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  1. -22 Ч

    第2588期:Traveling by Plane

    Steph: You listed travel as one of your passions. 斯蒂芬:您将旅行列为您的激情之一。 Tony: Yeah. But actually my passion is airport to airport, what happens between airports. 托尼:是的。 但是实际上,我的热情是机场,机场之间发生了什么。 Steph: So you like the flying then, the journey? 斯蒂芬:所以你喜欢飞行,旅程吗? Tony: Absolutely. 托尼:绝对。 Steph: What about that do you like? 斯蒂芬:你喜欢那呢? Tony: I love airplanes. Do I love airports? Not really. When I go to an airport I go to the window to look at the airplanes. Since the tender age of five I've always had this passion for airplanes, and my dream was to become an airline pilot. 托尼:我喜欢飞机。 我爱机场吗? 并不真地。 当我去机场时,我去窗户看飞机。 自从五岁的时候,我一直对飞机充满热情,我的梦想是成为航空公司飞行员。 Steph: Okay. Have you ever flown an airplane? 斯蒂芬:好的。 你曾经驾驶过飞机吗? Tony: Have I ever flown in an airplane? 托尼:我曾经乘飞机飞行吗? Steph: Not in an airplane. Have you ever flown an airplane? 斯蒂芬:不在飞机上。 你曾经驾驶过飞机吗? Tony: I've never flown an airplane. I've been in the flight deck of a number of aircraft, but I've never flown one. 托尼:我从来没有飞过飞机。 我去过许多飞机的飞行甲板,但我从来没有飞过一架飞机。 Steph: Okay. So walk us through a trip with Tony. What's going through your mind along the journey from airport to airport? 斯蒂芬:好的。 因此,带我们和托尼一起旅行。 从机场到机场的旅程中,您的想法会发生什么? Tony: Well, just like the other souls on board, I go on, I sit, I buckle my seatbelt. I obey the commands from the cabin crew. I hear the pilots talking over the Intercom. But I take it another step further. I actually listen to the details of what the pilots are saying. I'm thinking about what's the weather going to be like, what's the weather on the ground, what's the surface winds on the runway? All these things that regular passengers don't think about when they're sitting in the seat and they're just like. 托尼:好吧,就像船上的其他灵魂一样,我继续,我坐着,我系好安全带。 我遵守机舱工作人员的命令。 我听到飞行员在对讲机上说话。 但是我再进一步。 实际上,我听取了飞行员在说什么的细节。 我在想天气如何,地面上的天气是什么,跑道上的表面却发生了什么? 当他们坐在座位上时,普通乘客的所有这些事情都不会考虑。 Steph: Yeah. I certainly don't think about that, no. I am probably just relaxing, and maybe once in a while looking out the window, if I'm privileged enough to get a window seat. And just seeing how pretty it is. 斯蒂芬:是的。 我当然不会考虑,不。 我可能只是在放松,如果我有足够的特权靠窗座位,也许有时会偶尔看着窗外。 只是看到它有多漂亮。 Tony: And if you're looking out, and you say you have a seat just over the wing, you're looking out and you're like, oh, there's the wing. It looks nice, long, okay. 托尼:如果您看着,并且说您在机翼上有一个座位,那么您就会看着,就像,哦,有机翼。 看起来不错,漫长,还好。 Steph: I don't even think that much at any rate. 斯蒂芬:无论如何,我什至不太认为。 Tony: Yeah. Yeah. But to me, I'm looking at the wing and I'm like, that's the forward slats, those are the landing flaps, that's the spoiler. Oh, look at the winglet at the end. Yeah. 托尼:是的。 是的。 但是对我来说,我看着机翼,我想,那是前板,那是着陆襟翼,那就是扰流板。 哦,看看末端的小翼。 是的。 Steph: Okay. No, I'm definitely not thinking that at all. So you actually don't care about the cities that you're traveling to, and seeing new places? 斯蒂芬:好的。 不,我绝对不会这么认为。 因此,您实际上不在乎您前往的城市,看到新地方吗? Tony: No, no, no. Don't get me wrong. I actually do. I've had the fortune of visiting some really amazing places, like Glasgow, Scotland, which I do love. Meeting the people, meeting different people actually is something I look forward to. And the architecture and all the fun stuff, like art, artworks and crafts and all that stuff that when you travel you always try to secure before you return home. But yeah, I do, I do like the experiences outside of aviation when it comes to traveling. But for me, you may think it's weird, but it's still aviation for me. That's the top. That's definitely at the top of the list for me. When it comes to flight there are five critical phases. You have takeoff, climb out, cruise, descent and landing. Even at the end of a flight, coming to the end just before landing, the pilots are trying their best to keep the nose of the airplane training down the center line of the runway. After landing, when we're deplaning, I would often stop at the flight deck door and I'll be like, "What happened there just before touchdown?" And the pilots would laugh and be like, "Oh, just a little gust. Nothing really. But we're on the ground, we're safe." 托尼:不,不,不。 不要误会我的意思。 我实际上做。 我有幸参观了一些我喜欢的苏格兰格拉斯哥,例如苏格兰的格拉斯哥。 我期待着认识人,实际上与不同的人见面。 以及建筑和所有有趣的东西,例如艺术,艺术品和手工艺品以及所有旅行时的所有东西,您总是会在返回家园之前尝试确保固定。 但是,是的,我确实喜欢旅行时的航空公司以外的经历。 但是对我来说,您可能认为这很奇怪,但这对我来说仍然是航空。 那是顶部。 这绝对是我的榜首。 在飞行方面,有五个关键阶段。 您已经起飞,爬出来,巡游,下降和着陆。 即使在飞行结束时,在着陆之前到达末端,飞行员也在尽力将飞机的鼻子保持在跑道的中心线下。 着陆后,当我们脱机时,我经常会在飞行甲板门上停下来,我会说:“触地得分之前发生了什么?” 飞行员会笑着说:“哦,只是一点点狂风。没什么。但是我们在地面上,我们很安全。” Steph: Oh my gosh. So basically you're grading the pilot as you are taking a trip somewhere. 斯蒂芬:哦,天哪。 因此,基本上,当您在某个地方旅行时,您正在对飞行员进行评分。 Tony: Weird. It's so weird, right? Steph: Absolutely. Absolutely weird. 斯蒂芬:绝对。 绝对很奇怪。 Tony: That's what aviation buffs do. 托尼:这就是航空迷的作用。 Steph: Crazy. Crazy. 斯蒂芬:疯狂。 疯狂的。

