper compassion and connection with others. 3. Being Present in Acts of Kindness – Whether offering a helping hand, a smile, or our time, mindfulness encourages us to engage with full presence and appreciation, without seeking specific outcomes. By embracing these teachings, we can cultivate genuine compassion and find liberation from attachment. Mindfulness Body Scan for Stress Relief To help you integrate mindfulness into your daily life, this episode will guide you through a body scan practice to release stress and restore balance. Steps: 1. Bringing Awareness to the Present Moment – Focus on your breath, allowing yourself to settle into the present moment with a sense of calm. 2. Scanning from Head to Toe – Gently bring your attention to different parts of your body, observing sensations without judgment and releasing any tension with each breath. 3. Letting Go and Resting in Awareness – With each exhalation, imagine tension melting away, leaving your body relaxed and your mind at ease. Let this practice become a part of your daily routine, helping you return to a state of inner balance and tranquility whenever life feels overwhelming. Once again, we deeply appreciate your support! Let us continue our journey with the Mindful Heart, learning and growing together. Through mindfulness, we can bring fulfillment to our lives and harmony to the world. Support our program with a small donation to help us spread mindfulness https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc We invite you to share your thoughts and reflections with us: : https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

    36 min
  4. 楞嚴經與15分鐘Mindful Walking正念行走


    楞嚴經與15分鐘Mindful Walking正念行走

    楞嚴經與15分鐘Mindful Walking正念行走 楞嚴經經典全名為《大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經》,簡稱《大佛頂首楞嚴經》、《大佛頂經》、《首楞嚴經》,一般稱之為《楞嚴經》(Śūraṅgama Sūtra;梵語:शूरङ्गम सूत्),為大乘佛教經典。 在明朝與清朝後,曾有:「自從一讀楞嚴後,不看人間糟粕書!」的說法,爲佛學家高度重視與肯定。2010年中國河南南陽菩提寺保存一函《楞嚴經》的梵文貝葉經。被鑑定為國家一級文物, 共226葉,殘缺6葉,字體圓形,係印度南方古文字,據稱為唐代梵文《楞嚴經》孤本。 第一位將楞嚴經英譯的人,是英國傳教士Joseph Edkins,將楞嚴經第一卷英譯,其譯為 Śūraṃgama-sūtra, The Leng-Yen-King。 本集ㄧ開始悼念92歲的詩人瘂弦在溫哥華逝世。持續介紹浙江杭州雷峰塔塔磚內的「一切如來心秘密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼經」經卷,談談琉璃心-有情生命美展十一月將在台南女中百年校園展開,開幕儀式將以正念芭蕾拉開序幕。 經文寶塔只是形式,真正的聖地,是存在於每一個虔誠的心靈深處。我們的正念之路,只要我們不斷地向著這條路前進,以智慧與慈悲為伴,無論遇到多大的困難與挑戰,都能開啟菩提之路,成就無上智慧,只需一顆虔誠而平靜的心,便是最真實的佛國淨土。時時保持一顆清淨覺知的心,觀照自己的內心,了解自身的感知與情緒,這樣才能真正地認識自己,達到內外和諧。佛法教導我們,修行的根本在於內心的覺知與明瞭,當我們能夠深入觀照內心,就能夠超越外在的種種假象,見到真實的自性。 最後帶大家做正念行走Mindful walking是一種將正念與走路結合的修行方式,通過專注於當下的每一個動作、呼吸和感受,來達到身心的平靜與覺察。這種練習強調心靈的覺知,把注意力放在當下的每一個細微動作,並以開放、接納的態度來面對身體的感覺與心靈的變化,幫助我們在忙碌的生活中找到一份內心的寧靜與平衡。從中獲得身心的益處,讓自己更加與當下連結,並感受到深層的放鬆與幸福感。 支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc 留言想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

    36 min
  5. The Diamond Sutra and Mindfulness Meditation:learning about the feelings


    The Diamond Sutra and Mindfulness Meditation:learning about the feelings

    Welcome to podcast-The mindful Heart. This is Xin (Zinn). Thank you for your support ! Remember, no matter what the year brings, you are loved and you are strong. Wishing you peace and happiness. Now The Mindful Heart is listened to in a total of 81 countries, where we read the Diamond Sutra together and take all of you to practice mindful yoga. Starting in November, the host of the mindful Heart will hold an art exhibition at the centennial campus of Tainan Girls’ Senior High School, inspired by the works of Dutch artist Jan Derk Diekema from Groningen. The opening event will feature a mindful ballet performance, and everyone is warmly invited to attend and show their support.  One of the paintings in this exhibition depicts the Cundi Bodhisattva statue at Zhu Xi Temple, the oldest Buddhist temple in Taiwan, built during the Ming Dynasty. We look forward to everyone appreciating it. This painting was exhibited in old palaces in Spain and Italy. We welcome friends who support podcast the mindful heart to come and admire the artwork. This Passage of the Diamond Sutra Emphasizes “Formlessness” and “Non-Attachment to Thoughts” in Practice: 1.Formlessness (Beyond Forms):The essence of enlightenment lies in transcending all forms and not relying on external appearances. Even the Buddha’s form, such as the Thirty-two Marks, is merely a worldly appearance and not the true foundation of enlightenment. 2.Non-Attachment to Thoughts (No Attachment to Thoughts):One must not only let go of attachment to forms but also release the notion of “non-attachment to forms.” Otherwise, becoming attached to the concept of formlessness is still a form of attachment.Practical Insights for Spiritual Practice:Transcending Forms and Concepts:In practice, we should avoid clinging to any form or concept. Whether it is meditation, chanting, or other practices, they should not become mental constraints. Letting Go of “Non-Attachment”:The wisdom of the Buddha lies in not even being attached to the ideas of formlessness and non-attachment. This leads to complete inner liberation. Conclusion: This episode reminds practitioners that the Buddha’s enlightenment does not arise from external forms, nor should we cling to the ideas of formlessness or non-attachment. True enlightenment is found in total inner freedom—freedom from forms, concepts, and even the notion of non-attachment itself. This is the path to achieving supreme enlightenment. Let’s conclude with a guided mindfulness meditation-Learning about your feelings May it bring peace and blessings to everyone. Support and Comments https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc : https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

