wake me up WHEN I’M FAMOUS

Katrina Padron
wake me up WHEN I’M FAMOUS

LEVERAGE PARTNERS TO GROW WITHOUT THE GRIND Every year, millions of people type “marketing strategies,” “marketing tips,” and “how to grow a business” into Google, hoping for that magical solution. You know the drill—hit enter, and you’re flooded with the same old advice: run digital ads, post on social, crank out some SEO-optimized blogs. All great, but does it really move the needle? For most business owners, the answer is a resounding *meh*. It’s not enough. So, what’s missing? Let me introduce you to the idea that could change everything—partnerships. There’s no magic button—just start listening.


  1. 2024/11/19

    Ratings that Sell: Unpacking How Amazon's Customer Reviews Drive Consumer Choices

    You know the feeling: you’re on Amazon at 11 PM, searching for the best noise-canceling headphones because your upstairs neighbor’s karaoke habit is approaching rockstar levels. You start scrolling and scanning – not just product descriptions but those star ratings and review counts. That quick snapshot of reviews becomes your compass, telling you whether to buy or bail. By morning, your decision is made, and all because a bunch of strangers gave you the thumbs up. Welcome to the unstoppable power of social proof.   Amazon has perfected this – turning customer reviews into a full-blown decision-making tool. It’s one of the most powerful ways to build trust with potential buyers, proving that if other people love a product, you probably will, too. And that’s the essence of social proof: we trust what others say because, deep down, we’re all just trying to avoid a bad call. But social proof isn’t just for Amazon’s mighty shelves – it’s a sales goldmine for any brand, especially scrappy startups looking to make their mark.   Let’s unpack Amazon’s social proof magic and how your brand can get in on the action with a few clever moves – and some channel partners.   Why Social Proof Sells (And Sells Big)   Social proof isn’t a new phenomenon. It’s hardwired into us; think about it as herd behavior dressed up in a psychological bow. People want reassurance from others when they’re making choices – whether it’s about what to watch, what to wear, or where to eat. And in today’s wild digital marketplace, social proof has become a brand’s greatest weapon.   Amazon gets it. They don’t just sell products; they sell security in the form of stars, reviews, and those oh-so-coveted badges like “Amazon’s Choice.” When you see that a product has 4,000 glowing reviews, it feels like a safe bet – almost as if 4,000 people are giving you a collective nod. Brands that tap into this kind of reassurance build trust and credibility without a single dollar spent on ads.   Now, here’s the thing: Amazon isn’t the only place where social proof can work for you. Your startup doesn’t have to beg for five-star reviews to get social proof rolling. Channel partners, for instance, are an often-overlooked social proof powerhouse that can validate your brand like nothing else.   How Channel Partners Add That Extra Social Proof Power   Channel partners are more than just business buddies; they’re walking, talking endorsements of your brand. Think of them as customer reviews with a voice, a face, and a brand of their own. When you partner with other respected brands, you get the benefit of their reputation, trust, and yes, their own loyal audience who is likely to think, “Well, if [Partner Brand] trusts them, maybe I should, too.”   Here are a few ways a startup can leverage channel partners for a serious boost in credibility – and sales.   The Classic Co-Sign   Picture this: a new coffee company partners with a popular local café chain. Now, every customer grabbing their morning latte sees this new brand as the café’s handpicked favorite. It’s like the coffee company just got a glowing five-star review – in real-time, to a live audience. This is what I call the *classic co-sign*: one trusted brand lends its name to another, and voila! Instant credibility boost.   For startups, this is pure gold. A channel partner’s co-sign can speed up customer trust that would otherwise take months (or years) to build. It’s like your brand is standing next to someone who’s already won the crowd, saying, “I’m with them.” Social proof for the win.   Partnered Product Bundles: Instant Credibility and Convenience   Here’s another trick: partnering up for bundled offers. This works especially well in the beauty and wellness space, where “curated” experiences are the name of the game. Think about skincare startups that partner with established beauty boxes, or protein powder br

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  2. 10 Growth without the Grind: How Partnerships Let You Do More with Way Less Effort


