RAISING HER CONFIDENTLY | Parenting Teens, How to Talk to Teens, Family Communication, Raising Teen Girls

Jeannie Baldomero | Parenting Teens Coach Inspired by Brene Brown, Mark Gregston, Gary Chapman
RAISING HER CONFIDENTLY | Parenting Teens, How to Talk to Teens,  Family Communication, Raising Teen Girls

Do you want to have open communication with your teen daughter? Do you find yourself up late at night constantly thinking about how to talk to your teen or why she’s not opening up to you? Do you wake up with confident intentions only to feel confused and frustrated when you get 1-word answers from your daughter or instead of the deep conversations you hoped to have, you end up in a yelling match? Hi, I’m Jeannie. I think back to when I was 13. I was that teenage girl you are googling about! Rebellious, hard to figure out, “hard-headed” as my mom would call me. She even said, “I don’t even know who you are anymore!” Several years later, I too found myself raising young teens. I too felt grieved by the loss of my sweet talkative little girl! I wanted her to come to me about anything even if she was scared and listen to my advice. My passion for healthy families as a former educator, a homeschooling family for several years, and a zeal to impact young teen girls has led me to train in the Coach Model and partner with moms like you and guide them to create safe, healthy relationships with their teens. In this podcast, I share tools and resources to help improve communication with your teen girl and strengthen your relationship with her. I’m providing you ways to talk to your teen through relationship-building exercises to make intentional connections, establish boundaries to create that safe space, and build a trust-worthy community of healthy friends and influence to confidently get you through this season of raising a teen girl. So grab your glass of merlot and throw off those fuzzy slippers and let’s raise her confidently together! You can find me here: Work with me: www.jeanniebaldomero.com Connect: hello@jeanniebaldomero.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeanniebaldomero/ Podcast: www.linktr.ee/jeanniebaldomero

  1. 1일 전

    223\\ Build Trust with Your Teenage Daughter Series: Connect Through Your Promises

    We are continuing our "Build Trust with Your Teenage Daughter" series. Today, we’re diving into a powerful but often overlooked key to trust-building: by Following Through on Promises. If you say you’ll do something—whether it’s picking her up on time, respecting her privacy, or handling a situation discreetly—stick to it. Your daughter needs to see you as reliable and dependable to truly trust you. Let’s explore why keeping promises matters, when to make them, when to hold off, and how you can set an example of integrity in your home.   Are you looking for ways to communicate with your girl so she can start opening up to you? Do you want to understand why is it so hard to approach your girl? Are you stuck on how to approach your teenage daughter in conversation without her freaking out?   SIGN UP FOR TALK TO YOUR TEEN GIRL FRAMEWORK!!  A 6-WEEK JOURNEY TO SHIFT HOW YOU COMMUNICATE SO SHE CAN COME TO YOU!   You'll walk away with a deeper understanding the changes happening to your girl, Equipped in your new role as COACH in this teen stage, and establish better communication pathways to connect and grow closer with your daughter   Imagine if you and your daughter can finally have conversations at a level where she doesn’t need to hide anything from you! Plus, you’ll get to meet other mamas who are all in the same boat.... SIGN UP HERE!      You can find me here: Work with me:  www.talktyourteengirl.com Connect: hello@jeanniebaldomero.com Instagram:   https://www.instagram.com/raisingherconfidently Free mom support community: www.raisingherconfidently.com

  2. 3일 전

    222\\ Build Trust with Your Teenage Daughter Series: How to Be a Judgement-free Listener