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  2. -1 ДН.

    第2587期:Flexibility: the overlooked fitness essential

    Physical fitness is all about cardio exercises and weightlifting… right? If you've ever finished a run and then jumped straight into the rest of your day without stretching, only to wake up the next day feeling stiff and with aching muscles, then listen up. Flexibility plays a big role in our lives – even bending down to pick something up off the floor requires flexibility – but it's often ignored and neglected. So, why and how should we stretch? 身体健康是关于有氧运动和举重的全部……对吗? 如果您曾经完成跑步,然后直接跳入剩下的一天而不会伸展,只是醒来第二天会感到僵硬,肌肉酸痛,然后聆听。 灵活性在我们的生活中起着很大的作用 - 即使弯腰从地板上捡起东西也需要灵活性 - 但通常被忽略和忽视。 那么,为什么以及如何伸展? When athletes stretch, it's not just for show, they do it to prevent injury. A review of research called 'Effects of Stretching on Injury Risk Reduction and Balance' highlighted that stretching not only reduces injury risk by improving the flexibility of the muscles, it also improves balance, which reduces the risk of falls and those associated injuries. Stretching can also help maintain good posture by keeping our muscles long and loose, which is especially important if you spend hours hunched over a desk. In the modern world, many of us spend a large proportion of our days sitting, which can lead to chronic pain, particularly in the neck and shoulders. Stretching can alleviate this tension and boost blood circulation. 当运动员伸展运动时,这不仅是为了表演,还可以防止受伤。 对称为“拉伸对降低伤害风险和平衡影响的影响”的研究的综述强调,不仅可以通过提高肌肉的灵活性来降低伤害风险,还可以改善平衡,从而降低了跌倒和相关伤害的风险。 伸展运动还可以通过使我们的肌肉长而松动,从而有助于保持良好的姿势,如果您花费数小时弯腰在桌子上,这一点尤其重要。 在现代世界中,我们中的许多人都花了很大一部分时间坐着,这可能导致慢性疼痛,尤其是在脖子和肩膀上。 拉伸可以减轻这种张力并增加血液循环。 What's the best way to reap these benefits? While stretching advice varies, the ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal provides guidelines which include stretching the major muscle groups such as the hamstrings and quadriceps at least two or three times per week. A 2017 review of research, published in the Sports Med journal, suggests that dynamic stretches, where you stretch in slow, repeated movements, have greater benefits in a pre-exercise warm-up than static stretches, where you hold a pose. Stretching is better after a quick warm-up because the muscle is more pliable, reducing the risk of muscle strains. 获得这些好处的最佳方法是什么? 尽管伸展建议有所不同,但ACSM的健康与健身杂志提供了指南,其中包括每周至少两次或三次伸展主要的肌肉群,例如腿筋和股四头肌。 2017年对《体育医学杂志》上发表的研究的评论表明,动态延伸(您以缓慢而重复的动作延伸)在运动前的热身中比静态伸展运动具有更大的好处。 快速热身后,伸展运动更好,因为肌肉更加柔韧,从而降低了肌肉菌株的风险。 Stretching isn't just for athletes and fitness lovers. "Stretching is also an accessible way to unwind and destress during or after a busy day," says Jessica Matthews, professor of kinesiology and author of 'Stretching to Stay Young'. So why not finish the day relaxing in a child's pose, a spinal twist or a happy baby? 伸展运动不仅适合运动员和健身爱好者。 运动机能学教授,'Stretaking tim nough''的作者杰西卡·马修斯(Jessica Matthews)说:“在繁忙的一天或之后,伸展运动也是一种让人的放松和破坏的方法。” 那么,为什么不完成一天的姿势,脊柱转折或快乐的婴儿放松呢? 词汇表 stretching 伸展运动,拉伸stiff 僵硬的aching 酸痛的injury 受伤,伤病posture 身体姿态hunch over 弯腰驼背chronic pain 慢性疼痛tension 紧绷感blood circulation 血液循环reap the benefits 收获某事带来的好处hamstring 大腿后侧肌群,腘绳肌quadriceps 股四头肌dynamic stretches 动态拉伸static stretches 静态拉伸pliable 柔韧的,柔软的muscle strain 肌肉拉伤unwind 放松,松弛destress 缓解压力child's pose 儿童式(一种瑜伽姿势)spinal twist 扭脊式(一种瑜伽姿势)happy baby 快乐婴儿式(一种瑜伽姿势)

