Folks, it is out fiftieth episode! Loring Griggs flies on in to help us celebrate! Tune in as we engage in a totally normal and contentious live fashion show, give our best to women for women's month, learn about Loring's favorite childhood toy, and Loring debuts a new character before we wrap with a game of "Expert or Exp-bird," which was definitely well thought out and went normally. Bird List: Brown Pelican Lesser Scaup Brant Snowy Egret American Coot Ruddy duck Horned Grebe Eared Grebe Royal Tern Willet Red-breates Merganse California Gull Ring-billed duck Western Gull Canada Goose Marbled godwit Savanah Sparrow Osprey Great Egret Bufflehead Whimbrel Long-billed Curlew
- Подкаст
- ЧастотаЕженедельно
- Опубликовано3 апреля 2024 г. в 09:05 UTC
- Длительность1 ч. 23 мин.
- ОграниченияС ненормативной лексикой