Spirit Anointed Leadership

Chris Conrad
Spirit Anointed Leadership

Whether you recognize it or not, you are constantly influencing and leading the people around you. But the real question is, what kind of leader are you? God invites each of us to be Spirit-Anointed Leaders. We can either lead from our own strength, greatly limiting our influence, or we can lead with the power of Holy Spirit pulsating through our lives - allowing Him to work through us to change the world around us. The simple truth is, our ministry FOR Jesus really should come out of our intimacy WITH Jesus. In order to see and experience the “exceedingly abundant fruit” Jesus wants to offer us, it is crucial we learn how to lead from a Spirit Anointed place. Join Chris Conrad as he guides the conversation through the hardships and victories many ministry leaders face and the power that comes from leading from a place of dependency and intimacy on Holy Spirit.

평가 및 리뷰

최고 5점
24개의 평가


Whether you recognize it or not, you are constantly influencing and leading the people around you. But the real question is, what kind of leader are you? God invites each of us to be Spirit-Anointed Leaders. We can either lead from our own strength, greatly limiting our influence, or we can lead with the power of Holy Spirit pulsating through our lives - allowing Him to work through us to change the world around us. The simple truth is, our ministry FOR Jesus really should come out of our intimacy WITH Jesus. In order to see and experience the “exceedingly abundant fruit” Jesus wants to offer us, it is crucial we learn how to lead from a Spirit Anointed place. Join Chris Conrad as he guides the conversation through the hardships and victories many ministry leaders face and the power that comes from leading from a place of dependency and intimacy on Holy Spirit.

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