224 episodes




Hopefully we could gain the bodhi and a glass-like heart.

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琉璃心The Mindful Heart /Mindfulness Meditation 瑠璃心Xin(Zinn)

    • Religion & Spirituality




Hopefully we could gain the bodhi and a glass-like heart.

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    The Diamond Sutra and mindfulness meditation-loving kindness meditation

    The Diamond Sutra and mindfulness meditation-loving kindness meditation

    Welcome to podcast-The mindful Heart.
    This is Xin (Zinn). Thank you for your support ! Remember, no matter what the year brings, you are loved and you are strong. Wishing you peace and happiness.

    Now The Mindful Heart is listened to in a total of 79 countries, where we read the Diamond Sutra together and take all of you to practice mindfulness meditation- loving kindness meditation.

    From July to September, the host will have an exhibition of paintings titled "Sentient Life" at Jianan psychiatric center.
     One of the paintings in this exhibition depicts the Cundi Bodhisattva statue at Zhu Xi Temple, the oldest Buddhist temple in Taiwan, built during the Ming Dynasty. We look forward to everyone appreciating it. This painting will also be exhibited in old palaces in Spain and Italy. We welcome friends who support podcast the mindful heart to come and admire the artwork.

    As the saying goes, "Understanding one principle leads to understanding all principles; understanding one law leads to understanding all laws." The law itself has no form and requires someone to bring together conditions and circumstances to manifest various phenomena. Therefore, this art exhibition uses forms to convey the teachings of the Dharma. We hope that everyone can observe, think, and experience mindfully in their daily lives. When encountering various situations, use your heart to untangle the knots within. By doing so, you can enlighten yourself and also help others, realizing the Buddha-nature inherent in everyone. Calm your mind and explore life deeply.

    In summary, through Mindfulness by practicing inner awareness, compassion and tolerance, letting go of attachments, and cultivating wisdom, you can maintain a calm and peaceful mindset each moment.

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    • 33 min
    楞嚴經與20分鐘Mindfulness Meditation-貼近大地、正念減壓

    楞嚴經與20分鐘Mindfulness Meditation-貼近大地、正念減壓

    楞嚴經與20分鐘Mindfulness Meditation-貼近大地、正念減壓

    楞嚴經經典全名為《大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經》,簡稱《大佛頂首楞嚴經》、《大佛頂經》、《首楞嚴經》,一般稱之為《楞嚴經》(Śūraṅgama Sūtra;梵語:शूरङ्गम सूत्),為大乘佛教經典。

    在明朝與清朝後,曾有:「自從一讀楞嚴後,不看人間糟粕書!」的說法,爲佛學家高度重視與肯定。2010年中國河南南陽菩提寺保存一函《楞嚴經》的梵文貝葉經。被鑑定為國家一級文物, 共226葉,殘缺6葉,字體圓形,係印度南方古文字,據稱為唐代梵文《楞嚴經》孤本。

    第一位將楞嚴經英譯的人,是英國傳教士Joseph Edkins,將楞嚴經第一卷英譯,其譯為 Śūraṃgama-sūtra, The Leng-Yen-King。


    理解佛教中解脫和覺悟的路徑是至關重要的,認識到放下對於這些虛妄現象的執著,是達到內心平靜和解脫的關鍵。保持自己的真如清淨 ,Mindfulness 練習貼近大地、正念減壓。

    贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc
    留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc/comments

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    • 34 min
    The Diamond Sutra and mindfulness meditation- mindful inquiry

    The Diamond Sutra and mindfulness meditation- mindful inquiry

    Welcome to podcast-The mindful Heart.
    This is Xin (Zinn). Thank you for your support ! Remember, no matter what the year brings, you are loved and you are strong. Wishing you peace and happiness.

    Now The Mindful Heart is listened to in a total of 79 countries, where we read the Diamond Sutra together and take all of you to practice mindfulness meditation- mindful inquiry.

    In Buddhism, giving is considered a way to accumulate merit, but this passage discusses the concept of "no-self" and the nature of liberating sentient beings. Here's a brief explanation:

    1. No-Self Concept:The Buddha (Tathagata) clarifies that he does not hold the notion of liberating sentient beings as a separate self. If he did, it would imply the existence of a self and others, which contradicts the teaching of "no-self" (anatta).

    2. Illusory Nature of Self:
    The Buddha emphasizes that the concept of a self is an illusion. Though people talk about a self, it is not real. Ordinary people (those not yet enlightened) mistakenly believe in the reality of a self.

    3. Redefining Ordinary People:
    The Buddha redefines ordinary people by saying that although they are called ordinary, they are not truly ordinary in the ultimate sense. This redefinition highlights the illusory nature of distinctions and identities.

    This passage underscores the importance of understanding the concept of "no-self" and the illusory nature of distinctions in the path to enlightenment.

    By deeply studying the teachings of Buddhism regarding wisdom, you can develop insight and clear thinking, better understanding the nature of war and methods of problem-solving. This helps reduce fear and anxiety.

    In summary, through Mindfulness by practicing inner awareness, compassion and tolerance, letting go of attachments, and cultivating wisdom, you can maintain a calm and peaceful mindset during wartime.

