Treasured Wellness- Biblical Mindset, Holistic Health, Christian Midlife, Improve Energy over 40, Overcome Fatigue & Stress

Michelle McCoy, Board Certified Functional Health Coach, CFHC, Holistic Practitioner, LEHP, Holistic Health Coach, Christian TV Show Host
Treasured Wellness- Biblical Mindset, Holistic Health, Christian Midlife, Improve Energy over 40, Overcome Fatigue & Stress

Welcome to TREASURED WELLNESS! **Top 1.5% Health and Faith Podcast GLOBALLY** As a Christian professional woman over 40 are you consistently struggling with low energy and foggy thinking? Are you frustrated and overwhelmed with all the conflicting and confusing midlife health information out there? Are you ready to simplify your whole health in a way that is good for YOUR body and not just another quick fix that is impossible to sustain? If you answered YES, YOU Are in the right place my friend! Because right here is where you get whole health clarity, confidence AND hope thru biblical and holistic health solutions. Hi, I’m Michelle, Holistic & Functional Health Coach, and fellow midlifer! As the heartbeat of your home, decide right now in this season to partner WITH God w/ discipline, intentionality and commitment to changing your life at midlife. Listen friend, Foggy thinking and chronic fatigue symptoms ARE NOT your lot in life just because you are in Midlife. I want you to know that there is FREEDOM in your whole health, yes even in this often-confusing midlife season! With Treasured Wellness, there is Biblical Freedom for you through Holistic Health solutions and Godly support which then will transform your mind, body, soul, & spirit and help you find this freedom in Midlife. You can choose right now to be fully committed to focusing on your health in this season after years of putting yourself last so that you can truly treasure your WELLNESS as you treasure your TEMPLE. Pour into yourself the way you have poured into others so that you regain energy, reduce the toxic inflammation causing many of your peri or menopausal symptoms and RECLAIM your whole health. To do what God has called you to do in this season and the next, feeling great in your WHOLE Health. Do YOU want to be WELL? I know you do. Together, Let’s take back your midlife health! XO~ Michelle Connect with me: Snag my FREE Foggy & Fatigued Freedom over 40 Resource: Join my FREE FB Group Page: Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40!! Disclaimer: By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others. Contact your own physician for any medical concerns you have. This entire disclaimer also applies to any guests or contributors to the podcast. Under no circumstances shall Treasured Wellness, LLC, guests or contributors be responsible for damages arising from the use of this podcast.

  1. 2 天前

    Exhausted to Energized: How Kate Lost Stubborn Weight, Boosted ENERGY & Balanced HORMONES Naturally #297

    Stuck in a cycle of exhaustion, bloating, weight gain or hormone challenges and wondering if you’ll ever feel like yourself again? Will you ever wake up energized? You’re not alone. Kate was right where you are, frustrated with low energy and feeling dismissed by doctors who told her everything was 'normal.' But in just a few short months, (WEEKS even) everything changed. Today, Kate shares how she regained her energy, lost inches, and balanced her hormones naturally...without restrictive dieting, prescription medications or band-aid fixes. Tune in to hear her biggest mindset shifts, the key changes that made all the difference, and how she finally started trusting her God-given instincts to heal from the inside out. AND, for you high-achiever who also feels like "more is more", you will really resonate with what Kate shares about her workouts, her body and her important ah-ha's! If you’re tired of feeling exhausted and stuck in your health and want to know what’s really possible for you, this client testimonial episode will bring you encouragement. But don't let it stop there. Take the next step and schedule your Free Fatigue Freedom Call and start getting real answers today. Click the link right below!   I pray this blesses & encourages you!XO, Michelle   Book your Free Fatigue Freedom Call today, and I’ll help you uncover why you are exhausted all the time! So you can finally see what’s keeping you from feeling like yourself again AND know what to do about it. You don’t have to figure out your exhaustion on your own and reach for pharmaceuticals or over the counter medications to help you through. There is a better way! Snag your time to talk about YOUR Fatigue on this free Fatigue Freedom Call!   Ask me your Fatigue Question!   **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40 ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health. **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on   AND YouTube   ***DISCLAIMER: By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others. Contact your own physician for any medical concerns you have. This entire disclaimer also applies to any guests or contributors to the podcast. Under no circumstances shall Treasured Wellness, LLC, guests or contributors be responsible for damages arising from the use of this podcast