    10 Growth without the Grind: How Partnerships Let You Do More with Way Less Effort

    Let’s talk about a little something we all love—growth. The kind that doesn’t involve you grinding 24/7, chugging endless coffee, and wondering if you’ll ever catch a break. But first, let’s address the elephant in the room: marketing. Every year, millions of people type “marketing strategies,” “marketing tips,” and “how to grow a business” into Google, hoping for that magical solution. You know the drill—hit enter, and you’re flooded with the same old advice: run digital ads, post on social, crank out some SEO-optimized blogs. All great, but does it really move the needle? For most business owners, the answer is a resounding *meh*. It’s not enough. So, what’s missing? Let me introduce you to the idea that could change everything—partnerships. The Power of Drafting: How to Win Big with Less Effort Now, I’m not talking about partnerships in some fluffy, abstract way. I’m talking about something real, like the drafting technique from the world of race cars. You know, when one car tucks in behind another, using the lead car’s slipstream to reduce drag and conserve energy, eventually slingshotting ahead. Well, you can do the same in business—by “drafting” behind someone else’s success. Here’s a throwback example: Derek Halpern wrote about this in 2013, and even gave me a shoutout as a case study (humble brag, right?). He called it the drafting technique. It’s about leveraging someone else’s momentum to give your business a major boost. I did it, and in just one day, my business went from a trickle of 20 hits to a flood of over 800. And that wasn’t just vanity traffic; it led to $2,000 in revenue. All because I noticed a competitor got featured on a big blog, and instead of sulking, I got myself featured there too. The idea is simple: find where your competitors are getting press or visibility, then hitch your wagon to that star. It’s like slipping into their slipstream and zooming ahead without burning yourself out. It’s efficient, effective, and yes, it’s a little sneaky in the best possible way.

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  3. 03 Why Your DIY Partner Program Is Tanking Your Agency’s Growth (And How to Turn It Around)


    03 Why Your DIY Partner Program Is Tanking Your Agency’s Growth (And How to Turn It Around)

    Running a digital marketing agency is no walk in the park. With a low barrier to entry, no state licenses or regulations, wildly varying pricing and quality standards, and thousands of competitors in the U.S. alone, it’s a jungle out there. Having run a digital marketing agency for 13 years, I’ve seen it all—the scope creep, the burnouts, and the way projects can drift further from their vision the longer they go on. Every time a client asks for something new, the knee-jerk reaction is to say, “Of course, we can handle that!” even if it’s outside your sweet spot or lacking standard operating procedures. I mean, why would you pass up more revenue when yes, technically you can do it, right? And this brings us to the DIY partner programs many agencies are grappling with. It often starts with a client asking for a one off podcast appearance, an influencer post for $50, or sharing a UTM link with someone. It’s fine, but it’s scattered, unfocused, and frankly, just spaghetti at the wall. Let’s get real about DIY partner programs: they truly are like throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks, but more often than not, nothing sticks. Many agencies dip their toes into partnerships, snagging a partner or two here and there for their clients, but without making it a core focus, the whole thing just fizzles out. It’s treated like an afterthought, not given the love and attention it deserves, and certainly not incentivized properly. The result? The program remains stagnant, underwhelming, and doesn’t deliver the big wins it’s capable of. Partner programs need to be more than just an add-on; they need to be a strategic priority with clear goals and incentives. Otherwise, you’re setting yourself up for a mediocre outcome. Put in the focused effort and watch how a well-oiled partner program can become a powerhouse for growth. When I set up a sphere of influence for a client, I start by choosing a single type of partner program—channel partners, content partners, influencers, etc. Focusing on just one category allows for dedicated resources, clear strategy, and measurable success. It’s about picking the right partner category, defining what they need to do, how it benefits them, and plotting out growth as things go as planned.

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LEVERAGE PARTNERS TO GROW WITHOUT THE GRIND Every year, millions of people type “marketing strategies,” “marketing tips,” and “how to grow a business” into Google, hoping for that magical solution. You know the drill—hit enter, and you’re flooded with the same old advice: run digital ads, post on social, crank out some SEO-optimized blogs. All great, but does it really move the needle? For most business owners, the answer is a resounding *meh*. It’s not enough. So, what’s missing? Let me introduce you to the idea that could change everything—partnerships. There’s no magic button—just start listening.








