美國夢 你的夢 和史黛一起談天說地 發大財 American Dream Your Dream

美國夢   你的夢   和史黛一起談天說地   發大財  American Dream Your Dream

每個人都有一個創業魂。不過夢想和現實往往不同。希望藉著這個頻道,和大家分享各行各業的酸甜苦辣。以頭家創業的血淚史為借鏡。希望大家在頭洗下去前,可以有所準備。也希望藉著前人的經驗,可以激發你更多的創業火花 How do you achieve your American Dreams as an Asian/Chinese American Entrepreneur in a dynamic business environment? What challenges you have to overcome and sacrifices you have to endure to achieve your American Dream? From dream to reality what is your path to get there and how did you get there, that is the story I'll be sharing with you from a range of exciting guest speakers. #AmericanDreamYourDream #AmericanDream #AmericanVisionCap #Asian #Entrepreneur #Endeavor #Mandarin Powered by Firstory Hosting

  1. 2021. 07. 26.

    #12 行行出狀元,暗地裡悶聲發大財的行業

    我曾看過一篇報導,說的是“表面被很多人看不起的行業,暗地裡卻是悶聲發大財”. 多麼有趣的標題,裡面講了五個行業。其中一個是“有一技之長的工人”, 像是水電,鐵工,玻璃,泥作,冷暖氣。的確是喔!如果技術和功夫好,根本不怕沒工作做,市場需求很大,只是很多人不願意做。我們今天很高興邀請到美心玻璃門窗的老闆JONATHAN LIANG來和我們一起談天說地 In our today’s conversation we are very fortunate to invite Jonathan Liang as our guest. He is the founder and owner of the AZ Glazing. From his humble beginning, he was able to transform his career working a 9 to 5 job for someone else and later becoming his own boss. What intrinsic motivation and drive made him the person he is today and what actions and steps he took to have the fruits of his labor?  In a very short amount of timeframe, he was able to progressively grow his company in both size and revenue. No one say you need to conform to a tranditional career path as an engineer or doctor or lawyer to begin making 6 figures income. He did it his own way with style, it was not an easy path he carved out and now he is enjoying the result he has set out with his wife together as a team. Lets all enjoy this journal together and listen on to his visionary story. #AmercianDreamYourDream #AsianEntrepreneur #AmpericanVisionCap #Glass&Window #Construction Contact Us Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/americandreamyourdream Email: info@americanvisioncap.com Contact Guest Facebook: A-Z Glass and Window 美心玻璃 626-248-0662 azglassandwindow@hotmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting

  2. 2021. 06. 17.

    #11 讓你24小時隨時享受世界各地美食 - 販賣機飲食

    我們通常看到自動販賣機,不外乎就是賣水、賣飲料、賣餅乾。幻想一下,如果哪一天你公司出現一台販賣機,按一下就有日本拉麵跑出來,按一下就有台式牛肉麵跑出來,是不是感覺人生頓時是彩色的?!如果在美國機場,能夠吃一碗熱熱的麵在上飛機,是不是感覺很舒服?而且,據說,一碗麵煮出來的時間只需要45 秒?!這比去餐廳等廚師煮一碗麵的時間還要短?!這到底是怎麼做到的,聽眾朋友是不是跟我一樣都很好奇?我們今天很高興邀請到 Yo-Kai Express的創始人Andy Lin來和我們一起談天說地。 When you are hungry and don’t have the desired to cook but just want something fast with a restaurant quality gourmet dish presented in front of you, have you ever dreamed of it? I know I have, and guess what the reality is finally here! Today, I’m very excited to have this an amazing conversation with our high-tech innovator, Andy Lin.  He will take us through his entrepreneur journey from his stable full-time job as an engineer to startup his own gig. By stepping out his comfort zone to a new frontier, this led him to startup his own company that provided a gourmet food delivery service and platform by taking an old idea with a twist for the modern world.  Because of his creative and innovative thinking, he was able to combine multiple discipline of his experiences and resources with AI technology, food packaging and preparing techniques, analytical food delivery process to bring us a ready to consume restaurant quality gourmet from a vending machine.  Let’s all sit back and enjoy this delicious mouth watering conversation.      #AmercianDreamYourDream #AsianEntrepreneur #AmpericanVisionCap #ReadyToEat #RestaurantGourmetFood #VendingMachine #FoodDeliveryPlatform #LifeStyle Contact Us Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/americandreamyourdream  Email:  info@americanvisioncap.com Contact Guest www.yokaiexpress.com www.facebook.com/yokaiexpress Powered by Firstory Hosting

  3. 2021. 04. 28.

    #10 為什麼對養老行業情有獨鍾?