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  3. -2 ДН.

    第2586期:The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

    At America’s 149th Westminster Kennel Club dog show, Monty the giant schnauzer won the top prize.  在美国第149 Westminster养犬俱乐部狗展上,巨型Schnauzer Monty赢得了最高奖项。  The lively schnauzer beat six other finalists in New York City to become the first of his breed to win Westminster’s “best in show.” The prize is the most important and respected in the U.S. dog show world.  活泼的Schnauzer击败了纽约市的其他六名决赛入围者,成为他的第一位赢得威斯敏斯特“最佳表演”的品种。 该奖项是美国狗展界最重要和受人尊敬的。 While Monty came close to winning Westminster the past two years, he fell short of the big prize. In December 2024, the dog won another big prize, the huge American Kennel Club championship.  在过去两年中,蒙蒂接近赢得威斯敏斯特,但他没有大奖。 2024年12月,这只狗获得了另一个大奖,即巨大的美国养犬俱乐部冠军。 But for dog show lovers, Westminster is considered the Super Bowl of all shows. This year the comparison is especially fitting. That is because the most respected U.S. dog competition opened on the same weekend as the Super Bowl -- the most important game in American professional football. This rare happening came after the dates of both competitions changed in recent years.  但是对于狗表演爱好者来说,威斯敏斯特被认为是所有表演的超级碗。 今年的比较特别合适。 那是因为最受尊敬的美国狗比赛与超级碗的同一个周末开幕 - 这是美国职业足球中最重要的比赛。 在近年来两次比赛的日期发生变化之后,这种罕见的事情发生了。 At Westminster, dogs first compete against other members of their breed. Then, the winner of each breed goes up against other dogs within different competition “groups.” Among the groups are sporting, working, toy, and herding. Group winners then compete in the final round.  在威斯敏斯特,狗首先与其品种的其他成员竞争。 然后,每个品种的获胜者都在不同竞争“群体”中与其他狗抗衡。 其中包括运动,工作,玩具和放牧。 然后,团体获胜者在最后一轮比赛中竞争。  The best in show winner gets an award – a large, shiny cup called a trophy – and a place in dog-world history. The top prize, however, does not include money.  表演中最好的获奖者获得了一个奖项 - 一个名为A Trophy的大型闪亮杯 - 在Dog-World History中的位置。 但是,最高奖项不包括钱。  In her report on the dog show, Learning English’s Caty Weaver explains that the Westminster show dates back to 1877. It centers on the traditional purebred judging that leads to the best in show prize. But over the last few years, the organization has added agility and obedience events open to mixed-breed dogs.  在她关于狗展的报告中,Learning English的Caty Weaver解释说,威斯敏斯特秀的历史可以追溯到1877年。它以传统的纯种判断为中心,这导致了最佳的表演奖。 但是在过去的几年中,该组织增加了敏捷性和服从事件,向混合狗开放。  In 2024, Sage, a miniature poodle, won best in show at the 148th Westminster Kennel Club dog show.  2024年,小型贵宾犬Sage在第148 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show中赢得了最佳表演。 And in 2023, a petit basset griffon Vendéen, named Buddy Holly, won best in show at Westminster. The breed he represents is known for its rabbit-hunting abilities.  在2023年,一个名叫巴迪·霍莉(Buddy Holly)的小宝贝格里芬·旺德恩(GriffonVendéen)在威斯敏斯特(Westminster)赢得了最佳表现。 他所代表的品种以其兔子的能力而闻名。