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  2. 3月4日

    Renew ENERGY Naturally in 7 Days as a High-Achieving Woman in Midlife #296

    Do you want to renew your ENERGY in as little as 7 DAYS? And do it in a NATURAL way? It's possible. You are that busy high-achieving woman in this midlife season getting things DONE. And yet, your energy levels are in the toilet. Day in. Day out. You know when your alarm goes off in the morning you lay back and think to yourself NOOOOOOO. And then you start mentally reviewing your packed day. BUT chances are… you aren’t feeling overly EXCITED about getting up and fighting through another day of feeling tired, another day of your brain hurting trying to think  when you feel SO tired the majority of your day… (cuz you KNOW brain fog is REAL.)  Don’t you worry, I am sharing w/you my LESS IS MORE plan today and we are KEEPING IT SIMPLE. (Insert big sign of relief!) I promise you, if you commit to this easy plan to renew your energy NATURALLY…. In 7 days (or less) You WILL feel better. You WILL have more energy. You WILL have more mental clarity.  And it's all so DOABLE. These 3 steps are a super SIMPLE way to RENEW your ENERGY in a NATURAL way and help both your BRAIN & your BODY feel so much better.  I pray this blesses you & moves you to action!XO, Michelle   Book your Free Fatigue Freedom Call today, and I’ll help you uncover why you are exhausted all the time! So you can finally see what’s keeping you from feeling like yourself again AND know what to do about it. You don’t have to figure out your exhaustion on your own and reach for pharmaceuticals or over the counter medications to help you through. There is a better way! Snag your time to talk about YOUR Fatigue on this free Fatigue Freedom Call!   Ask me your Fatigue Question!   **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40 ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health. **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on   AND YouTube   ***DISCLAIMER: By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others. Contact your own physician for any medical concerns you have. This entire disclaimer also applies to any guests or contributors to the podcast. Under no circumstances shall Treasured Wellness, LLC, guests or contributors be responsible for damages arising from the use of this podcast

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  3. 2月25日

    'Normal' Labs But Still FATIGUED? The Tests MIDLIFE Women Should Get #295

    We've all heard it: "Your labs are 'normal'. But you FEEL like crap. You’re exhausted, your hair is thinning, (maybe even coming out in a handful), your brain feels foggy and like it’s running on low battery…when you used to feel like the energizer bunny…. but your doctor says, ‘Everything looks normal!’ Sound familiar? Today, we’re diving into the lab tests midlife women should be asking for OR ordering themselves.  Fun fact for you: just because a lab result is ‘in range’ doesn’t mean it’s optimal. AND just because something is common doesn’t make it normal…. SO just because your ranges may appear COMMON they may not be normal, especially if you are fighting fatigue, brain fog & other health concerns in this midlife season. This is why I take the functional & holistic approach that I do working with my clients and check labs using functional (not conventional) ranges.  Today, I dive into why 'normal' isn't OPTIMAL, what 5 key lab tests to ask for (or order yourself), common dismissals you may have heard and how you can advocate for yourself. YOU are your own best advocate for your midlife HEALTH! I pray this blesses you & gives you hope!XO, Michelle   Book your Free Fatigue Freedom Call today, and I’ll help you uncover why you are exhausted all the time! So you can finally see what’s keeping you from feeling like yourself again AND know what to do about it. You don’t have to figure out your exhaustion on your own.  Snag your time to talk about YOUR Fatigue on this free Fatigue Freedom Call!   Ask me your Fatigue Question!   **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40 ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health. **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on   AND YouTube   ***DISCLAIMER: By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others. Contact your own physician for any medical concerns you have. This entire disclaimer also applies to any guests or contributors to the podcast. Under no circumstances shall Treasured Wellness, LLC, guests or contributors be responsible for damages arising from the use of this podcast.

