Treasure Box Books | Dads Building Relationships, Reading Great Books, Preparing Children for Life

Nathan Ching | Christian Homeschool Dad, Lover of Good Books
Treasure Box Books | Dads Building Relationships, Reading Great Books, Preparing Children for Life

⚔️ Do you long to inspire your children with stories of heroes in history and with the greatest story ever told--the word of God? 🛠️ Do you want to equip your children for life in the world, so that they’ll have wisdom and understanding as they face the challenges in whatever work God calls them to? 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Do you desire to live and learn together with your family, using good books and real-life experiences to build relationships that will last a lifetime? In this podcast, you’ll find real-life tips and recommendations for books our homeschooling family loves, and discussions of how we as dads can make it easier to read to and with our children. My mission is to equip you with hope and help as you seek to train your children in God’s way and lead your family, relying first on the Bible and then learning from the wealth of great books that are available for the taking. If you’re ready to uncover instructional, inspiring books to read to and with your family, to build strong family relationships by reading, talking and living together, and to prepare your children for life and eternity with great books & activities, then join us for Treasure Box Books! Hi, I’m Nathan Ching, a redeemed child of God, happy husband and homeschooling dad, and lifelong lover of good books. For years--even before I became a father--I eagerly looked forward to leading my children to know, love, and serve God. As a young man, I realized that reading, beginning first with the Bible, then other books, unlocked my understanding. The Old Testament prophet said, ”I Daniel understood by books….” When I prayed about how to train my children for God, I became convinced that reading to and with my children would be an essential element in helping them to delight in God and do His will. While I can’t claim to have perfected the art of leading my family, I am happy to say that the Lord has taught me practical, useful lessons--lessons I believe would serve other dads as they lead their families. That’s what this podcast is all about. There are treasures to be found in books that simply can’t be found anywhere else. Come join us on our journey, and let’s go find the treasures in books! 📖 Download free Bible audio: 🧑🏻‍💻 Visit the Website: 📩 Email Me: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Through wisdom is an house builded; And by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

  1. HACE 3 DÍAS

    058 | Alaskan Adventures! (part 2) with Jonathan Fisher

    Hey Fellow Dads, Today we continue a three-episode series introducing both true and fictional stories from Alaska—tales of heroism, survival, and faith that can inspire you and your family to follow wherever God leads. In this episode, my friend Pastor Jonathan Fisher shares how God called him to be the answer to his own prayers for needy communities in Alaska. He also talks about how serving the Lord is a privilege and joy—yes, even fun—and how we as husbands can lead our wives and children to know that joy in service to Christ. Don’t miss out on Jonathan’s sharing an exciting and true “Alaskan adventure” story about an encounter with an Alaskan brown bear, too! --Nathan Scriptures 📖 Genesis 12:1-2 📖 Ephesians 4:11 📖 3 John 4 📖 Psalm 37:23 📖 Malachi 2:14 📖 James 4:7 Books 📚 The Autobiography of George Mueller, by George Mueller 📚 Answers to Prayer, by George Mueller 📚 Adventures of an Arctic Missionary Series, by Gloria Repp Quotes by Jonathan Fisher “For two months, every day, I was just finding myself really asking God, burdened about, ‘Lord, would You send laborers to Alaska? There’s a need there,’ and never thought about us.” “Through some preaching, through some verses, God made the calling very clear, and the calling was evangelist. And to be honest, that scared me, I didn’t like that, because all I had ever really known about evangelist was guys who get in a RV and travel around the Lower 48 and hold meetings.” Veteran missionary in Papua New Guinea, Dennis Wells’ advice to missionaries: “He said, ‘Well, you’re going to have to forget where you’re from,….You’re going to have to love where God put you,….and you’re going to have to learn to have fun.’ ” “It’s important to enjoy where God put you.” “My parents and my wife’s parents both instilled in us that we get to do this because we serve the Lord, because God takes great care of us.” “As far as people from where we’re from that we can really connect with, there’s nobody, and so, I have my wife, and she has me. And God has allowed us to really develop a great relationship….And that is precious, to have a close relationship with your wife.” “I came from San Diego, where life was very busy. You have so many friends and so many people to talk to, that sometimes, those who were supposed to be closest to can be neglected in caring for them.” Vocabulary (v.) glass: to scan with a spyglass or other optical instrument. (n.) breakup: in Spring, when the ice melts and breaks apart. (n.) tungat: spirits, presumably with evil intent toward the living. (n.) shaman: one who claims to have contact with the spirit world and thus wields power over other people. If you enjoyed this episode, 🎙️Please subscribe to the podcast so you can listen again next week! ✍🏻 Leaving a review is the best way to say "thanks" so that others can find the podcast, too! In Apple Podcast app, scroll down to the bottom of the episode list (right above the "About" section) and click the tiny link to "Write a Review." ➡️ Take a screenshot or click the "Share" button in your podcast app to let your friends know. 🧑🏻‍💻 Join the Facebook group 📧 Read more and subscribe to our newsletter at 💡 See the show notes at Credits Music from #Uppbeat code: IZBTBZ5DULC64ZCB code: ZUCYKOROVB4PRHZC code: VNTJKLOIXWFEPRYA

