109. Q&A (Leaving and Cleaving, Communicating Intentions, Managing Emotions, Dating with Kids)

Dates, Mates and Babies with the Vallottons

In this insightful Q&A session, the Vallottons tackle questions submitted by listeners pertaining to marriage and friendship.

Questions include:

1. When I really like someone I feel like I can't think straight anymore. When I’m around them and start to act differently, and I hate it. What's your advice on that?

2. What to do with a man who is confusing with his intentions even after asking for clarity. He's nice and respectful, but I'm still confused.

3. What does "leaving and cleaving" actually mean? And what does it practically look like?

4. When is the right time in dating to ask someone if they want kids?

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For information on the Marriage Intensive and other resources, go to jasonandlaurenvallotton.com !

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