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  4. 2月18日

    When Pushing Through EXHAUSTION Stops Working: Real Life Coaching Session on FATIGUE #294

    When pushing through your exhaustion stops working what do you do? You know when you keep pushing through your fatigue, day in and day out… but deep down, you wonder if this is now your new normal? You’re showing up and getting things done, but it never feels productive enough...because you just can’t find that consistent energy you once had. And the worst part? You’re exhausted even when you’re not doing anything. You start asking yourself, where is this exhaustion even coming from? That’s exactly where Melanie was, telling me, ‘I don’t feel great every day,’ feeling mentally done after work, and barely having the energy to think about taking care of herself. Sound familiar? If so, you’re going to love today’s spotlight coaching call. I am talking with Melanie who is a beautiful high achieving woman struggling with exhaustion, lack of mental energy & to boot struggling with implementing boundaries around her own care… (hands raised everywhere) Melanie is sharing her day with us and how her daily constant fatigue is affecting her physically AND mentally.  Melanie shares how stress is high in her life, her energy is low and how she rarely feels good. You may see yourself a bit in her story and you will also walk away with some actions steps that you too can begin to implement right now to help support your body through your daily exhaustion. BUT don't stop there! Get to the bottom of WHY your exhaustion is daily.  I pray this blesses you & moves you to action today!XO, Michelle Book your Free Fatigue Freedom Call today, and I’ll help you uncover why you are exhausted all the time! So you can finally see what’s keeping you from feeling like yourself again. You don’t have to figure out your exhaustion on your own.  Snag your time to talk about YOUR Fatigue on this free Fatigue Freedom Call!     Ask me your Question!     **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40 ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health. **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on   AND YouTube   ***DISCLAIMER: By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others. Contact your own physician for any medical concerns you have. This entire disclaimer also applies to any guests or contributors to the podcast. Under no circumstances shall Treasured Wellness, LLC, guests or contributors be responsible for damages arising from the use of this podcast.

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  5. 2月11日

    The MINDSET Keeping you Stuck in EXHAUSTION + How to RECOVER #293

    Do you have a MINDSET that is keeping you stuck in a cycle of EXHAUSTION?  God has been showing me for years how He wants us to RENEW our MINDS as His daughters on this very specific topic.  Have you guessed it yet??  It's that little 4 letter word that we ALL WANT but feel we CAN'T do.  REST. It's this mindset you may carry around that is keeping you stuck in exhaustion.  The mindset that you don't have time to rest. (A LIE) The mindset that resting is lazy. (A LIE) The mindset that you just have to push through. (A LIE) God's timing is always so perfect and today He brought me this specific impromptu episode to speak LIFE into YOU. TRUTH & LIFE.  Do YOU carry this MINDSET that is keeping you stuck in EXHAUSTION?  Acknowledge the mindset and then obey the Father's prompting to do things differently. HIS way... not in your own strength.  Your SOUL is craving REST. God ordained this body, mind, spirit REST. Will you allow God to direct your steps to REST? Trust me on this one.... (& HIM) Women who REST.... Recover.  I pray this blesses you & moves you to action today!XO, Michelle Ask me your Question! Are you right now… feeling like you are so drained, so depleted so exhausted all the time and quite possibly heading directly towards burnout? If yes, do not hesitate to go to the link directly below to schedule your free Fatigue Freedom Call where we can identify your specific warning signs that you are potentially headed towards a fatigue crisis or burnout. Snag your time to talk about YOUR Fatigue!   **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40 ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health. **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on   AND YouTube   ***DISCLAIMER: By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others. Contact your own physician for any medical concerns you have. This entire disclaimer also applies to any guests or contributors to the podcast. Under no circumstances shall Treasured Wellness, LLC, guests or contributors be responsible for damages arising from the use of this podcast.