    Support and Comments https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc

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    • 33 min
    楞嚴經與20分鐘Mindfulness Meditation正念減痛

    楞嚴經與20分鐘Mindfulness Meditation正念減痛

    楞嚴經與20分鐘Mindfulness Meditation-正念減痛

    楞嚴經經典全名為《大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經》,簡稱《大佛頂首楞嚴經》、《大佛頂經》、《首楞嚴經》,一般稱之為《楞嚴經》(Śūraṅgama Sūtra;梵語:शूरङ्गम सूत्),為大乘佛教經典。

    在明朝與清朝後,曾有:「自從一讀楞嚴後,不看人間糟粕書!」的說法,爲佛學家高度重視與肯定。2010年中國河南南陽菩提寺保存一函《楞嚴經》的梵文貝葉經。被鑑定為國家一級文物, 共226葉,殘缺6葉,字體圓形,係印度南方古文字,據稱為唐代梵文《楞嚴經》孤本。

    第一位將楞嚴經英譯的人,是英國傳教士Joseph Edkins,將楞嚴經第一卷英譯,其譯為 Śūraṃgama-sūtra, The Leng-Yen-King。




    “本非因緣”:這裡講到的是佛教中的因緣生法,意思是一切現象都是由眾多條件和因素相互作用產生的,沒有獨立自存的實體。“本非因緣”意味著觸覺並不是由一個單一、獨立的因素產生的,也不是自身就有的固有性質。“非自然性”:這句話強調受陰(感受)沒有自性(Svabhava),即沒有不依賴其他條件就能存在的固有本質。針對於“受陰”的討論,指出觸覺感受或感覺是無常的、沒有固有實體的,它們的存在和變化都依賴於其他條件的相互作用。這一點對於理解佛教中解脫和覺悟的路徑是至關重要的,認識到放下對於這些虛妄現象的執著,是達到內心平靜和解脫的關鍵。保持自己的如來藏真如清淨 ,Mindfulness 練習正念減痛。

    贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc
    留言想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc/comments

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    • 42 min
    The Diamond Sutra and Mindfulness Meditation-Thinking Balanced

    The Diamond Sutra and Mindfulness Meditation-Thinking Balanced

    Welcome to podcast-The mindful Heart.
    This is Xin (Zinn). Thank you for your support ! Remember, no matter what the year brings, you are loved and you are strong. Wishing you peace and happiness.

    Now The Mindful Heart is listened to in a total of 77 countries, where we read the Diamond Sutra together and take all of you to practice mindfulness meditation- waking meditation 

    In Buddhism, giving is considered a way to accumulate merit, but this passage indicates that the transmission and practice of profound Dharma wisdom, particularly the "perfection of wisdom" or "Prajñāpāramitā," is of far greater value.The "Diamond Sutra" discusses the "Perfection of Wisdom," which in Buddhism describes the wisdom that leads to complete liberation and enlightenment. It teaches followers to see through the nature of all phenomena, understanding that all dharmas are empty, meaning they lack inherent existence and are interdependently co-arisen. This profound realization helps followers transcend attachment to the material world, achieving spiritual freedom and liberation.

    This teaching encourages practitioners to look beyond the literal meaning of words and to understand the deeper truth that all phenomena, including teachings, are empty of inherent nature. This understanding leads to a liberation from attachment to concepts and the realization of ultimate reality, which is beyond dualities and descriptions.

    By deeply studying the teachings of Buddhism regarding wisdom, you can develop insight and clear thinking, better understanding the nature of war and methods of problem-solving. This helps reduce fear and anxiety.
    Support and Comments : https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc
    : https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc/comments

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    • 32 min
    楞嚴經與20分鐘Mindfulness Meditation-正念減痛

    楞嚴經與20分鐘Mindfulness Meditation-正念減痛

    楞嚴經與20分鐘Mindfulness Meditation-正念減痛

    楞嚴經經典全名為《大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經》,簡稱《大佛頂首楞嚴經》、《大佛頂經》、《首楞嚴經》,一般稱之為《楞嚴經》(Śūraṅgama Sūtra;梵語:शूरङ्गम सूत्),為大乘佛教經典。

    在明朝與清朝後,曾有:「自從一讀楞嚴後,不看人間糟粕書!」的說法,爲佛學家高度重視與肯定。2010年中國河南南陽菩提寺保存一函《楞嚴經》的梵文貝葉經。被鑑定為國家一級文物, 共226葉,殘缺6葉,字體圓形,係印度南方古文字,據稱為唐代梵文《楞嚴經》孤本。

    第一位將楞嚴經英譯的人,是英國傳教士Joseph Edkins,將楞嚴經第一卷英譯,其譯為 Śūraṃgama-sūtra, The Leng-Yen-King。

    在佛教中,認為一切現象都是缺乏固有本質的,它們的存在完全依賴於其他條件和因素。總的來說,這句話是在講述佛教空性的概念,特別是針對於“受陰”的討論,指出感受或感覺是無常的、沒有固有實體的,它們的存在和變化都依賴於其他條件的相互作用。這一點對於理解佛教中解脫和覺悟的路徑是至關重要的,認識到放下對於這些虛妄現象的執著,是達到內心平靜和解脫的關鍵。保持自己的如來藏真如清淨 ,Mindfulness 練習正念減痛全然放鬆。

    贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc
    留言想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckqwnj6abmfqu0976slcngntc/comments

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    • 42 min

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