We check in about what’s been happening in and to Russia since the “special military operation” started in Ukraine. Why most of Lily’s Russian friends are leaving or thinking about leaving, peoples’ fears about the current situation and future of being in Russia, and the humanitarian effects of mass sanctions and corporate virtue signaling against Russia. Links we referenced: https://musatkin.com/iran-sanctions/ https://journal.tinkoff.ru/news/brands-left-russia/ Past eps we mentioned: Maslenitsa: https://soundcloud.com/shes-in-russia/90-death-bliny Telegram: https://soundcloud.com/shes-in-russia/60-bear-with-a-stick-telegram-pt-1 https://soundcloud.com/shes-in-russia/61-whipping-boy-telegram-pt-2 VPNs and other resources: https://telegra.ph/CHto-delat-pri-otklyuchenii-interneta-02-27 Telegram channel: https://t.me/zatelecom
- Émission
- Publiée6 mars 2022 à 21:48 UTC
- Durée1 h 43 min
- ClassificationContenu explicite