    43 min
  2. 5 FEB

    057 | Alaskan Adventures (Part I) with Bruce Hamilton

    Hey Fellow Dads,Today we begin a three-episode series introducing both true and fictional stories from Alaska—tales of heroism, survival, and faith that can inspire you and your family to follow wherever God leads.In this episode, my friend Pastor Bruce Hamilton introduces his first book—God of the Brooks—before I give a few excerpts to whet your appetite. We also briefly discuss God of the Aurora, a modern missionary autobiography adventure, and give a preview of next week’s episode.--Nathan       Scriptures   📖 Romans 1:16   Books   📚 Alaska's Dog Heroes: True Stories of Remarkable Canines, by Shelley Gill.   📚 The Great Serum Race: Blazing the Iditarod Trail, by Debbie Miller   📚 The Cruelest Miles: The Heroic Story of Dogs and Men in a Race Against an Epidemic, by Gay Salisbury and Laney Salisbury. 320 pages.   📖 The Bible   📚 (Fiction) God of the Brooks, by Bruce Hamilton   📚 (Fiction) God of the Gold, by Bruce Hamilton   📚 (Autobiographical missionary adventure) God of the Aurora, by Bruce Hamilton   Links   Quotes   “Are you preparing to go to Alaska?”—Nathan’s sister (thanks for the cameo appearance!) “That first year, I was pretty much housebound, and I wanted to accomplish something, and one of the things that I did to literally survive that six and a half year journey was write a book in my mind….The first eight months, I went through the Bible seven times, so that saturated my mind and soul with the word of God….in conjunction with that, I would escape in my mind to surviving in the wilderness…”—Pastor Bruce Hamilton “Many are cold, few are frozen.”—Pastor Bruce Hamilton If you enjoyed this episode, 🎙️Please subscribe to the podcast so you can listen again next week! ✍🏻 Leaving a review is the best way to say "thanks" so that others can find the podcast, too! In Apple Podcast app, scroll down to the bottom of the episode list (right above the "About" section) and click the tiny link to "Write a Review." ➡️ Take a screenshot or click the "Share" button in your podcast app to let your friends know. 🧑🏻‍💻 Join the Facebook group 📧 Read more and subscribe to our newsletter at 💡 See the show notes at   Credits & Attribution License code: YXBQCZUKGASOEDMJ License code: ZUCYKOROVB4PRHZC Low Airplane Fly By by Snipperbes -- -- License: Creative Commons 0 Rifle-223 cal (take 2) by knufds -- -- License: Attribution 4.0 The audio of the wolf howling in this episode was actually captured in Cooper Creek, Alaska. Attribution: Cooper Creek 20160313_014852 solitary wolf howl very clear.wav by betchkal -- -- License: Creative Commons 0 goblin-fall.mp3 by Kneeling -- -- License: Creative Commons 0 Stampede by bevibeldesign -- -- License: Creative Commons 0 License code: BWUKHVLTP248FBBX License code: SRP31OBR92ZWZI1Q   Text from God of the Brooks, pages 29, 54-55, & 97, published in this episode with permission from author Bruce Hamilton.

