Steph: You listed travel as one of your passions.
Tony: Yeah. But actually my passion is airport to airport, what happens between airports.
托尼:是的。 但是实际上,我的热情是机场,机场之间发生了什么。
Steph: So you like the flying then, the journey?
Tony: Absolutely.
Steph: What about that do you like?
Tony: I love airplanes. Do I love airports? Not really. When I go to an airport I go to the window to look at the airplanes. Since the tender age of five I've always had this passion for airplanes, and my dream was to become an airline pilot.
托尼:我喜欢飞机。 我爱机场吗? 并不真地。 当我去机场时,我去窗户看飞机。 自从五岁的时候,我一直对飞机充满热情,我的梦想是成为航空公司飞行员。
Steph: Okay. Have you ever flown an airplane?
斯蒂芬:好的。 你曾经驾驶过飞机吗?
Tony: Have I ever flown in an airplane?
Steph: Not in an airplane. Have you ever flown an airplane?
斯蒂芬:不在飞机上。 你曾经驾驶过飞机吗?
Tony: I've never flown an airplane. I've been in the flight deck of a number of aircraft, but I've never flown one.
托尼:我从来没有飞过飞机。 我去过许多飞机的飞行甲板,但我从来没有飞过一架飞机。
Steph: Okay. So walk us through a trip with Tony. What's going through your mind along the journey from airport to airport?
斯蒂芬:好的。 因此,带我们和托尼一起旅行。 从机场到机场的旅程中,您的想法会发生什么?
Tony: Well, just like the other souls on board, I go on, I sit, I buckle my seatbelt. I obey the commands from the cabin crew. I hear the pilots talking over the Intercom. But I take it another step further. I actually listen to the details of what the pilots are saying. I'm thinking about what's the weather going to be like, what's the weather on the ground, what's the surface winds on the runway? All these things that regular passengers don't think about when they're sitting in the seat and they're just like.
托尼:好吧,就像船上的其他灵魂一样,我继续,我坐着,我系好安全带。 我遵守机舱工作人员的命令。 我听到飞行员在对讲机上说话。 但是我再进一步。 实际上,我听取了飞行员在说什么的细节。 我在想天气如何,地面上的天气是什么,跑道上的表面却发生了什么? 当他们坐在座位上时,普通乘客的所有这些事情都不会考虑。
Steph: Yeah. I certainly don't think about that, no. I am probably just relaxing, and maybe once in a while looking out the window, if I'm privileged enough to get a window seat. And just seeing how pretty it is.
斯蒂芬:是的。 我当然不会考虑,不。 我可能只是在放松,如果我有足够的特权靠窗座位,也许有时会偶尔看着窗外。 只是看到它有多漂亮。
Tony: And if you're looking out, and you say you have a seat just over the wing, you're looking out and you're like, oh, there's the wing. It looks nice, long, okay.
托尼:如果您看着,并且说您在机翼上有一个座位,那么您就会看着,就像,哦,有机翼。 看起来不错,漫长,还好。
Steph: I don't even think that much at any rate.
Tony: Yeah. Yeah. But to me, I'm looking at the wing and I'm like, that's the forward slats, those are the landing flaps, that's the spoiler. Oh, look at the winglet at the end. Yeah.
托尼:是的。 是的。 但是对我来说,我看着机翼,我想,那是前板,那是着陆襟翼,那就是扰流板。 哦,看看末端的小翼。 是的。
Steph: Okay. No, I'm definitely not thinking that at all. So you actually don't care about the cities that you're traveling to, and seeing new places?
斯蒂芬:好的。 不,我绝对不会这么认为。 因此,您实际上不在乎您前往的城市,看到新地方吗?
Tony: No, no, no. Don't get me wrong. I actually do. I've had the fortune of visiting some really amazing places, like Glasgow, Scotland, which I do love. Meeting the people, meeting different people actually is something I look forward to. And the architecture and all the fun stuff, like art, artworks and crafts and all that stuff that when you travel you always try to secure before you return home. But yeah, I do, I do like the experiences outside of aviation when it comes to traveling. But for me, you may think it's weird, but it's still aviation for me. That's the top. That's definitely at the top of the list for me. When it comes to flight there are five critical phases. You have takeoff, climb out, cruise, descent and landing. Even at the end of a flight, coming to the end just before landing, the pilots are trying their best to keep the nose of the airplane training down the center line of the runway. After landing, when we're deplaning, I would often stop at the flight deck door and I'll be like, "What happened there just before touchdown?" And the pilots would laugh and be like, "Oh, just a little gust. Nothing really. But we're on the ground, we're safe."
托尼:不,不,不。 不要误会我的意思。 我实际上做。 我有幸参观了一些我喜欢的苏格兰格拉斯哥,例如苏格兰的格拉斯哥。 我期待着认识人,实际上与不同的人见面。 以及建筑和所有有趣的东西,例如艺术,艺术品和手工艺品以及所有旅行时的所有东西,您总是会在返回家园之前尝试确保固定。 但是,是的,我确实喜欢旅行时的航空公司以外的经历。 但是对我来说,您可能认为这很奇怪,但这对我来说仍然是航空。 那是顶部。 这绝对是我的榜首。 在飞行方面,有五个关键阶段。 您已经起飞,爬出来,巡游,下降和着陆。 即使在飞行结束时,在着陆之前到达末端,飞行员也在尽力将飞机的鼻子保持在跑道的中心线下。 着陆后,当我们脱机时,我经常会在飞行甲板门上停下来,我会说:“触地得分之前发生了什么?” 飞行员会笑着说:“哦,只是一点点狂风。没什么。但是我们在地面上,我们很安全。”
Steph: Oh my gosh. So basically you're grading the pilot as you are taking a trip somewhere.
斯蒂芬:哦,天哪。 因此,基本上,当您在某个地方旅行时,您正在对飞行员进行评分。
Tony: Weird. It's so weird, right?
Steph: Absolutely. Absolutely weird.
斯蒂芬:绝对。 绝对很奇怪。
Tony: That's what aviation buffs do.
Steph: Crazy. Crazy.
斯蒂芬:疯狂。 疯狂的。
- Show
- FrequencyUpdated Daily
- PublishedMarch 4, 2025 at 12:00 AM UTC
- Length5 min
- Episode1
- RatingClean