Yoga Inspiration

Join Kino MacGregor, one of the world’s master yoga teachers, as she shares her yoga life hacks to translate the wisdom of yoga into a happier, more peaceful, more loving life. Listen to authentic, raw conversations and talks from Kino on her own and with real students about what yoga is really all about. Ignite or rekindle your inner spark to get on your mat and keep practicing.
Real deal
Thank you for giving Hala a voice and daring to talk about what’s happening in Lebanon and Gaza. I will forever respect you.
I’m here for the interviews
Kino is a great interviewer and chooses wonderful people to talk with. I’m always so glad I took the time to listen.
“Kino is AWESOME 💕 like meeting a new friend & rediscovering my more peaceful self “
I’m sharing a quote about Kino written by an artist named Cali Lili - because this called my attention to Kino’s work : “As a dancer who was also a teenage practitioner of yoga (as well as having been a teenage yoga teacher myself) I’m always aware that everyone is both a teacher and student at various times of day, various times of the year and various times in our lives. Kino recently came into my consciousness at a time when extra stress from current events & scheduling my own work - was becoming a REALLY big problem. Kino reminded me of my more peaceful self. The self I bring to my art , the self I share with others - in compassion- but which I forget too often, to bring to my … self. Self compassion and self care … are too often dismissed … and it’s an amazing moment when we can accept, that this type of gentle kindness, toward self, is equal to the kindnesses we bestow outside ourselves…thank you Kino. Thank you universe.”
If you’re a yoga student/teacher the podcast is an amazing recourse!
I’ve never felt so compelled to leave a review than after listening to todays episode #114 A Call To Ahimsa and a Prayer For Peace in Ukrainian. I’ve also never felt so proud to call Kino my teacher. Although we’ve only met in person one time I knew that her gentle yet firm way of teaching worked for me. I can easily understand the teachings of the eight fold path and with sustained practice it gets easier and easier but today was different. Today Kino is raw emotion and it is felt deeply. I sobbed as I listened but thankful to be here listening from a safe place as our brothers and sisters fight a war. I’ve stayed clear of the news before today because I know it doesn’t serve me too be so upset, afraid , angry at the situation but Kino explains what is happening in a way that I can hear it and pray/meditate/practice not only ahimsa but the other limbs of the practice SO that I may serve others without passing on fear/anger etc. I can’t wait to someday visit my teacher Kino in the new space in Miami! Peace and Love to all!
- صناع العملKino MacGregor
- سنوات النشاط٢٠٢٠ - ٢٠٢٥
- الحلقات١٩٨
- التقييمملائم
- موقع البرنامج على الويب
قد يعجبك أيضًا
- الرعاية الصحية البديلةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- الرعاية الصحية البديلةيتم التحديث كل أسبوعين
- الصحة واللياقةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- تطوير الذاتيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- الرعاية الصحية البديلةيتم التحديث كل أسبوعين
- الرعاية الصحية البديلةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- روحانياتيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا