原作︱Flora Annie Steel
翻譯︱蔡逸民 BuLuhSuh/柯王炳勳 Bí-leng
演出/音樂後製/校對︱陳曉怡 Niau-tāu
影片/音效後製︱林佳祥 Chiá-siông
字幕︱林于真 A-chin
In a great Palace by the sea there once dwelt a very rich old lord, who had neither wife nor children living, only one little granddaughter, whose face he had never seen in all her life. He hated her bitterly, because at her birth his favourite daughter died; and when the old nurse brought him the baby he swore that it might live or die as it liked, but he would never look on its face as long as it lived.
Éng過,tī海邊á 1棟真lè-táu ê宮--ni̍h,有1 ê老貴族tòa tī hin,伊無bó͘,mā無iáu tī--leh ê gín-á,kan-na有1 ê細漢cha-bó͘孫,chêng in cha-bó͘孫出世,伊to̍h m̄-bat去看過in cha-bó͘孫ê面。伊真怨恨in孫á,因為in孫á出世ê時,伊siōng心愛ê cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ soah死--去。Hit時,老奶母kā嬰á抱去hō͘伊看,伊咒chōa講,不管he死a̍h好,活a̍h好,lóng無伊ê tī-tāi,m̄-koh nā-sī he koh活--leh,伊to̍h絕對bē去看he ê面。
So he turned his back, and sat by his window looking out over the sea, and weeping great tears for his lost daughter, till his white hair and beard grew down over his shoulders and twined round his chair and crept into the chinks of the floor, and his tears, dropping on to the window-ledge, wore a channel through the stone, and ran away in a little river to the great sea. Meanwhile, his granddaughter grew up with no one to care for her, or clothe her; only the old nurse, when no one was by, would sometimes give her a dish of scraps from the kitchen, or a torn petticoat from the rag-bag; while the other servants of the palace would drive her from the house with blows and mocking words, calling her "Tattercoats," and pointing to her bare feet and shoulders, till she ran away, crying, to hide among the bushes.
了後,老貴族轉身,去坐tī窗á邊看海,為tio̍h伊死--去ê cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ,目屎流kah kui面,直直到伊白蔥蔥ê頭鬃kah嘴鬚長kah過肩胛,長kah纏tī椅á頂,長kah soan入去地板ê khang-khiah--ni̍h。伊ê目屎滴tī窗á唇,kā石頭鑿出1條水路,ná細條溪á án-ne流ùi海--ni̍h。同齊時,伊ê cha-bó͘孫á mā大漢--ah,無人惜,無人疼,無人kā伊tàu穿衫,kan-na有hit ê老奶母,tī無人khoàiⁿ ê時,有時á ē ùi灶腳té 1盤菜底凊飯ho͘食,a̍h是ùi àu布袋á--ni̍h hiau 1領破內裙ho͘穿。Ah nā其他ê使用人,是ē剾洗恥笑兼動脚動手kā伊趕--出-去,koh ē用手比伊he衫破kah掩bē bā ê肩胛頭kah伊ê赤腳,笑伊是「破裘á」,一直創到伊哭--出-來,走去樹林á--ni̍h bih,in chiah beh準soah。
So she grew up, with little to eat or to wear, spending her days out of doors, her only companion a crippled gooseherd, who fed his flock of geese on the common. And this gooseherd was a queer, merry little chap, and when she was hungry, or cold, or tired, he would play to her so gaily on his little pipe, that she forgot all her troubles, and would fall to dancing with his flock of noisy geese for partners.
Cha-bó͘ gín-á to̍h án-ne大漢--ah,伊穿真bái mā食真少,ta̍k日to tī厝外過日,伊kan-na有1 ê人thang做伴,to̍h是1 ê tī公地teh飼鵝á ê pái脚少年á。Chit ê飼鵝á--ê,是1 ê古怪koh快樂ê少年人,cha-bó͘ gín-á便nā感覺iau,感覺寒,a̍h是感覺siān-tauh-tauh ê時,hit ê少年--ê to̍h ē pûn品á hō͘伊聽,伊teh pûn ê時有夠歡喜,hō͘ chit ê cha-bó͘ gín-á kā伊所有ê煩惱lóng bē記chit了了,koh kā hit tīn ài koa̍iⁿh-koa̍iⁿh叫ê鵝á當做舞伴,hâm in做夥跳舞。
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- 节目
- 频率一周一更
- 发布时间2024年12月26日 UTC 12:00
- 长度14 分钟
- 分级儿童适宜