Raising Deaf Kids- Hard of hearing, Hearing Loss, Sign Language, ASL, Listening and Spoken Language, Hearing Impaired

Raising Deaf Kids- Hard of hearing, Hearing Loss, Sign Language, ASL, Listening and Spoken Language, Hearing Impaired

Are you tired of spending your precious time after the kids go to bed googling and scrolling Instagram for answers, like “How do I learn sign language?” Do you feel overwhelmed by all of the decisions that you have to constantly make for your child? Do you dream about a day where you can just enjoy your family without worrying about language access or IEP goals? Hey! I’m Alaine Iacobs and I’m so glad we found each other on the Raising Deaf Kids podcast! I remember what it felt like to learn that my child was Deaf for the first time. It felt like the rug got torn out from under my feet and I was falling without a net in sight. It was hard for me to accept that my child was Deaf at first. And then came the overwhelm of all of the decisions that the professionals asked me to make when my baby was just 2 months old. How did I get through those crazy early years of learning new ways of life without completely going insane? By creating solid foundations for my child of communication strategies, academic skills and routines at home along with a rock solid faith in the Lord who guided all of my steps. The podcast will feature tactical ways to build language skills for your child, a no- sweat approach to starting the IEP process, stories from other moms who have been in your shoes, and advice from trusted experts in the field to help you make decisions that are right for your child and your family. Together we are going to build a strong foundation that will support your child and help them thrive! You can be confident that you are making the right decisions for your child and also be able to show up for the rest of your family and yourself. So put down that ASL app and ling 6 toys for now, and let’s get started!

  1. 2024. 10. 22.

    107 | 3 Tips for Navigating the Healthcare System and CMV with Dr. Megan Becker

    Are you new to the hearing loss diagnosis and finding it hard to navigate through the twists and turns of the medical system?   Does it leave you feeling desperate to find the right answers to help your child?   That’s exactly how  our guest, Dr. Megan Becker, felt when she got a CMV and hearing loss diagnosis for her son.   In this episode Megan details her family’s journey from the drawn out process of even getting the right diagnosis, to an even more drawn out process to navigating the next right steps through the healthcare system.   Megan shares what she wishes she would have known at the beginning of this journey, and gives parents excellent tips about how to advocate for your child through the medical system.   If you’re struggling through navigating medical experts with your child right now, then I hope that our chat today can give you some clarity on next steps that you can take, or questions that you can ask your doctor or specialist. ******* BE A RAISING DEAF KIDS INSIDER: Learn My Best Tips + Tricks to Teach Your Child Language in Less Time! Get exclusive tips, updates and support by joining our insider community. https://alainejacobs.myflodesk.com/raisingdeafkids    FREE RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY:  Access our free guides, connect with like-minded parents, and find additional support to navigate hearing loss.  https://linktr.ee/raisingdeafkids    Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com    National CMV Foundation --> https://www.nationalcmv.org/  Contact Megan --> me.thurston@gmail.com    Read the transcript for the episode -->  https://docs.google.com/document/d/19mQx_7My57sru8cg429HLDeeNlKJy0MC/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107780401743888028515&rtpof=true&sd=true

    1시간 5분
  2. 2024. 10. 15.

    106 | How I Stopped Listening to Instagram Influencers and Found the Confidence to Parent my Deaf Kids

    Do you feel overwhelmed with all of the information out there about parenting your kids?   Do you sometimes feel bad or anxious because, according to the internet you just aren’t doing enough to help your child?   Friend, I’ve been there, and I’m also here to speak to you from the other side!   While we can get some helpful information from Instagram, we also need to be discerning about who we’re getting our information from, and the underlying messages that shake our confidence in parenting our kids.   I know with 100% certainty that you can parent your child without all the noise. Let’s discuss discerning our messages today!   ******* 3 Key Bible Verses about Guarding Your Heart --> https://inthemirrorofgod.com/bible-verses-about-guarding-your-heart/    Proverbs 4:23 --> https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Proverbs%204%3A23&version=NIV   Proverbs 16:3----> https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Proverbs+16%3A3&version=ESV    Romans 12:2 --> https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+12%3A2&version=ESV    BE A RAISING DEAF KIDS INSIDER: Learn My Best Tips + Tricks to Teach Your Child Language in Less Time! Get exclusive tips, updates and support by joining our insider community. https://alainejacobs.myflodesk.com/raisingdeafkids    FREE RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY:  Access our free guides, connect with like-minded parents, and find additional support to navigate hearing loss.  https://linktr.ee/raisingdeafkids    Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com    Read the transcript for the episode -->  https://docs.google.com/document/d/19mQx_7My57sru8cg429HLDeeNlKJy0MC/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107780401743888028515&rtpof=true&sd=true

  3. 2024. 10. 08.