    37 min
  3. 21 ENE

    056 | Dads, Preside Over Your Family

    Hey Fellow Dads, “A man’s home is his castle”—so goes the saying. But what does the Bible say about dads presiding in their homes? How can we do that well—and how might it benefit our families if we do? In this episode, my friend Wesley Waddle, a pastor and dad for over 20 years, shares lessons he’s learned from Bible examples and personal experience, offers us realistic hope, and suggests practical tools to do this job right. Hope you enjoy it! --Nathan Scripture References 📖 Genesis 12 📖 Genesis 13 📖 Genesis 21 📖 Genesis 22 📖 1 Timothy 3:4-5 4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) 📖 Ephesians 6:4 Being Family Presider means… Being the family’s decision-maker. Being the family’s direction-giver. Being the family’s dispute-settler. If you enjoyed this episode, 💡 See the show notes, with Scripture references, quotes, and more, at 🎙️Please subscribe to the podcast so you can listen again next week! ✍🏻 Leaving a review is the best way to say "thanks" so that others can find the podcast, too! In Apple Podcast app, scroll down to the bottom of the episode list (right above the "About" section) and click the tiny link to "Write a Review." ➡️ Take a screenshot or click the "Share" button in your podcast app to let your friends know. 🧑🏻‍💻 Join the Facebook group 📧 Read more and subscribe to our newsletter at Credits License code: S2MC90Z5K79GFH6O License code: ZUCYKOROVB4PRHZC

    36 min
  4. 11 ENE

    055 | Looking Back, Looking Forward

    Hey Fellow Dads, Have you paused to think through the lessons you learned in 2024? In this episode, I’ll share several of mine, along with some goals to pursue and promises to hang onto as we follow God in 2025. And don’t miss out on my Top 10 Books from 2024! Nathan Scriptures 📖 Psalm 23 📖 1 Thessalonians 4 📖 1 Thessalonians 5:18 📖 Luke 10:39 📖 Luke 7:38 📖 Luke 8:41-42 📖 Luke 17:16 📖 Luke 8:35 Books Ancient History 📚 Lost to the West: The Forgotten Byzantine Empire That Rescued Western Civilization, by Lars Brownworth, published by Three Rivers Press, 2009 Apologetics 📚 The God Who Is Real: A Creationist Approach to Evangelism and Missions, by Henry Morris, published by Baker Book House, 1995 Christian Living 📚 Enjoying Intimacy with God, by J. Oswald Sanders, published by Discovery House Publishers, 2000 Ecclesiology 📚 Rediscover Church: Why the Body of Christ Is Essential, by Collin Hansen and Jonathan Leeman, published by Crossway, 2021 Fiction—Wilderness Adventure & Survival 📚 God of the Brooks, by Bruce Hamilton Manliness 📚 The Men We Need: God's Purpose for the Manly Man, the Avid Indoorsman, or Any Man Willing to Show Up, by Brant Hansen (audiobook, narrated by author), published by Baker Books, 2022 Missions 📚 The Last of the Giants: How Christ Came to the Lumberjacks, by Harry Rimmer Practical Theology 📚 The Christian After Death, by Robert Ervin Hough, published by the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, 1947 Prayer 📚 The Power of Christ’s Prayer Life, by C.H. Spurgeon, compiled and edited by Robert Hall, published by YWAM Publishing, 1996 WWII 📚 At Dawn We Slept, by Gordon Prange If you enjoyed this episode, 💡 See the show notes, with Scripture references, quotes, and more, at 🎙️Please subscribe to the podcast so you can listen again next week! ✍🏻 Leaving a review is the best way to say "thanks" so that others can find the podcast, too! In Apple Podcast app, scroll down to the bottom of the episode list (right above the "About" section) and click the tiny link to "Write a Review." ➡️ Take a screenshot or click the "Share" button in your podcast app to let your friends know. 🧑🏻‍💻 Join the Facebook group 📧 Read more and subscribe to our newsletter at Credits code: HN0D8KEDH653I62C code: ZUCYKOROVB4PRHZC