    33 min
  6. 楞嚴經與20分鐘Mindful Yoga正念瑜伽


    楞嚴經與20分鐘Mindful Yoga正念瑜伽

    楞嚴經與20分鐘Mindful Yoga正念瑜伽 楞嚴經經典全名為《大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經》,簡稱《大佛頂首楞嚴經》、《大佛頂經》、《首楞嚴經》,一般稱之為《楞嚴經》(Śūraṅgama Sūtra;梵語:शूरङ्गम सूत्),為大乘佛教經典。 在明朝與清朝後,曾有:「自從一讀楞嚴後,不看人間糟粕書!」的說法,爲佛學家高度重視與肯定。2010年中國河南南陽菩提寺保存一函《楞嚴經》的梵文貝葉經。被鑑定為國家一級文物, 共226葉,殘缺6葉,字體圓形,係印度南方古文字,據稱為唐代梵文《楞嚴經》孤本。 第一位將楞嚴經英譯的人,是英國傳教士Joseph Edkins,將楞嚴經第一卷英譯,其譯為 Śūraṃgama-sūtra, The Leng-Yen-King。 本集持續介紹浙江杭州雷峰塔塔磚內的「一切如來心秘密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼經」經卷,談談「琉璃心-有情生命畫展,繁花」與台南美術二館:龔卓軍教授所策展的「我們從河而來」的展覽,並分享王美霞南方講堂讀書會與文學家黃淑貞爲德簡書院已故王鎮華老師所撰文的中道今來。 經文寶塔只是形式,真正的聖地,是存在於每一個虔誠的心靈深處。繁花象徵的是我們內心的清淨與美好。楞嚴經中的「泥水徐澄」,提醒我們每人都擁有清淨心,這份真誠與善意就如同繁花般,能夠散發出無量的光明,照亮我們前行的道路。象徵著我們的正念之路,只要我們不斷地向著這條路前進,以智慧與慈悲為伴,無論遇到多大的困難與挑戰,都能開啟菩提之路,成就無上智慧,只需一顆虔誠而平靜的心,便是最真實的佛國淨土。並在楞嚴經的「清水現前」,提醒時時保持一顆清淨覺知的心,觀照自己的內心,了解自身的感知與情緒,這樣才能真正地認識自己,達到內外和諧。佛法教導我們,修行的根本在於內心的覺知與明瞭,當我們能夠深入觀照內心,就能夠超越外在的種種假象,見到真實的自性。 最後帶大家做正念瑜伽(Mindful Yoga)是一種將正念與瑜伽動作結合的修行方式,通過專注於當下的每一個動作、呼吸和感受,來達到身心的平靜與覺察。這種練習強調心靈的覺知,不僅僅是身體的伸展或運動,而是把注意力放在當下的每一個細微動作,並以開放、接納的態度來面對身體的感覺與心靈的變化。 正念瑜伽的好處包括: 1. 減壓與放鬆:正念練習可以幫助我們從日常壓力中抽離,並通過身體的伸展與呼吸調整,達到深度的放鬆。    2. 提升專注力:練習時,專注於每個動作與呼吸,讓思緒回到當下,這有助於提升專注力和集中注意力的能力。 3. 身心合一:通過正念的引導,我們可以更加深入地感知身體的需求,了解身體的限制,並在運動過程中保持平和的心態。 4. 情緒穩定:正念瑜伽鼓勵練習者接納每一刻的感受,不論是身體的不適還是心靈的波動,這種開放與接納能幫助我們更加穩定情緒,減少焦慮。 5. 促進身體健康:透過緩和的伸展動作與深呼吸,正念瑜伽能促進血液循環,增強柔軟度,並改善身體的姿勢和肌肉張力。 正念瑜伽是一種身心結合的修行,幫助我們在忙碌的生活中找到一份內心的寧靜與平衡。無論是初學者還是有經驗的練習者,都能從中獲得身心的益處,讓自己更加與當下連結,並感受到深層的放鬆與幸福感。 贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc 留言想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

    37 min

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在倫敦政經學院進修mindfulness正念療法,透過正念療法等理論來闡述佛經….. 琉璃無垢、心無雜念、想要有顆琉璃心就要先找到真正的自己。 祈願你我此生得菩提,心似瑠璃;大徹大悟,明心見性,清淨無染。 Hopefully we could gain the bodhi and a glass-like heart. Powered by Firstory Hosting

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