02 — Dogs, Cats and Rats: Which Pet is Right for You?

The Marty & Laura Show

Dogs, cats, and even rats are on the topic list for Marty and Laura today as they discuss how to choose the best pet to fit your home and family.

They’ll guide you through the process of finding the perfect companion for your lifestyle, making sure your new pet is a good match for your home and everyone in it.

"Home is where someone runs to greet you when you walk in the door." Let’s make sure that someone is the right fit! Marty blows up Laura’s brain with news about cat collar tags that trigger automatic feeders for multiple cats. 

Laura reminds Marty about the Human Animal Bond Research Institute which provides empirical research into the benefits of pet ownership.

We’re excited to bring you these fun, fact-based conversations about pet health. From professional tips on selecting your new dog to understanding your cat’s cough and what you should do about it, we’ll meet you wherever you are—whether you’re in the car, on the treadmill, or walking the dog—and provide a good laugh, a great story, and a fresh idea every week.

We hope you’ll join us on social media and visit our website to sign up for an extra pet tip of the week. While you’re at it, please take a moment to leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts.

The Marty & Laura Show is produced by Pure Dog Talk Inc., with sound design and editing by Premium Audio Services.

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