    42 min
  5. 18/12/2024

    054 | Dads, Pray for Your Family

    Hey fellow dads, Many Christian books have been published in recent years about moms praying for their families, but does God expect us as dads to pray for our spouse and children as well? What might it mean to be a “priest” in our own home . . . and how do we fulfill this role practically, in the day to day? In this episode we talk about where to start, examples from Scripture, and some books that can grow our faith for prayer. Nathan Scriptures 📖 Hebrews 10:11-14 📖 1 Timothy 2:5-6 📖 Ephesians 2:18 📖 Hebrews 4:16 📖 1 Peter 2:9 📖 Genesis 8:20 📖 Genesis 18:22-23, 32-33 📖 Job 1:4-5 📖 John 4:46-53 📖 Psalm 51:12-13 📖 John 17 📖 Luke 22:31-32 Quotes “Day after day, and year after year, by the help of God, we labour in prayer for the spiritual benefit of the Orphans under our care. These our supplications, which have been for 24 years brought before the Lord concerning them, have been abundantly answered, in former years, in the conversion of hundreds from among them. We have, also, had repeated seasons in which, within a short time, or even all at once, many of the Orphans were converted. Such a season we had about three years since, when, within a few days, about 60 were brought to believe in the Lord Jesus; and such seasons we have had again twice during the first year. “This blessed and mighty work of the Holy Spirit cannot be traced to any particular cause. It was however, a most precious answer to prayer. As such we look upon it, and are encouraged by it to further waiting upon God. “[This] great work of the Spirit of God…began among the younger class of the children under our that within about 10 days above 200 of the Orphans were stirred up to be anxious about their souls, and in many instances found peace immediately, through faith in our Lord Jesus. They at once requested to be allowed to hold prayer meetings among themselves, and have had these meetings ever since. Many of them also manifested a concern about the salvation of their companions and relations, and spoke or wrote to them, about the way to be saved.” —George Mueller, in Answers to Prayer “According to the NT, Jesus Christ is the great high priest for all those who believe in Him. He makes atonement for our sins; He intercedes for us with the Father; He takes away our sins!” “Because Jesus Christ is our great high priest, we need no man to stand between us and God, to make atonement for our sins, or to forgive our sins; and all of us who are in Christ have God-given authority to read God’s word for ourselves and determine how to live it out.” “…what we mean by this term is simply that a dad--husband and father—is supposed to pray for his family, to lead his family in the truth of God, and to teach his family how to fellowship with God. He is an intercessor—he intercedes (pleads with God for the benefit of others).” —Nathan Suggestions to Carry Out This Role Pray for yourself. Pray for your family. Pray with your family. Teach your family about the privilege and possibilities of prayer. Get others involved in praying for your family. Record your prayers (write them down). Books recommended in this episode 📚 The Cross Versus the Crescent, by Eric Fisk 📚 God of the Aurora, by Bruce Hamilton 📚 Answers to Prayer, by George Mueller 📚 The Power of Christ’s Prayer Life, by Charles Haddon Spurgeon Books not mentioned, but definitely worthwhile 📚 A Practical Guide for Praying Parents, by Erwin W. Lutzer 📚 The Soul-Winner, by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, especially chapter 7, “How to Raise the Dead” If you enjoyed this episode, 💡 See the show notes, with Scripture references, quotes, and more, at 🎙️Please subscribe to the podcast so you can listen again next week! ✍🏻 Leaving a review is the best way to say "thanks" so that others can find the podcast, too! In Apple Podcast app, scroll down to the bottom of the episode list (right above the "About" section) and click the tiny link to "Write a Review." ➡️ Take a screenshot or c

