Barbara Romanowicz
Physique de l'intérieur de la terre
Année 2018-2019
Les séismes profonds
Bibliographie Cours no 3 - Séismes de profondeur intermédiaire et déshydratation de la croûte et de la lithosphère
Brudzinski, M. R., C. H. Thurber, B. R. Hacker and E. R. Engdahl (2007) Global Prevalence of Double Benioff Zones, Science, 316, 1472-1474.
Faccenda, M. (2014) Water in the slab: a trilogy, Tectonophys. 614, 1-30.
Garth, T. and A. Riebrock (2017) Constraining the hydration of the subducting Nazca plate beneath northern Chile using subduction zone guided waves, Earth Planet. Sci. lett, 474, 237-247.
Hacker, B., R., S. M. Peacock, G. A. Abers and S. D. Holloway (2003) Subduction factory. 2. Are intermediate-depth earthquakes in subducting slabs linked to metamorphic dehydration reactions? J. Geophys. Res., 108, B1, 2030.
Kawakatsu, H. (1985) Double seismic zones in Tonga, Nature, 316, 53-55
Kawakatsu, H. and S. Watada (2008) Seismic Evidence for Deep-Water Transportation in the Mantle, Science, 316, 1468-1471.
Kita, S., T. Okada, A. Hasegawa, J. Nakjima, T. Matsuzawa (2010) Existence of interplane earthquakes and neutral stress boundary between the upper and lower planes of the double seismic zone beneath Tohoku and Hokkaido in northeastern Japan, Tectonoph. 496, 68-92.
Kirby, S., E. R. Engdahl, R. Denlinger (1996) Intermediate-Depth Intraslab Earthquakes and Arc Volcanismas physical expression of mantle metamorphism in subducting slabs (Overview), in "SUbduction Top to Bottom", AGU Monograph Series, edited by G. B. Bebout et al., AGU, Washington, D.C.
Naif, S., K. Key, S. Constable, and R. L. Evans (2015) Water-rih bending faults at the Middle AMerica Trench, G-Cubed, 16, 2582-2597.
Ranero, C. R., J. P. Morgan, K. McINtosh and C. Reichert (2003) Bending-related faulting and mantle serpentinization at the Middle America Trench, Nature 425, 367-373.
Peacock, S. M. (2001) Are the lower planes of double seismic zones caused by serpentine dehydration in subducting oceanic mantle? Geology, 29, 299-302.
Reynard, B. (2013) Serpentine in active subduction zones, Lithos, 178, 171-185.
Rondenay, S., G. A. Abers and P. E. van Keken (2008) Seismic imaging of subduction zone metamorphism, Geology, 36, 275-278.
Shillington, D. J., A. Becel., M. R. Nedimovic, H. Kuehn et al. (2015) Link between plate fabric, hydration and subduction zone seismicity in Alaska, Nat. Geosc., 8, 961- 964
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