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  4. -3 ДН.

    第2585期:Saying ‘No’ at Work Can Be Good for Your Health(2)

    Every Monday at 2 p.m., he plans the task he is most likely to delay finishing. And to keep from becoming too busy, he even sets his daily activities, like walking his dog and eating lunch.  每个星期一下午2点,他计划任务最有可能推迟完成。 为了避免变得太忙,他甚至进行了日常活动,例如walking狗和吃午餐。 If workers have a hard time saying no, they can write down what to say beforehand. And it can also help to say it out loud.  如果工人很难说不,他们可以事先写下话。 而且这也可以大声说出来。  Cara Houser is a workplace engagement coach. She says workers do not always have to explain themselves when turning down a request. They can simply explain they are not available, thank the person for asking, and suggest when they might be available.  Cara Houser是一名工作场所的参与教练。 她说,在拒绝请求时,工人并不总是必须解释自己。 他们可以简单地解释它们不可用,感谢该人的询问,并建议他们何时可用。  Amber Krasinski grew up in a working-class environment where saying "no" to a manager could mean losing pay. As the founder of marketing company IvyHill Strategies, Krasinski worries that she will lose business if she turns down a project.  Amber Krasinski在一个工人阶级的环境中长大,对经理说“不”可能意味着失去薪水。 作为营销公司Ivyhill Strategies的创始人,Krasinski担心如果她拒绝了一个项目,她会失去业务。 So, she often says “not yet” when one more project is too much. “That phrase has helped me through a lot of situations,” she said.  因此,当另一个项目太多时,她经常说“还没有”。 她说:“这句话帮助我度过了很多情况。 ”When asked for help, workers may want to agree immediately. However, when faced with a new work request, it can be better to take time before answering. Use the time to consider such things as workload, energy level, and interest. 当被要求寻求帮助时,工人可能想立即达成共识。 但是,面对新的工作请求时,最好花时间回答。 利用时间来考虑工作量,能量水平和兴趣等事情。 Israa Nasir is a psychotherapist in New York. She suggests that workers pay attention to the activities and interactions that leave them feeling tired or stressed. Those kinds of events can be put on a “No List” to be dealt with later. 以赛亚纳西尔(Israa Nasir)是纽约的心理治疗师。 她建议工人关注活动和互动,使他们感到疲倦或感到压力。 这些事件可以列入以后要处理的“无列表”。 Experts say that just because mobile devices can keep people connected to work all the time, they do not have to interfere with a person’s non-working life. 专家说,仅仅因为移动设备可以使人们一直保持连接工作,因此他们不必干扰一个人的不工作生活。 For example, Nasir said she found herself checking email far too often on weekends. So, during weekends, she moved the Gmail app from her iPhone’s homepage to the second page. This extra step helped her avoid checking her email.  例如,纳西尔说,她发现自己在周末经常检查电子邮件。 因此,在周末,她将Gmail应用程序从iPhone的主页移到了第二页。 此额外的步骤帮助她避免检查电子邮件。 Experts also suggest using an email signature as another tool to manage expectations. This tool can include more than just your name and contact information. You can also use it to let others know your working hours or upcoming vacation plans.  专家还建议使用电子邮件签名作为管理期望的另一种工具。 该工具不仅包括您的姓名和联系信息。 您也可以使用它来让他人知道您的工作时间或即将到来的假期计划。

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  5. -4 ДН.

