

台式英文bye bye ,15分鐘學會美國人說的話。 想把常用的台式說法翻成英文嗎?歡迎寫信給我們:hiivybar@gmail.com 如果你聽完節目還不過癮,我們還有IG 跟 Youtube 頻道哦: iVY BAR學英文吧 IG iVY BAR學英文吧 Youtube iVY BAR學英文吧官方網站 快來看看我們最近分享哪些什麼有趣的英文吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting

  1. 11월 12일

    這句英文怎麼說 #215 好療癒

    💡 It’s very therapeutic. therapeutic 是therapy (n.治療) 的形容詞,意思是「有療效的、療癒的」。 類似「療癒」「撫慰人心」的其他說法 : comforting a. 撫慰的 / soothing a.舒緩的 / healing a.治癒的 / calming a.鎮靜的 comforting 是comfort (n./v.安慰)的形容詞。表達「令人安慰的」,指能帶來安慰、撫慰或情感上的舒適。 至於comfortable 是指物理上的舒適,通常形容身體上的舒適感或環境的宜人,涉及到身體的感覺而非情感。 healing 是 heal (v. 治癒) 的形容詞。指身體的康復,也可指情感或心理的療癒。 soothing 是 soothe (v. 安慰,撫慰) 的形容詞。意思是「舒緩的、撫慰的」,多用來形容能減輕痛苦或壓力的事物,如音樂、茶或聲音等。 calming 是 calm (v. 冷靜) 的形容詞。用於描述能夠減輕焦慮或壓力的事物。 補充學習 我被療癒了。 I feel refreshed. / I feel relieved. 我被逗樂了。 I was amused. / I was entertained. 心理暖暖的 (很暖心) It is heartwarming. / It warms my heart. / It’s sweet. / You make my heart melt. When my puppy cuddles with me, it makes my heart melt. (當我的小狗跟我撒嬌時,真讓我心都融化了。) 精神內耗 mental anxiety / overthinking I often experience mental anxiety before big presentations. 在大型報告前,我經常感到心理焦慮。 情境對話 Jerry : I've been feeling really stressed out lately. I relly need to take a break. (最近我壓力好大,我想我需要休息一下。) Duncan : Well, why not try going for a walk in nature? It can be very therapeutic. (為什麼不去大自然走走呢?這真的很療癒。) Jerry : That sounds really nice! I always feel a lot better after spending time outside. (聽起來不錯!我每次在外面待一段時間後都會感覺好很多。) Duncan : Exactly! Some fresh air and the beauty of nature can really lift your spirits. (沒錯!新鮮空氣和大自然的美景真的能讓你振作起來。) 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

  2. 10월 29일

    這句英文怎麼說 #213 好瘋喔我

    🔥 Duncan 課程最後兩天優惠🔥 怎麼說出讓人聽得更舒心的英文? 用對語氣讓人對你印象大加分! Duncan 最後優惠中,輸入 pheq200 再折 200 元。 https://lihi2.com/JL0bP 💡 好瘋喔我 I’m crazy for / about ….. N / V-ing 喜歡一件事,有點像為了這件事到了瘋狂的程度(當然是誇飾的形容), 可以不吃不喝、或是願意投入大把時間大把金錢在這件事上面。 fan 粉絲 enthusiast 可能是比較小眾的興趣、喜歡程度聽起來會比 fan 更高 collector 蒐集某個東西的人 補充學習 迷動漫 anime fan 迷手遊 mobile game fan 蒐集扭蛋 gatcha toy collector gatcha 扭蛋 (從日文來,但是發音聽起來很像 got you) 蒐集漫畫 manga collector manga 東方的漫畫 comics 西方的漫畫 追劇 avid TV watcher 情境對話 Babii:我最近又在看獵人的動漫,還買了五本漫畫,好瘋喔我! I've been watching the Hunter Hunter anime again, I even bought five manga. I'm crazy about it! Duncan:我都不知道你有在迷獵人~ I had no idea you were a Hunter Hunter fan. Babii:有啊~我以前就有在看,超好看! Yeah, I’ve been a fan for a long time. It's so good! Duncan:好喔~我看到你眼睛裡冒出的愛心了。 Yeah, I can tell from your expression how much you love it. 補充:from the start. 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

  3. 10월 23일

    這句英文怎麼說 #212 該收心囉!

