The Unmedicated Girlies | Empowered & Informed Birth Education with Fierce Lizzie

Fierce Lizzie
The Unmedicated Girlies | Empowered & Informed Birth Education with Fierce Lizzie 팟캐스트

Welcome to The Unmedicated Girlies, the podcast for moms who want to be informed, empowered, and educated for birth and beyond. We know that an empowered birth leads to an empowered motherhood, and we know that it takes going against the status quo to get there. We are standing up for our values and we are doing it unapologetically.


최고 5점
80개의 평가


Welcome to The Unmedicated Girlies, the podcast for moms who want to be informed, empowered, and educated for birth and beyond. We know that an empowered birth leads to an empowered motherhood, and we know that it takes going against the status quo to get there. We are standing up for our values and we are doing it unapologetically.

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