    33 min
  6. 30/11/2024

    053 | Dads, Teach Your Family

    Hey fellow dads, How do you “start where you are” to lead your family even when you know you aren’t the dad you ought to be? What hope do we have when greater men than us have not been able to raise godly children? Or is that even our goal? Join us today as we learn from my friend William Maricle about being the spiritual leader (teacher or prophet) for our families. And, starting at 34:54, I have a special Thanksgiving weekend treat for you—an excerpt from Of Plimoth Plantation that the whole family can enjoy. Nathan Description of Role #3: Prophet What exactly does a prophet do? Throughout the Bible, we see that prophets consistently kept these four elements in their lives: They foretold—they told the future, often warning about the consequences of sin. They forthtold—they told the truth as was needed to be spoken, often uncomfortable truth. But before they did either of these, they listened to God. And, the ultimately, they spoke to people in their own sphere of influence with the authority of “thus saith the LORD”—they were God’s mouthpiece for the people in their lives. Quotes by William Maricle “As men, there’s no way we can completely assume that role, unless we ourselves are attempting to discover the word of God for ourselves, and be in it. But then I would hasten to say, that it’s better to be a father who feels inadequate but is just giving what he can, than to be a father who feels like he has all the answers and demands his kids listen to him.” “Have the heart to say, ‘Dad doesn’t know much, but please do right.” Book Recommendation 📚 Seeking a Godly Seed, by Clint Caviness Book Quoted 📚 Of Plymouth Plantation, by William Bradford If you enjoyed this episode, 💡 See the show notes, with Scripture references, quotes, and more, at 🎙️Please subscribe to the podcast so you can listen again next week! ✍🏻 Leaving a review is the best way to say "thanks" so that others can find the podcast, too! In Apple Podcast app, scroll down to the bottom of the episode list (right above the "About" section) and click the tiny link to "Write a Review." ➡️ Take a screenshot or click the "Share" button in your podcast app to let your friends know. 🧑🏻‍💻 Join the Facebook group 📧 Read more and subscribe to our newsletter at Credits Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: K3MEP3U2KURBXA5P License code: ZUCYKOROVB4PRHZC

    45 min
  7. 15/11/2024

    052 | Dads, Provide for Your Family

    Hey Fellow Dads, Have you ever wondered if you’re providing enough for your family? What kind of provider is God for us, and how should we illustrate Him in the way we provide for our wives and children? What pitfalls do we need to be careful to avoid? Join us as my friend Daniel shares how we need to provide for our children in more than just financial ways, and gives some great book recommendations to help us partner with God in providing for our families. Nathan Books & Authors 📖 Full Time: Work and the Meaning of Life, by David L. Bahnsen 📖 Author of financial advice, Dave Ramsey 📖 The Scarlet Pimpernel, by Baroness Orczy 📖 Unbroken, by Laura Hillenbrand (contains some references to p-rn as well as graphic combat and p.o.w. camp details, not suitable for children) 📖 Zoli’s Legacy: Based On the Life of Zoltan Gaal, by Dawn Watkins 📖 The Jungle Book, by Rudyard Kipling 📖 The Pursuit of Holiness, by Jerry Bridges Quotes (by Daniel York) “We know that God doesn’t always give us everything we want, but He does give us everything that we need.” “When they can’t trust the men in their life, they’re more hesitant to trust God.” “Give your children the provision they need and let them learn to be thankful with that….Teach your children to be thankful and accept the provision that is given to them.” “That budget—you gotta know where your money’s going!….You really got to be intentional with your money. If you’re not, it’s going to control you instead of you controlling it.” “I have to remember that in some ways, that financial provision…it could almost be one of the least important things. If all I’m doing is providing for my family financially—that’s not the most important thing.” “Our time is so short with our kids.” “You need to be okay with repeating yourself to your children, because God does it to us.” “Don’t assume your wife is giving all the spiritual things your kids need throughout the day while you’re gone at work. Make a plan for that. Figure that out and talk to her about how you’re going to make that happen.” “What is precious?” “Keep the perspective of what is important. Don’t let the culture around you dictate what is important and how you think.” “Teach your children to think.” If you enjoyed this episode, 💡 See the show notes, with Scripture references, quotes, and more, at 🎙️Please subscribe to the podcast so you can listen again next week! ✍🏻 Leaving a review is the best way to say "thanks" so that others can find the podcast, too! In Apple Podcast app, scroll down to the bottom of the episode list (right above the "About" section) and click the tiny link to "Write a Review." ➡️ Take a screenshot or click the "Share" button in your podcast app to let your friends know. 🧑🏻‍💻 Join the Facebook group 📧 Read more and subscribe to our newsletter at Credits Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: 9NKP3GTKLXBWZK46 License code: ZUCYKOROVB4PRHZC