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  6. 2月4日

    Whole Health Freedom-Biblical MINDSET Shifts That Rewire Your BRAIN #292

    Is whole health freedom attainable? I mean, let's get real.... You’re exhausted before your feet even hit the floor in the morning. You hit snooze a few times just to get a few more minutes of sleep but you actually feel worse when you finally drag yourself to the shower. You are already mentally reviewing your busy day and nervous you will forget something…cuz it’s all so much! Your to-do list is never-ending and no matter how hard you push through, your energy, both mental and physical is barely running on fumes.  You keep Googling things like, “Why am I so tired even after sleeping?” or “Are my hormones the reason I can’t think?” OR "why am I exhausted all the time when my labs come back normal?" But every answer feels like just one more thing you don’t have time OR ENERGY to tackle.If you are anything like me, (or how I used to be), you are probably feeling pretty hopeless about the daily tiredness, mind blanks, the stress plus sheer overwhelm... AND YET you keep on trying to feel better. CUZ you are a DOER and a DRIVEN women who gets things DONE.  So you keep on trying…. Eating healthier, drinking more water, getting to bed earlier, forcing those workouts hoping they will be THE THING that explodes your energy.  I see you, and I know you’re not just looking for another “quick fix.” You need real solutions that fit YOU. For your physical, mental AND spiritual health. That’s why you’re here in the Treasured Wellness community. And if you’re like me…. You are TIRED of the secular advice out there that ignores your faith. You are looking for a God-centered, holistic approach that helps you to reclaim your energy while staying aligned with your values. (NOT new age nonsense.) SO let me encourage you to STILL HAVE HOPE that there really IS a thing called WHOLE HEALTH FREEDOM from the very One who created you! You just need to turn to God and SHIFT your mindset to a biblical focus that will actually retrain your brain! (God is so good!) I pray this blesses you & moves you to action today!XO, Michelle Ask me your Question! Are you right now… feeling like you are so drained, so depleted so exhausted all the time and quite possibly heading directly towards burnout? If yes, do not hesitate to go to the link directly below to schedule your free Fatigue Freedom Call where we can identify your specific warning signs that you are potentially headed towards a fatigue crisis or burnout. Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!   **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40 ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health. **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on   AND YouTube

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  7. 1月28日

    Fight Daily FATIGUE & BURNOUT with Faith Fueled TRUTH #291

    How can you fight your daily fatigue (& possible burnout) with faith fueled truth?  Is it even possible?? You woke up this morning already tired. You have a full day as usual. You're juggling work deadlines, family, commitments...(+ everything in between.) You keep telling yourself  you'll rest "later," in the afternoon if time allows but later rarely comes. You WANT to stop and do "nothing" just for a min. but your busy schedule (+ your mindset) won't let you. Burnout seems inevitable. You can't take much more.  Scrolling through your phone at the end of the day (and/or on lunch) might feel like a break, but let's be's not the kind of rest your soul (or body) needs.  Your brain still feels tired after a scroll session doesn't it?   Let's flip the scrip on resting the worlds way vs God's way. (Spoiler alert...HIS way is SO much better!) Here's the truth: chronic (aka daily) fatigue and constant stress can quietly lead to burnout.  You might not notice it until it's too late, but the warning signs are there. Your body is always talking to you. Going through an intense period of stress can severely deplete your cortisol levels and leave you simply EXHAUSTED.  SO exhausted you feel drained each morning before you even DO anything.  I can totally relate to this my friend.  And because I can totally relate…. I wanted to share 4 specific verses to bring you encouragement as a midlife woman facing fatigue and potentially burnout. This is gonna make you WANT to take a 'mini sabbath' and change your mindset on how you feel about rest, stress and burnout.  Can you REALLY fight your daily FATIGUE? Absolutely my friend! I pray this blesses you & moves you to action today!XO, Michelle Are you right now… feeling like you are so drained, so depleted so exhausted all the time and quite possibly heading directly towards burnout? If yes, do not hesitate to go to the link directly below to schedule your free Fatigue Freedom Call where we can identify your specific warning signs that you are potentially headed towards a fatigue crisis or burnout. Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!   **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40 ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health. **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on   AND YouTube