    第2584期:Saying ‘No’ at Work Can Be Good for Your Health(1)

    People might find it hard to set work limits or say “no” before taking on too many responsibilities. But experts say it is important for workers to learn to set such limits, or boundaries.  人们可能会发现在承担太多责任之前,很难设定工作限制或说“否”。 但是专家说,对于工人来说,学习设定这样的局限或界限很重要。  These limits can be important in helping workers protect their physical and mental health. And as with any new skill, setting boundaries gets easier with practice.  这些限制对于帮助工人保护他们的身心健康可能很重要。 与任何新技能一样,练习的设置界限变得更加容易。  Justin Stewart is a 36-year-old who works as a news show production assistant. He told The Associated Press that in the past, he had problems setting clear limits in his work life.  贾斯汀·斯图尔特(Justin Stewart)是一名36岁的年轻人,担任新闻节目制作助理。 他告诉美联社,过去,他在工作生活中遇到了明显的限制。  Stewart explained that when starting his career, he held several jobs. In addition to his full-time position, he also rented cars at the airport and did sales at a store. He said his life was so busy that he said he would sometimes sleep in his car between jobs. After a time, he had to be hospitalized for extreme tiredness and an infection.  斯图尔特(Stewart)解释说,在开始职业生涯时,他担任了几项工作。 除了他的全职职位外,他还在机场租了汽车,并在一家商店进行了销售。 他说自己的生活很忙,他说他有时会在两次工作之间睡在汽车上。 一段时间后,他必须因极度疲倦和感染而住院。  Stewart said that over time, his busy work life finally caught up with him. “While people around me praised my hustle, I eventually paid the price.” He added, “The doctor looked at me and said, ‘I don’t know what lifestyle you’re living, but you’re too young to be this stressed. You’re going to have to quit something.’” 斯图尔特说,随着时间的流逝,他忙碌的工作生活终于赶上了他。 “当我周围的人称赞我的喧嚣时,我最终付出了代价。” 他补充说:“医生看着我,说:‘我不知道你的生活方式,但是你太年轻了,无法感到压力。 您将不得不退出一些东西。’”  As a result, Stewart began trying to set boundaries. He gave up his side jobs after deciding he could live without the extra money. If people from the news show contacted him to work after-hours, he told them he was not available and suggested other people who might be able to help.  结果,斯图尔特开始尝试设定界限。 他决定没有额外的钱可以生活后放弃了自己的工作。 如果新闻节目中的人们与他联系下班后工作,他告诉他们他不可用,并建议其他可能会提供帮助的人。  However, experts say making such changes can be difficult. Many people already have a hard time turning down work requests –from both co-workers and managers. For example, it might make some people feel good to be needed or to please others. But as with any new skill, setting boundaries can get easier over time.  但是,专家说,进行这种更改可能很困难。 许多人已经很难拒绝工作请求 - 从同事和经理们都拒绝。 例如,这可能会使某些人感到满意或取悦别人。 但是,与任何新技能一样,随着时间的推移,设置边界会变得更加容易。  Here are some suggestions from employment experts and workers for effectively setting meaningful work limits.  以下是就业专家和工人有效设定有意义的工作限制的一些建议。 If your goal is to do less, adding things to your daily plans may seem like a bad idea. But it can actually provide more control over your time.  如果您的目标是少做,那么将事情添加到您的日常计划中似乎是个坏主意。 但是它实际上可以提供更多的控制时间。  Bobby Dutton is the founder of event production company GBM6.  鲍比·达顿(Bobby Dutton)是活动生产公司GBM6的创始人。

    4 мин.
  6. -5 ДН.

