What Shapes Us

Rebel Talk Network
What Shapes Us 팟캐스트

What Shapes Us is an exploration into the incidents and accidents that shape us into being. Selema Masekela, a relentlessly curious narrator of the human experience, takes us on a journey through personal anecdotes from his own life and in depth, conversational exchanges with a wide landscape of dynamic and interesting individuals. Athletes, activists, artists, critical thinkers, disruptors; anyone with a unique perspective on this thing called life, is welcome to contribute answers to the always evolving question...What Shapes Us

최고 5점
100개의 평가


What Shapes Us is an exploration into the incidents and accidents that shape us into being. Selema Masekela, a relentlessly curious narrator of the human experience, takes us on a journey through personal anecdotes from his own life and in depth, conversational exchanges with a wide landscape of dynamic and interesting individuals. Athletes, activists, artists, critical thinkers, disruptors; anyone with a unique perspective on this thing called life, is welcome to contribute answers to the always evolving question...What Shapes Us

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