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  8. 1月21日

    How Grief, Stress & Chronic Fatigue Can Lead to Your BURNOUT w/Guest Dr. Ioana Popa #290

    What does going through times of grief, stress and chronic fatigue have to do with burnout? My guest today is Dr. Ioana Popa, a physician-psychiatrist, nationally board certified leadership & life coach & speaker. She will share with us how the nervous system greatly needs support during times of grief, stress and chronic fatigue. AND will walk us through an easy and doable practice that we can do each day to help center ourselves, keep our focus on the Lord and treasure our temple.  Dr. Ioana Popa also has a great podcast called: Thriving in Christ. You will want to check that out. You will love the doable and helpful tips that Dr Popa shares with us to help us be fully present with ourselves & the Lord each day.  Because you’re in the TW community you know how I feel about the importance of self care and how it is biblical. (Repeat after me: Self care is Biblical.) So girl pop those earbuds in or turn this up in the car cuz you will breathe a deep sigh of relief as you are listening!  As we talk about Dr. Ioana's pivotal moment in her life that brought her to burnout, I ask you: Has there been a pivotal moment in your life that has led to your burnout? Perhaps a time of stress that went on a lot longer than you ever thought possible… like mine. Depleting my cortisol and all my hormones, which kept me chronically tired and led to stage 3 adrenal fatigue along with HPA Axis disfunction...all of that fun stuff threw me into total burnout.  Are you right now… feeling like you are so drained, so depleted so exhausted all the time and quite possibly heading directly towards burnout? If you are nodding your head yes then before you listen to this interview, go to the link directly below to schedule your free Fatigue Freedom Call where we can identify your specific warning signs that you are potentially headed towards a fatigue crisis or burnout. I pray this blesses you & moves you to action today!XO, Michelle Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!   **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40 ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health. **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on   AND YouTube   Connect with Dr. Ioana:  WEB YOUTUBE FB FREE COURSE for your audience coupon_code=RENEWALSEEDS100

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Welcome to TREASURED WELLNESS! **Top 1.5% Health and Faith Podcast GLOBALLY** As a Christian professional woman over 40 are you consistently struggling with low energy and foggy thinking? Are you frustrated and overwhelmed with all the conflicting and confusing midlife health information out there? Are you ready to simplify your whole health in a way that is good for YOUR body and not just another quick fix that is impossible to sustain? If you answered YES, YOU Are in the right place my friend! Because right here is where you get whole health clarity, confidence AND hope thru biblical and holistic health solutions. Hi, I’m Michelle, Holistic & Functional Health Coach, and fellow midlifer! As the heartbeat of your home, decide right now in this season to partner WITH God w/ discipline, intentionality and commitment to changing your life at midlife. Listen friend, Foggy thinking and chronic fatigue symptoms ARE NOT your lot in life just because you are in Midlife. I want you to know that there is FREEDOM in your whole health, yes even in this often-confusing midlife season! With Treasured Wellness, there is Biblical Freedom for you through Holistic Health solutions and Godly support which then will transform your mind, body, soul, & spirit and help you find this freedom in Midlife. You can choose right now to be fully committed to focusing on your health in this season after years of putting yourself last so that you can truly treasure your WELLNESS as you treasure your TEMPLE. Pour into yourself the way you have poured into others so that you regain energy, reduce the toxic inflammation causing many of your peri or menopausal symptoms and RECLAIM your whole health. To do what God has called you to do in this season and the next, feeling great in your WHOLE Health. Do YOU want to be WELL? I know you do. Together, Let’s take back your midlife health! XO~ Michelle Connect with me: Snag my FREE Foggy & Fatigued Freedom over 40 Resource: Join my FREE FB Group Page: Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40!! Disclaimer: By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others. Contact your own physician for any medical concerns you have. This entire disclaimer also applies to any guests or contributors to the podcast. Under no circumstances shall Treasured Wellness, LLC, guests or contributors be responsible for damages arising from the use of this podcast.