    第2583期:Researchers Study Ancient Remains

    A recent study about the smell of Egyptian mummies reached some surprising findings. The ancient bodies did not smell bad, the researchers found. Instead, they say, the remains mostly smelled good.  最近关于埃及木乃伊气味的研究提出了一些令人惊讶的发现。 研究人员发现,古老的身体闻起来并不闻。 他们说,相反,遗体大部分闻起来很香。  Cecilia Bembibre is director of research at University College London's Institute for Sustainable Heritage. “In films and books, terrible things happen to those who smell mummified bodies,” she said. “We were surprised at the pleasantness of them."  Cecilia Bembibre是伦敦大学可持续遗产研究所的研究主任。 她说:“在电影和书籍中,那些闻到木乃伊的身体的人会发生可怕的事情。” “我们对他们的愉悦感到惊讶。”  The researchers reported the leading descriptions of the smells as “woody,” “spicy” and “sweet.” They also reported a floral or flowery smell. That smell could be from pine and juniper resins used in mummification; a process designed to protect the body from decay.  研究人员报告了气味的主要描述为“木质”,“辣”和“甜”。 他们还报告了花香或花香的气味。 这种气味可能来自用于木乃伊化的松树和杜松树脂。 旨在保护身体免受衰减的过程。 The study appeared recently in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. It used both chemical examinations and several human smellers to study nine mummies. The mummies, some around 5,000 years old, had been housed at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.  该研究最近发表在《美国化学学会杂志》上。 它使用化学检查和几种人气味来研究九个木乃伊。 木乃伊大约有5,000年的历史,已在开罗的埃及博物馆住所。 Bembibre, one of the report’s writers, said the researchers wanted to study the smell of mummies because it has long been a subject of interest for the public and researchers alike.  该报告的作家之一Bembibre说,研究人员想研究木乃伊的气味,因为它长期以来一直是公众和研究人员感兴趣的主题。  She added that even fiction writers have written pages of work on the subject — for good reason.  她补充说,即使是小说作家也已经写了有关该主题的作品 - 这是有充分理由的。 Scent, or smell, was an important consideration in the mummification process. This process used oils and plant-based materials to protect the body and its spirit for the afterlife. Mummification was largely used for powerful people such as pharaohs and other leaders.  气味或气味是木乃伊化过程中的重要考虑因素。 该过程使用油和植物性材料来保护人体及其来世的精神。 木乃伊化主要用于法老王和其他领导人等强大的人。  Pleasant smells were linked with purity and gods. Bad smells were signs of corruption and decay.  宜人的气味与纯洁和神灵有关。 气味不佳是腐败和衰败的迹象。  Researchers did not want to directly measure the mummies, because doing so might be damaging. Instead, researchers were able to take measurements that did not involve touching the mummies. Researchers from UCL and the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia were able to measure smells, pesticides, and other effects due to mold, bacteria or microorganisms.  研究人员不想直接测量木乃伊,因为这样做可能会造成破坏。 取而代之的是,研究人员能够进行不涉及接触木乃伊的测量值。 来自UCL和斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那大学的研究人员能够测量由于霉菌,细菌或微生物而引起的气味,农药和其他影响。 Using technical instruments to measure air molecules released from sarcophagi was very important, said Matija Strlič, a chemistry professor at the University of Ljubljana.  卢布尔雅那大学的化学教授MatijaStrlič表示,使用技术仪器测量从石棺释放的空气分子非常重要。  "It tells us potentially what social class a mummy was from and therefore reveals a lot of information about the mummified body...." he said. “We believe that this approach is potentially of huge interest to other types of museum collections.”  他说:“它可能告诉我们A Mummy来自哪些社会阶层,因此揭示了有关木乃伊身体的大量信息。” “我们认为,这种方法可能对其他类型的博物馆收藏具有巨大的兴趣。” Barbara Huber of the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology in Germany was not involved in the study. Huber said the findings provide important data on compounds that could preserve or damage mummified remains. The information could be used to better protect the ancient bodies for future generations. 德国马克斯·普朗克(Max Planck)地球人类学研究所的芭芭拉·胡伯(Barbara Huber)没有参与这项研究。 休伯说,这些发现提供了有关可以保留或损害木乃伊遗骸的化合物的重要数据。 该信息可用于更好地保护不久的世代的古代机构。 Huber said that over thousands of years, differing conditions have changed the scents of the mummies in a major way.  休伯说,在数千年的时间里,不同的条件以主要方式改变了木乃伊的气味。  Huber wrote a study two years ago that examined a jar that had contained mummified organs of a woman. The goal was to identify the material used to preserve the organs and what that would show about ancient trade paths.  休伯(Huber)两年前撰写了一项研究,该研究检查了一个罐子,其中包含一个女人的木乃伊器官。 目的是确定用于保存器官的材料以及有关古代贸易道路的内容。  Researchers of the current study hope to do something similar. They want to use their findings to develop “smellscapes” to recreate the scents they discovered. They also want to change the experience for future museumgoers.  当前研究的研究人员希望做类似的事情。 他们想利用自己的发现来开发“气味景观”来重现他们发现的气味。 他们还想改变未来博物馆的经验。  Bembibre said museums generally ask visitors to experience everything with their eyes. She added that seeing mummies through “a glass case reduces the experience because we don’t get to smell them.”  Bembibre说,博物馆通常要求游客用眼睛体验一切。 她补充说,通过“玻璃盒子降低了这种体验,因为我们没有闻到它们的气味”。  Smelling the scents of mummification would improve the museum visitors’ experiences, she suggested, as smell is one of the ways that people understand the world.  她建议,闻到木乃伊化的气味会改善博物馆游客的经历,因为气味是人们了解世界的一种方式。