    🔥 Duncan 線上課程🔥 一秒切換正式/非正式說話口氣? 用對語氣讓人覺得你有禮貌有可靠! Duncan 新課好評優惠中,輸入 pheq200 再折 200 元。 https://lihi2.com/JL0bP 加入「Ivy Engrest 數位訂閱制」,解鎖常春藤網站上海量文章&影片,你可以:   1. 收藏自己專屬的單字、片語,打造自己的英語字典! 2.獲得常春藤每日為你量身打造的試題!   3.答對題目後再獲得折抵消費的點數喔!  現在就搜尋「常春藤訂閱制」,輸入「折扣碼」ivybar300 現折 300元 https://ivy.pse.is/6lk423  💡 Put/pull/get yourself together Get it together (需要專心認真) get back into work mode (社會人士)/ study / student / vacation mode 回到工作狀態 / 學生狀態get back into the swing of things 重新適應日常事務 swing of things 日常事務get back in the groove 重新進入狀態groove(n.) (黑膠唱片)紋(道);習慣 groovy (adj.) 時髦的 補充學習 連假 long weekend3~5 天:如果連假包含『週末』就可以用 long weekend 來表達~ 收假症候群 post-vacation blues💡blues 悲傷:憂鬱 💡post- 有 『(在)…後』的意思 pre-/ pre-flight check / Monday blues (常見) / blue Monday (聽起來比較像小說的名字)星期一憂鬱 focus is different = blues = feeling ; blue= to describe a day 情境對話 E : Duncan, my mind is all over the place. Duncan, 我的心不見了。 D: Why? What happened? Is there anything I can do? 怎麼了?需要我去幫你找嗎? E: I don't know. I think I left my heart somewhere in Okinawa. 好啊,但應該是掉在沖繩的某個地方。 D:… Eleanor, pull yourself together. It’s time to get back into work mode. You have bills to pay. ….該回到現實收心囉,你的信用卡帳單在等你。 all over the place = 沒辦法專心:不在這裡 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

  4. 10월 16일

    這句英文怎麼說 #211 說得容易做得難

    🔥 Duncan 線上課程🔥 一秒切換正式/非正式說話口氣? 用對語氣讓人覺得你有禮貌有可靠! Duncan 新課好評優惠中,輸入 pheq200 再折 200 元。 https://lihi2.com/JL0bP 💡 Talk is cheap. / Easier said than done. 說得容易做得難 “Talk is cheap.” It means that it’s easy to say something, but actually doing it is much harder. Talk is cheap 意為「開空頭支票;隨便說說而已」。這個慣用語於 1800 年代開始使用至今,但確切起源不得而知。 1800 年代流行的成語中有幾個是以 talk is cheap 作開頭, 如 talk is cheap but it takes money to buy a farm、talk is cheap but it takes money to buy whiskey、talk is cheap until you hire a lawyer 等等。 Let’s dive deeper into some related vocabulary and phrases you can use when talking about words and actions. 補充學習 坐而言不如起而行Actions speak louder than words. 說到做到/言行一致talk the talk and walk the walk(句構:肯定+肯定) 說一套做一套/光說不練talk the talk but don’t/doesn’t walk the walk(句構:肯定+否定) -Don't need to talk the talk, just walk the walk.All talk and no action./ Sb is all talk. -"He’s all talk and no action when it comes to volunteering.” 情境對話 Duncan: You keep saying you’re going to quit your job, but talk is cheap. 你一直說要辭職又不辭,用講的誰不會。 Erskine: I know, but this time I’m serious. I’m already looking for new jobs. 囉唆,這次是認真的。我已經在找新工作了。 Duncan: Don't talk the talk, just walk the walk. I’ll believe it when I see it. 不要光說不練,說說哥喔。等你找到我才信。 Erskine: Fair enough. Just wait and see. 合理。你拭目以待啦。 參考收聽:#150 只會出一張嘴: https://open.firstory.me/story/clks0lwad000m01y2700zbnqf/platforms 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

  5. 10월 9일

    這句英文怎麼說 #210 要確喔?