    105 | Don’t Have Enough Language To Communicate with Your Deaf Child? What to do to Instantly Start Communicating Better!

    Are you and your child frustrated at home because your child doesn’t know enough language to communicate effectively with you?   Do you feel desperate because you don’t know what your child wants?   Friend, I want to tell you that this is SO common with kids newly diagnosed with hearing loss. I also want to assure you that we can fix this today!   Listen in as we talk about what to do right now to instantly start communicating better with your child. Let’s discuss!   ****** If you liked this episode, you might also like: 57: Don't Have Enough Language with Your Deaf Child? 3 Things You Can Do Today to Start Instantly Communicating Better   68: 3 Ways That I Use Visual Systems in My Home to Get Rid of Frusteration and Tantrums    JOIN THE COACHING PROGRAM: Get 1:1 support in navigating hearing loss with confidence!  https://raisingdeafkids.com/coaching    BE A RAISING DEAF KIDS INSIDER: Learn My Best Tips + Tricks to Teach Your Child Language in Less Time! Get exclusive tips, updates and support by joining our insider community. https://alainejacobs.myflodesk.com/raisingdeafkids    FREE RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY:  Access our free guides, connect with like-minded parents, and find additional support to navigate hearing loss.  https://linktr.ee/raisingdeafkids    Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com    Read the transcript for the episode -->  https://docs.google.com/document/d/19mQx_7My57sru8cg429HLDeeNlKJy0MC/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107780401743888028515&rtpof=true&sd=true

  4. 2024. 10. 03.

    104 | Adopting A Child with Autism and Easily Traveling the World with a Special Needs Child with Jenifer Breaux

    Have you recently adopted a child with special needs and are looking for support? Do you wish to travel with your special needs child but think it’s too hard and overwhelming?   That’s where our guest, Jenifer Breaux is here to help! Jenifer is a luxury travel expert and a special needs advocate.   She is also a retired army veteran who served for 3 decades, and she was actively serving when she and her husband adopted their child with autism.   Jenifer wants all parents of special needs kids to know that dream destinations don’t have to be daunting or overwhelming!   In this episode Jenifer and I talk about adopting a special needs child, navigating complex medical care, and Jenifer gives tips about how to easily start traveling with your kids.    ****** JOIN THE COACHING PROGRAM: Get 1:1 support in navigating hearing loss with confidence!  https://raisingdeafkids.com/coaching    BE A RAISING DEAF KIDS INSIDER: Learn My Best Tips + Tricks to Teach Your Child Language in Less Time! Get exclusive tips, updates and support by joining our insider community. https://alainejacobs.myflodesk.com/raisingdeafkids    FREE RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY:  Access our free guides, connect with like-minded parents, and find additional support to navigate hearing loss.  https://linktr.ee/raisingdeafkids    Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com    Get Jenifer's Ultimate Top 10 Travel Tips --> https://www.iamjeniferbreaux.com/product-page/ultimate-top-10-travel-tips    Connect with Jenifer on Instagram --> https://www.instagram.com/iamjeniferbreaux    Subscribe to Jenifer's Youtube channel --> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRBv-scGRGo2yGxcMZYGi8w    Buy Jenifer's book on Amazon --> https://a.co/d/68TF78Y   Read the transcript for the episode -->  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zBJ1N-yfZ3Pey9I8yGzqoNJAzEpvnl0r/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107780401743888028515&rtpof=true&sd=true

    1시간 17분
최고 5점
30개의 평가


Are you tired of spending your precious time after the kids go to bed googling and scrolling Instagram for answers, like “How do I learn sign language?” Do you feel overwhelmed by all of the decisions that you have to constantly make for your child? Do you dream about a day where you can just enjoy your family without worrying about language access or IEP goals? Hey! I’m Alaine Iacobs and I’m so glad we found each other on the Raising Deaf Kids podcast! I remember what it felt like to learn that my child was Deaf for the first time. It felt like the rug got torn out from under my feet and I was falling without a net in sight. It was hard for me to accept that my child was Deaf at first. And then came the overwhelm of all of the decisions that the professionals asked me to make when my baby was just 2 months old. How did I get through those crazy early years of learning new ways of life without completely going insane? By creating solid foundations for my child of communication strategies, academic skills and routines at home along with a rock solid faith in the Lord who guided all of my steps. The podcast will feature tactical ways to build language skills for your child, a no- sweat approach to starting the IEP process, stories from other moms who have been in your shoes, and advice from trusted experts in the field to help you make decisions that are right for your child and your family. Together we are going to build a strong foundation that will support your child and help them thrive! You can be confident that you are making the right decisions for your child and also be able to show up for the rest of your family and yourself. So put down that ASL app and ling 6 toys for now, and let’s get started!

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