    6 мин.
  7. -6 ДН.

    第2582期:Electrical Medical Device Helps Improve Muscle Strength

    Researchers recently reported new evidence from a study of a medical device placed inside the body, a spine-stimulating implant.  研究人员最近报道了一项对放置在体内的医疗装置的研究的新证据,这是一种刺激脊柱的植入物。  Three people with a muscle-destroying disease got a little stronger after using the implant. They were able to stand and walk more easily because of electrical stimulation to their spinal cord.  使用植入物后,三个患有肌肉疾病的人会变得更强大。 由于对脊髓的电刺激,他们能够更容易站立和走路。  Marco Capogrosso is an assistant professor at the University of Pittsburg, or Pitt, who led the research. "These people were definitely not expecting an improvement," he said. Capogrosso said, "They were getting better and better," over the study that lasted one month.  Marco Capogrosso是匹兹堡大学或皮特大学的助理教授,他领导了这项研究。 他说:“这些人绝对不会期望有所改善。” Capogrosso说:“他们越来越好,”持续一个月的研究。 The implant was able to return some muscle function, at least temporarily. The implant was already being tested to treat paralysis in other patients. This new evidence suggests it might also aid diseases of the nervous system like spinal muscle atrophy, or SMA.  植入物至少能够暂时恢复某些肌肉功能。 该植入物已经被测试以治疗其他患者的麻痹。 该新证据表明,它也可能有助于神经系统(如脊柱肌肉萎缩或SMA)的疾病。 SMA is a genetic disease that slowly destroys motor neurons, nerve cells in the spinal cord that control muscles. That leads muscles to waste away, especially in the legs, hips, and shoulders and sometimes those involved with breathing and swallowing. There is no cure. A gene therapy can save the lives of very young children with a severe form of the disease, and there are some medicines to slow the disease in older patients.  SMA是一种遗传疾病,慢慢破坏了控制肌肉的脊髓中的运动神经元,神经细胞。 这会导致肌肉浪费,尤其是在腿部,臀部和肩膀上,有时甚至是呼吸和吞咽的肌肉。 无法治愈。 基因疗法可以挽救患有严重形式疾病的非常小儿童的生命,并且有一些药物可以减慢老年患者的疾病。  Stimulating the spinal cord with low levels of electricity has long been used to treat chronic, or long-term, pain. Capogrosso's team also has tested it to help people paralyzed by strokes or spinal cord injury move their arms and legs with assistance. The system sends electrical signals to nerves that have stopped reacting. This has the effect of activating the muscles.  长期以来,用低水平的电刺激脊髓来治疗慢性或长期疼痛。 Capogrosso的团队还对其进行了测试,以帮助瘫痪或脊髓损伤瘫痪的人们在帮助的情况下移动手臂和腿部。 该系统将电信号发送到停止反应的神经。 这具有激活肌肉的作用。 Capogrosso wondered if that same technology might help patients with SMA by stimulating sensory nerves to signal damaged muscle cells causing them to move. The researchers at the University of Pittsburgh published their study in Nature Medicine.  Capogrosso想知道,同一技术是否可以通过刺激感觉神经来帮助肌肉细胞发出导致其移动的肌肉细胞来帮助患有SMA的患者。 匹兹堡大学的研究人员发表了他们的自然医学研究。  They implanted electrodes over the lower spinal cord of the three adults with SMA. Using the device did not return normal movement but with a few hours of spinal stimulation a week, all soon experienced improvements in muscle strength and function, the researchers wrote.  他们将电极植入了三个成年人的下脊髓上。 研究人员写道,使用该设备没有返回正常运动,而是每周进行几个小时的脊柱刺激,所有这些都很快就会改善肌肉力量和功能。 Fifty-seven-year-old Doug McCullough took part in the study. "With a progressive disease you never get any better," he said, adding, “So having any improvement is just a really surreal and very exciting benefit."  57岁的道格·麦卡洛(Doug McCullough)参加了这项研究。 他说:“有了进步性疾病,您永远不会变得更好,因此,任何改进只是一个非常超现实和非常令人兴奋的好处。”  All three subjects increased how far they could walk in six minutes by the study's end.  所有三个受试者都增加了他们在研究结束时可以在六分钟内步行多远。  Capogrosso said they could walk farther because they got less tired and “even a person this many years into the disease can improve."  Capogrosso说,他们可以走得更远,因为他们的疲倦减少了,“即使是多年来疾病的人也可以改善”。  Researchers found the improvements did not disappear as soon as the stimulator was turned off. But they did decrease a few months after the study ended.  研究人员发现,一旦关闭刺激器,这些改进就不会消失。 但是在研究结束几个月后,他们确实减少了。  Neuroscientist Susan Harkema led similar studies of stimulation for spinal cord injuries while at the University of Louisville. She warned that the new study is small and did not last very long but said it was an important test of the device. She said it should be tested next with other muscle-degenerating diseases.  神经科学家苏珊·哈克玛(Susan Harkema)在路易斯维尔大学(University of Louisville)进行了类似的对脊髓损伤刺激的研究。 她警告说,这项新研究很小,持续很长时间,但表示这是对该设备的重要测试。 她说,接下来应该对其他肌肉脱生疾病进行测试。  Capogrosso said some small but longer studies are beginning.  Capogrosso说,一些很小但更长的研究开始了。