    51 min
  8. 10/11/2024

    051 | Dads, Protect Your Family

    Hey Fellow Dads, Do we really have a Scriptural mandate as fathers to protect our families, or is that just a Western cultural idea? How does ego play in? What if we’re not naturally strong or tough? What do we need to keep in mind as we learn to be protectors? What books can help? Listen in as my brother-in-law Pete, a very experienced protector, shares helpful principles for protecting our families both physically and spiritually. Nathan Insights When Christ “gave himself” for the church, the word implies hazarding his life. Protecting others may involve risking our own lives. Most important skills we need as men to protect our families: Fitness—spiritual, emotional, and physical. Fellowship—with the Holy Spirit, with other likeminded dads. Fight—learn how to effectively use controlled violence to protect your family. Books Mentioned by Pete 📖 The Bible 📖 Left of Bang: How the Marine Corps’ Combat Hunter Program Can Save Your Life, by Patrick Van Horne and Jason A. Riley 📖 Strong’s Concordance, by James Strong 📖 Morning and Evening, by Charles Haddon Spurgeon 📖 The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis 📖 A blank journal Books Recommended by Nathan 📖 The Bible 📖 The Men We Need, by Brant Hansen If you enjoyed this episode, 💡 See the show notes, with Scripture references, quotes, and more, at 🎙️Please subscribe to the podcast so you can listen again next week! ✍🏻 Leaving a review is the best way to say "thanks" so that others can find the podcast, too! In Apple Podcast app, scroll down to the bottom of the episode list (right above the "About" section) and click the tiny link to "Write a Review." ➡️ Take a screenshot or click the "Share" button in your podcast app to let your friends know. 🧑🏻‍💻 Join the Facebook group 📧 Read more and subscribe to our newsletter at Credits Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: UGZK0TNYJWUNNQWA License code: ZUCYKOROVB4PRHZC

    38 min


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⚔️ Do you long to inspire your children with stories of heroes in history and with the greatest story ever told--the word of God? 🛠️ Do you want to equip your children for life in the world, so that they’ll have wisdom and understanding as they face the challenges in whatever work God calls them to? 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Do you desire to live and learn together with your family, using good books and real-life experiences to build relationships that will last a lifetime? In this podcast, you’ll find real-life tips and recommendations for books our homeschooling family loves, and discussions of how we as dads can make it easier to read to and with our children. My mission is to equip you with hope and help as you seek to train your children in God’s way and lead your family, relying first on the Bible and then learning from the wealth of great books that are available for the taking. If you’re ready to uncover instructional, inspiring books to read to and with your family, to build strong family relationships by reading, talking and living together, and to prepare your children for life and eternity with great books & activities, then join us for Treasure Box Books! Hi, I’m Nathan Ching, a redeemed child of God, happy husband and homeschooling dad, and lifelong lover of good books. For years--even before I became a father--I eagerly looked forward to leading my children to know, love, and serve God. As a young man, I realized that reading, beginning first with the Bible, then other books, unlocked my understanding. The Old Testament prophet said, ”I Daniel understood by books….” When I prayed about how to train my children for God, I became convinced that reading to and with my children would be an essential element in helping them to delight in God and do His will. While I can’t claim to have perfected the art of leading my family, I am happy to say that the Lord has taught me practical, useful lessons--lessons I believe would serve other dads as they lead their families. That’s what this podcast is all about. There are treasures to be found in books that simply can’t be found anywhere else. Come join us on our journey, and let’s go find the treasures in books! 📖 Download free Bible audio: 🧑🏻‍💻 Visit the Website: 📩 Email Me: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Through wisdom is an house builded; And by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

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