    🔥最新線上課程🔥 為了幫助你掌握對的語氣,學英文吧新課程「高EQ英文溝通術」, Duncan 帶你一起掌握在對的場合說對的話的訣竅。 課程現在 55 折優惠中,點進連結看更多吧~ https://lihi2.com/JL0bP 結帳前記得輸入Podcast 聽眾專屬折扣碼 pheq200, 可以再折兩百元!!! 💡「要確喔?」英文怎麼說? (Are) you sure? 「要確喔」是「要確定喔」的縮短用法,年輕人很喜歡說。 也會有人說「要確欸」,都是同一個意思。 補充學習 你確定要這麼做哦? Are you sure you want to do that?/ Are you sure about that? 決定囉? You certain? (比較重要的決定) /Did you make up your mind? 要想清楚喔~~ You better be sure. /Did you think about this? (很確定對方沒想清楚的情況下) You’re not thinking clearly. 情境對話 Duncan: I'm thinking of inviting the professor to get pizza with us. Who knows, maybe the professor will treat us? 我想約教授下課跟我們一起去吃 Pizza,說不定教授會請客? Babii: You sure? It seems like the professor isn't in a good mood today. 要確喔?感覺教授今天心情不太好耶~ Duncan: Really? I think it's OK. Shouldn't be a problem. 真的嗎?我覺得還好啊?應該沒關係吧。 Babii: OK, I wish you luck. 好喔~祝你成功。 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

  6. 10월 1일

    這句英文怎麼說 #209 預算有限

    🔥最新線上課程🔥 為了幫助你掌握對的語氣,學英文吧新課程「高EQ英文溝通術」, Duncan 帶你一起掌握在對的場合說對的話的訣竅。 課程現在 55 折優惠中,點進連結看更多吧~ https://lihi2.com/R77rF 結帳前記得輸入Podcast 聽眾專屬折扣碼 pheq200, 可以再折兩百元!!! 💡「預算有限」英文怎麼說? The budget is tight. 「預算有限」中文會說預算「吃緊」、手頭很「緊」,剛好英文也用 tight 來表達這種概念。 “We are on a tight budget.” “I’m on a budget.” "The budget is limited."(talking about business, expense) *limited 有限的 補充學習 縮減預算 cut/ reduce budget 預算寬裕 large/ flexible/ generous budget = We can spend a bit more freely. = We’re not on a tight budget. 增加預算 increase budget stretch budget 超出預算 over budget/ out of budget -tighten your belt/ purse-strings(縮合錢袋口的繩索) → loosen the purse-strings 情境對話 Duncan: Where do you want to go for the company trip this year? 今年員工旅行想去哪裡? Erskine: I’m thinking Iceland! We could see the Northern Lights, chill in the Blue Lagoon, and maybe even walk with reindeer. 想去冰島看極光,泡藍湖溫泉,再跟馴鹿一起散步。 Duncan: You’ve got a wild imagination, but our budget is really tight. 想像力無限,但我們預算有限。 Erskine: Such a buzzkill. Fine, I’m not going! 好掃興喔。那我不去了! Part 2. 文化閒聊 finance management 財務情況、理財 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting


평가 및 리뷰

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15개의 평가


台式英文bye bye ,15分鐘學會美國人說的話。 想把常用的台式說法翻成英文嗎?歡迎寫信給我們:hiivybar@gmail.com 如果你聽完節目還不過癮,我們還有IG 跟 Youtube 頻道哦: iVY BAR學英文吧 IG iVY BAR學英文吧 Youtube iVY BAR學英文吧官方網站 快來看看我們最近分享哪些什麼有趣的英文吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting

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