    5 мин.
  8. 25 ФЕВР.

    第2581期:Edinburgh's tourist tax: a UK first

    Although they're common in Europe, this will be the first city-wide tourist tax in the UK.  虽然游客税在欧洲已经十分常见,但这个新设的游客税将是英国首个覆盖整个城市的游客税。  The Scottish Parliament passed legislation paving the way last year, and now Edinburgh councillors are set to introduce the charge. It will apply to anyone booking overnight accommodation including hotels, AirBnBs, hostels and campsites. The 5% charge will be capped at five consecutive nights.  苏格兰议会于去年通过的相关法案为收取游客税铺平了道路,而如今爱丁堡的政务委员们已经做出了施行这项税法的决定。该游客税将适用于所有在爱丁堡预定宾馆、民宿、青年旅舍和露营地等住宿场所的游客。这项税收将收取每晚住宿费用的 5%,以连续收费五晚为上限。  Edinburgh City Council believes that the levy could eventually raise up to £50 million a year with the funds reinvested in the city to support housing, infrastructure and cultural events.  爱丁堡市政务委员会相信这项税收最终每年能带来近五千万英镑的收入,这部分资金会被重新投资于该市,以支持住宅建设、基础设施建设和举办文化活动。  But a number of accommodation operators are sceptical about the scheme. Concerns have been raised about the time scale, and some self-catering operators have argued that this is an extra burden on top of a new licensing scheme that was introduced in 2023.  但不少住宿设施的经营者都对这项税收计划持怀疑态度。已经有人提出了对游客税中时间规定的担忧,一些提供自炊住宿的经营者还认为这项税收是 2023 年引入的新经营许可证要求之外新增的额外负担。  But, despite these complaints, the direction of travel seems clear. A number of other Scottish councils are developing their own proposals for a similar visitor levy. 尽管有这些抱怨,但设立旅游税的发展趋势似乎十分明显。许多苏格兰城市政务委员会都在起草自己的方案,以收取类似的游客税费。 词汇表 city-wide 全市范围的,覆盖全市的paving the way 为…铺平道路,为…打下基础are set to 准备好capped 以…为上限,被限制在…内levy 税收,税款sceptical 持怀疑态度的burden 负担direction of travel 行进方向,发展趋势

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