    你有聽過嬰兒潮嗎?你知道每八秒就有一位美國人滿65 歲嗎?美國嬰兒潮時期出生的人,據預測,到2030年,65歲以上老年人佔總人口比例將增長至30%。同時,伴隨人口老齡化趨勢,老年患病人數也不斷增加,越來越多的老年人. 開始依賴能夠向他們提供服務  與照料的養老醫療機構。每十個65 歲以上的美國人中有七個將需要長期看護。我們今天很高興邀請到我的戰友- steven 來和大家聊聊為什麼我們對投資養老院情有獨鍾。   In today’s episode, we are going to talk about senior living facility investment opportunities with our special guest Steven Tien.  He is a seasonal investment director specialized in this space.  He has years of investment knowledge in underwriting and putting together complex deals in the hotel and senior living area.  We will enlighten our listeners on why this is such a great investment opportunity. The tsunami of baby boomers will retire each year create a great demand in the senior care & services space.  The number of seniors who are in need of elderly care will explore in the coming years and the demand will continue to increase.  With that in mind, there are unmet demands of the need base that needs to fulfill in this market segment. This is a hidden investment opportunity in this space that the general public would not have known. From our conversation, we will share with you what it means to invest, underwrite, and operate an elderly care facility.  Listen in and enjoy the show.   #AmercianDreamYourDream #AsianEntrepreneur #AmpericanVisionCap #SeniorHousingCare #AssistedLiving #IndependentLiving #NursingCare #InvestmentOpportunity Contact Us Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/americandreamyourdream  Email:  info@americanvisioncap.com Powered by Firstory Hosting

  4. 2021. 04. 07.

    #9 企業的化妝師/魔法師 - 廣告媒體

    俗話說“三分人才,七分靠打扮”創業,除了靠本身自己努力不懈外, 如果這時還可以加上強而有力的媒體包裝,我想絕對可以發揮到1+1大於2的功能。如何打造出一個頂尖,被大家注意到的企業,我想如何包裝,在現在這個變化多端的社會變的格外重要! 就像女人化妝打扮一樣。然而企業其實也是如此,想要在眾多競爭品牌中獲得更多的機會。如何設計出一套獨特,與眾不同的企業品牌形象更是快速進入市場搶占消費者眼球的有效利器。  我們今天很高興邀請到哇靠的執行長也是創始人Kenny Lin來和我們一起談天說地。 In today’s episode, we are very fortunate to have Kenny Lin as our guest. He is the founder and CEO of the Wacow multimedia, advertising, marketing company, his company tailors and serves the Asian American consumers / companies to help bridge the gap between the East and West cultures.  Under his leadership and management, he was able to help a range of major clients from Toyota, States Farms, McDonald’s, etc., to provide strategic market campaigns to reach a greater Asian American market and serving their needs.  He will discuss the importance of branding & marketing, and what it can do to scale your business to a wider audience.   Throughout our talk we will uncover his mentality that helps him transition from a working employee to become the man of his own company.  With an introvert personality, he was able to defeat all odds with perseverance, self motivation, having grits, problem solving skills, and figuring out along the way  to allow him to navigate the challenging career as an entrepreneur.   Let’s all sit back and enjoy this great convesation together. #AmercianDreamYourDream #AmpericanVisionCap #AsianEntrepreneur #WaCowLA #MultimediaMarketingAdvertising Contact Us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/americandreamyourdream Email:  info@americanvisioncap.com --------------- GUEST CONTACT --------------- Website:   https://wacowla.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WaCowMedia/ Email:          info@wacowla.com  Telephone: (626) 383-2894 Powered by Firstory Hosting

  5. 2021. 03. 16.

    #8 人生勝利組:醫學/ 法學博士

    傳統亞洲的父母都希望自己的小孩長大之後能夠成為醫生。今天我們很高興請到Veling Tsai, 他不僅是醫學博士也是法學博士。來聽聽他對當醫生的看法。節目中他也教大家正確COVID 的觀念。千萬不要錯過這集的美國夢 你的夢 和史黛一起談天說地 發大財。 In today's episode, we welcome our amazing, hardworking, dedicating Veling Tsai, who has an amazing academic accolades, range of professional career as an otolaryngology, academic medical instructor, and involved in other medical work. He has worked tirelessly to get to where he is now, and has a long stable career that most of us would dream of having but don’t have the endurance to achieve it. During this conversation, we will discover what decisions and sacrifices he made to accomplish his American Dream. As a doctor, he has seen it all and experienced the ugly side of the COVID it can impacts and affects our body and spirit. Today, we will uncover the truth about COVID and vaccination to provide a clarity from what is reality vs false information we heard around us.   #AmercianDreamYourDream #AmpericanVisionCap #AsianEntrepreneur #Otolaryngology #DoctorLawyer Contact Us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/americandreamyourdream Email: info@americanvisioncap.com --------------- GUEST CONTACT --------------- Website:    Email:            Telephone:  Powered by Firstory Hosting

최고 5점
20개의 평가


每個人都有一個創業魂。不過夢想和現實往往不同。希望藉著這個頻道,和大家分享各行各業的酸甜苦辣。以頭家創業的血淚史為借鏡。希望大家在頭洗下去前,可以有所準備。也希望藉著前人的經驗,可以激發你更多的創業火花 How do you achieve your American Dreams as an Asian/Chinese American Entrepreneur in a dynamic business environment? What challenges you have to overcome and sacrifices you have to endure to achieve your American Dream? From dream to reality what is your path to get there and how did you get there, that is the story I'll be sharing with you from a range of exciting guest speakers. #AmericanDreamYourDream #AmericanDream #AmericanVisionCap #Asian #Entrepreneur #Endeavor #Mandarin Powered by Firstory Hosting

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