    Is your knee-jerk reaction when your daughter shares something that you are not quite too happy about or maybe even shocked you and you want to share your opinion about it?Do you find it hard to sit quietly as she goes on about something you wholeheartedly disagree with? Today, we’re focusing on one of the most powerful ways to strengthen your relationship with your daughter—listening without judgment. Are you looking for ways to communicate with your girl so she can start opening up to you? Do you want to understand why is it so hard to approach your girl? Are you stuck on how to approach your teenage daughter in conversation without her freaking out?   SIGN UP FOR TALK TO YOUR TEEN GIRL FRAMEWORK!!  A 6-WEEK JOURNEY TO SHIFT HOW YOU COMMUNICATE SO SHE CAN COME TO YOU!   You'll walk away with a deeper understanding the changes happening to your girl, Equipped in your new role as COACH in this teen stage, and establish better communication pathways to connect and grow closer with your daughter   Imagine if you and your daughter can finally have conversations at a level where she doesn’t need to hide anything from you! Plus, you’ll get to meet other mamas who are all in the same boat.... SIGN UP HERE!      You can find me here: Work with me:  www.talktyourteengirl.com Connect: hello@jeanniebaldomero.com Instagram:   https://www.instagram.com/raisingherconfidently Free mom support community: www.raisingherconfidently.com

  3. 3월 5일

    221\\ 5 Ways to Guide Your Teen Girl to Having Good Friends In Her Life

    Do you remember your teen years? In the teen years we start grow fickle in our relationships - especially friendships.  It's a stage where they are discovery themselves, their identity, their values and who the are. This also means things change, clothes, appearances and friendships. As your teenage daughter is testing the waters of self-discovery, it can make any mama nervous when it comes to their choice of friends.    So, how can you help guide her toward healthy, life-giving friendships without pushing her away? And what exactly makes a good friend? That’s what we’re unpacking today.   Are you looking for ways to communicate with your girl so she can start opening up to you? Do you want to understand why is it so hard to approach your girl? Are you stuck on how to approach your teenage daughter in conversation without her freaking out?   SIGN UP FOR TALK TO YOUR TEEN GIRL FRAMEWORK!!  A 6-WEEK JOURNEY TO SHIFT HOW YOU COMMUNICATE SO SHE CAN COME TO YOU!   You'll walk away with a deeper understanding the changes happening to your girl, Equipped in your new role as COACH in this teen stage, and establish better communication pathways to connect and grow closer with your daughter   Imagine if you and your daughter can finally have conversations at a level where she doesn’t need to hide anything from you! Plus, you’ll get to meet other mamas who are all in the same boat.... SIGN UP HERE!      You can find me here: Work with me:  www.talktyourteengirl.com Connect: hello@jeanniebaldomero.com Instagram:   https://www.instagram.com/raisingherconfidently Free mom support community: www.raisingherconfidently.com

  4. 3월 3일

    220\\ Why Does Your Teenage Daughter Only Talk to Her Friends? 3 Truths to Help You Understand

    “Why does my daughter only talk to her friends and not me?” It can be frustrating, even painful, when the little girl who once told you every detail of her day now barely gives you a sentence. But before you jump to conclusions, let’s break down the truths and myths behind this and, most importantly, what you can do to keep your connection strong. Are you looking for ways to communicate with your girl so she can start opening up to you? Do you want to understand why is it so hard to approach your girl? Are you stuck on how to approach your teenage daughter in conversation without her freaking out?   SIGN UP FOR TALK TO YOUR TEEN GIRL FRAMEWORK!!  A 6-WEEK JOURNEY TO SHIFT HOW YOU COMMUNICATE SO SHE CAN COME TO YOU!   You'll walk away with a deeper understanding the changes happening to your girl, Equipped in your new role as COACH in this teen stage, and establish better communication pathways to connect and grow closer with your daughter   Imagine if you and your daughter can finally have conversations at a level where she doesn’t need to hide anything from you! Plus, you’ll get to meet other mamas who are all in the same boat.... SIGN UP HERE!      You can find me here: Work with me:  www.talktyourteengirl.com Connect: hello@jeanniebaldomero.com Instagram:   https://www.instagram.com/raisingherconfidently Free mom support community: www.raisingherconfidently.com

