017 - 8 Stories | A Multifamily Mixed Bag

8 Stories

Apartment Living for Life? Exploring Low-Tech High-Touch Trends, Marketing Insights, and Building Community Ever thought about living as an “apartment dweller for life”? You're not alone! Today’s episode dicusses the growing appeal of lifelong renting and the marketing strategies shaping the multifamily world. In this lighthearted episode of 8 Stories, Sharon Cauthen and Jennifer Carter switch gears from tech and chat about a Reddit post on the virtues of lifelong renting — why more people are opting out of homeownership in favor of apartment living. They touch on how apartments today offer community-driven experiences, from book clubs to mural painting, that make renting more than just a place to live. Plus, we cover marketing strategies like branding, fostering community connections, and even the fun of quirky national holidays! If you’re curious about the future of multifamily living or just need some fresh marketing ideas, hit that like button and subscribe for more! We’re bringing you the latest trends and practical tips to enhance your property management game. Find future 8 Stories episodes  @MultifamilyMediaNetwork  or listen by searching for 8 Stories on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.








