2:45 简单介绍亚裔研究协会(Association for Asian American Studies);亚裔研究年会; 小说Blu’s Hanging 获奖引发争论和抗议;98年在夏威夷的年会
9:06 协会主要的期刊:Journal of Asian American Studies;期刊上近期对学科内部问题的反思;Black Studies 和Asian American Studies之间不平衡的交流;Asian Americanist在教职市场上的挣扎;亚裔研究对于中国留学生的讨论
14:31 为什么从政治学走向了族裔美国文学研究;在国内英语系的训练;海外经历
25:33 关于领域发展方向的观察
29:52 总体的参会感受
30:53 会不会去跟在场学者主动沟通;会跟什么样的学者主动沟通;学者Aimee Bahng
35:00 具体到panel;racial care的研究
37:20 参加的两个非传统的panel:亚裔年轻学者讨论学界内的她者化;亚裔年轻学者面临的压力;Aimee Bahng在达特茅斯tenure被拒;艺术家在会议现场被边缘化;Shawn Wong认为自己小说被误读
42:51 Panel之一:Aimee Bahng研究水在美国是如何被私有化的
44:18 Panel之一:Global Asia中的迁徙史
46:50 Panel之一:一个香港的民权运动家;“Humanity”的运用
48:58 Panel之一:Moon-Ho Jung讨论什么是Asian American Studies;Racial Triangulation; “Do your homework!”; 亚裔研究对帝国的批判;亚裔研究和环境研究的交叉
1:02:33 会议提供的mentor program;如何选择mentor;对谈中教授就论文写作,找教职,教书提的建议;不是亚裔能不能做亚裔研究
1:11:10 华大英语系就读体验; community氛围非常好;从第一年开始就要独立教课;第一次上课很紧张;如何克服恐惧;如何平衡教书和学术工作;教书的快乐
Blu’s Hanging. Lois-Ann Yamanaka
“Ambivalent Contingency and Queer Exuberance; Or, My Five Years on the Market.” Douglas Ishii
“Unwelcome Truths: On Chinese International Students and Asian American Studies.” erin Khuê Ninh
其中提到的学者:Elaine H. Kim
Intimacy of Four Continents. Lisa Lowe
Imagine Otherwise: On Asian Americanist Critique. Kandice Chuh
The Difference Aesthetics Makes: On the Humanities of "After Man.” Kandice Chuh
The Care Manifesto: The Politics of Interdependence. The Care Collective.
“Staying In: Mitski, Ocean Vuong, and Asian American Asociality.” Summer Kim Lee.
Moon-Ho Jung 对racial triangulation的批判:“Confronting the Racial State of Violence: How Asian American History Can Reorient the Study of Race,”in The Oxford Handbook of Asian American History.
The Feeling of Kinship: Queer Liberalism and the Racialization of Intimacy. David Eng
“The Racial Triangulation of Asian Americans.” Claire Jean Kim.
关于Asian American Cultural Nationalism见Aiiieeeee! An Anthology of Asian-American Writers. Frank Chin, Jeffery Paul Chan, Lawson Fusao Inada, Shawn Wong.
Asian American Literature: An Introduction to the Writings and Their Social Context. Elaine Kim.
关于亚裔研究和环境研究的交叉研究的例子:Min Hyoung Son的Climate Lyricism, Robert T. Hayashi, Marguerite Nguyen对于New Orleans的研究.
- Show
- PublishedOctober 2, 2023 at 8:40 PM UTC
- Length1h 28m
- RatingClean