  5. 2월 26일

    219\\ 5 Ways to Get Past the “Stuck-up” Attitude and Connect with Your Teen Girl

    You probably have a tween or teen daughter who seems to be in that "stuck-up" phase—eye rolls, dismissive tones, acting like she’s too good for family time. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Today, we’re diving into why this happens, why it’s actually a normal part of her development, and, most importantly, how you can break through this attitude to build a stronger bond with her.   Are you looking for ways to communicate with your girl so she can start opening up to you? Do you want to understand why is it so hard to approach your girl? Are you stuck on how to approach your teenage daughter in conversation without her freaking out?   SIGN UP FOR TALK TO YOUR TEEN GIRL FRAMEWORK!!  A 6-WEEK JOURNEY TO SHIFT HOW YOU COMMUNICATE SO SHE CAN COME TO YOU!   You'll walk away with a deeper understanding the changes happening to your girl, Equipped in your new role as COACH in this teen stage, and establish better communication pathways to connect and grow closer with your daughter   Imagine if you and your daughter can finally have conversations at a level where she doesn’t need to hide anything from you! Plus, you’ll get to meet other mamas who are all in the same boat.... SIGN UP HERE!      You can find me here: Work with me:  www.talktyourteengirl.com Connect: hello@jeanniebaldomero.com Instagram:   https://www.instagram.com/raisingherconfidently Free mom support community: www.raisingherconfidently.com

  6. 2월 24일

    218\\ Social Media & Your Daughter’s Self-Confidence: What Every Mom Needs to Know

    Moms, have you noticed your daughter becoming more self-conscious, comparing herself to others, or struggling with self-esteem? You’re not alone. Teenage years have always been a time of self-doubt and insecurity, but today’s generation of girls faces a whole new level of pressure—thanks to social media.  In today’s episode, we’ll dive into how social media is impacting your daughter’s confidence, backed by research and statistics. Then, we’ll discuss three things you can do as a mom to help her navigate social media in a way that supports, rather than diminishes, her self-esteem. Are you looking for ways to communicate with your girl so she can start opening up to you? Do you want to understand why is it so hard to approach your girl? Are you stuck on how to approach your teenage daughter in conversation without her freaking out?   SIGN UP FOR TALK TO YOUR TEEN GIRL FRAMEWORK!!  A 6-WEEK JOURNEY TO SHIFT HOW YOU COMMUNICATE SO SHE CAN COME TO YOU!   You'll walk away with a deeper understanding the changes happening to your girl, Equipped in your new role as COACH in this teen stage, and establish better communication pathways to connect and grow closer with your daughter   Imagine if you and your daughter can finally have conversations at a level where she doesn’t need to hide anything from you! Plus, you’ll get to meet other mamas who are all in the same boat.... SIGN UP HERE!      You can find me here: Work with me:  www.talktyourteengirl.com Connect: hello@jeanniebaldomero.com Instagram:   https://www.instagram.com/raisingherconfidently Free mom support community: www.raisingherconfidently.com

  7. 2월 19일

    217\\ Why Are Your Daughters So Different? 5 Ways to Understand Their Unique Paths

    How can two daughters raised in the same home, with the same values, rules, and boundaries, turn out so differently? One might be super independent while the other craves reassurance. One follows the rules, the other tests every limit. You might find yourself thinking, "How can what worked so well for one be completely ineffective for the other?" I’m going to break down why this happens, how this information can actually help you parent more effectively, and the one mindset shift you need to make today. Are you looking for ways to communicate with your girl so she can start opening up to you? Do you want to understand why is it so hard to approach your girl? Are you stuck on how to approach your teenage daughter in conversation without her freaking out?     JOIN US FOR A LIVE 2-DAY TEEN TALK WORKSHOP!!   You'll walk away with understanding the changes happening to your girl , Shift you role in this teen stage, and discover better communication pathways to connect and grow closer with your daughter   Imagine if you and your daughter can finally have conversations at a level where she doesn’t need to hide anything from you! Plus, you’ll get to meet other mamas who are all in the same boat.... ALL IN THIS FREE ONLINE WORKSHOP WITH JEANNIE!   SAVE YOUR SPOT HERE!      You can find me here: Work with me: www.talktoyourteengirl.com Connect: hello@jeanniebaldomero.com Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/raisingherconfidently Free mom support community: www.raisingherconfidently.com   ____________________________________________

