007: Neuroqueering Your Home With Art: Beyond Dopamine Decorating with Elinor Trier

Unshaming AuDHD

In this insightful conversation, host Jes Diverges sits down with artist Elinor Trier to explore the transformative power of art, especially for neurodivergent and queer individuals. Eli shares her personal journey as a visual artist, writer, and podcaster, describing how her work aims to help people who feel different to feel connected, seen, and celebrated. Delving into the science behind colorful artwork, Eli explains how engaging with vibrant art can alter brain chemistry, releasing feel-good neurotransmitters and regulating emotional states.

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Eli’s 5-part guide for choosing art that speaks to your soul:

  1. Emotional resonance: something that gives you a little “jolt” of emotion
  2. The Joy Test: something that makes you happy or joyful
  3. Personal symbolism: motifs, colors, or symbols that remind you of something/ someone important to you, or that you see yourself in
  4. Conversation sparkers: can you imagine explaining the piece to someone in a way that feels expansive or use it in a way that helps them understand you better?
  5. The Power Up effect: something that reminds you of the power or strength within you, that helps you feel powerful

Eli’s Links:

Eli’s Website: https://www.elinortrierstudio.com/

Eli’s Newsletter: https://www.elinortrierstudio.com/keepintouch

Eli’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elinortrierstudio

Eli’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ZuzusHausofCats

Other Links & Resources:

Combo Platter Community: https://www.jesdiverges.com/comboplatter

Jes’s Website: https://www.jesdiverges.com

Join My Email List: https://www.jesdiverges.com/newsletter

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesdiverges

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jesdiverges

Jes’s Email: jes@jesdiverges.com

Transcript Document: https://tinyurl.com/UnshamingAuDHDTranscripts