  8. 2월 17일

    216\\ The Secret Weapon Moms of Teenagers Seldom Use to Connect With Their Daughters

    Mama,Do need help raising your teenage daughter?Do you feel guilty wanting seek help in parenting your teen girl? We’re diving into a topic that can be a game-changer in your parenting journey—mentors. We all want to be the go-to person for our daughters, but the truth is, we simply can’t be everything for them. And that’s okay. We want to build a strong, healthy relationship with our daughters, not a co-dependent one. She will eventually have her own life, just as you do, but that doesn’t mean we stop being her safe place. The goal? To raise daughters who want to come home, who call just to check in, who seek out our guidance when they need it—while also having healthy boundaries and other voices of wisdom in their lives. That’s where mentors come in. So today, we’re talking about who makes a great mentor, why they matter, and how to intentionally bring the right people into your daughter’s life. Are you looking for ways to communicate with your girl so she can start opening up to you? Do you want to understand why is it so hard to approach your girl? Are you stuck on how to approach your teenage daughter in conversation without her freaking out?     JOIN US FOR A LIVE 2-DAY TEEN TALK WORKSHOP!!   You'll walk away with understanding the changes happening to your girl , Shift you role in this teen stage, and discover better communication pathways to connect and grow closer with your daughter   Imagine if you and your daughter can finally have conversations at a level where she doesn’t need to hide anything from you! Plus, you’ll get to meet other mamas who are all in the same boat.... ALL IN THIS FREE ONLINE WORKSHOP WITH JEANNIE!   SAVE YOUR SPOT HERE!      You can find me here: Work with me: www.talktoyourteengirl.com Connect: hello@jeanniebaldomero.com Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/raisingherconfidently Free mom support community: www.raisingherconfidently.com   ____________________________________________



최고 5점
124개의 평가


Do you want to have open communication with your teen daughter? Do you find yourself up late at night constantly thinking about how to talk to your teen or why she’s not opening up to you? Do you wake up with confident intentions only to feel confused and frustrated when you get 1-word answers from your daughter or instead of the deep conversations you hoped to have, you end up in a yelling match? Hi, I’m Jeannie. I think back to when I was 13. I was that teenage girl you are googling about! Rebellious, hard to figure out, “hard-headed” as my mom would call me. She even said, “I don’t even know who you are anymore!” Several years later, I too found myself raising young teens. I too felt grieved by the loss of my sweet talkative little girl! I wanted her to come to me about anything even if she was scared and listen to my advice. My passion for healthy families as a former educator, a homeschooling family for several years, and a zeal to impact young teen girls has led me to train in the Coach Model and partner with moms like you and guide them to create safe, healthy relationships with their teens. In this podcast, I share tools and resources to help improve communication with your teen girl and strengthen your relationship with her. I’m providing you ways to talk to your teen through relationship-building exercises to make intentional connections, establish boundaries to create that safe space, and build a trust-worthy community of healthy friends and influence to confidently get you through this season of raising a teen girl. So grab your glass of merlot and throw off those fuzzy slippers and let’s raise her confidently together! You can find me here: Work with me: www.jeanniebaldomero.com Connect: hello@jeanniebaldomero.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeanniebaldomero/ Podcast: www.linktr.ee/jeanniebaldomero

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프로그램을 팔로우하고, 에피소드를 저장하고, 최신 소식을 받아보려면 로그인하거나 가입하십시오.

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